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Sakhi Duysen

Sakhi Duysen


Doctor of Engineering, Professor

Phone: 8(717)2-39 75 59



Sphere of scientific interests Architect, planning of buildings. Design.

Delivered disciplines Architectural planning.






Kazakh chemical  institute of technology;

All-Union polytechnic institute, Moscow, postgraduate; Moscow construction institute, increase of qualifications; Moscow state open university, doctorate.


Work  experience

1979-1996  Lecture, associate professor, laboratory manager, department chair, dean, vice rector of Kyzylorda polytechnic institute named under I.Zhakhayev;

 1996-1998  Director of Karatau technical complex Zhambyl state university;

 1998-2004  Dean of Karatau technical faculty Taraz state university named under M.H.Dulati;

 1999-2000   Executive rector of Agrotechnical institute in Karatau; 

 2004-2005  Adviser rector of Agrotechnical institute in Karatau; 

 2001-2004  Academic professor of Kazakh chief architectural and construction academy;

 2005-2010  Professor of Technical institute of the Southern Kazakhstan state university by  M. Auyezov;

 2005-2008 Deputy head of department, head of Department of State Architectural and Construction Control of Southern Kazakhstan area;

 2008-2010 since  Technical director of «Kurylys Marketing» LLP;

 2010  Professor of Kazakh Agrotechnical university named under S. Seyfullin. 

Awards and honors

  1. 1987 - Bronze medal EANE USSR;
  2. 2003 - Medal of Keldysh Academic;
  3. 2007 - the Medal for 50 anniversary of construction and the 45th anniversary of architectural education in Kazakhstan. Almaty, KAZGASA;
  4. 2010 - the Medal for celebration of the 75th anniversary of formation Kyzylorda state university named by Korkyt-Ata;
  5. 2012 - the Medal for celebration of the 55th anniversary of KAZATU named by S. Sefullin;
  6. 2013 - the Certificate of honor Committee affairs of construction of MPP RK.

Professional Development

  1. 2008 - Program of decrease in information equality in the Republic of Kazakhstan. SKR Shymkent;
  2. 2009 - course Program on professional development of state employers. SKR Shymkent;
  3. 2010 - "An assessment of reliability and stability function of existing buildings and constructions". KAZNIISA, Almaty;
  4. 2011 - the State license GSL No. 0007039 for occupation "Expert works and engineering services". UGASK, Astana;
  5. 2012 - Participation in a workshop "Modernization of processing equipment, building of new production objects and automation of technological processes at the enterprises of construction industry and processing industry enterprises". JSC ELTIKON, Moscow;
  6. 2013 - Participation in a workshop "Effective work the work organization with contractors". Organizers: McKinsey & Company and Uayt&keys company.

Published works

More than 100 scientific and methodical works, including 70-scientific articles, 33 educational and methodical elaboration, 1 monograph and 5 textbooks and tutorials, main of them:

  1. Steel concretes construction Tutoral. Publishing house of TARGU named by M.Kh.Dulati. Taraz, 1998.
  2. Mechanics destruction of concrete various macrostructure. Monograph. MGOU publishing house. Moscow, 2002 (in a co-authorship).
  3. Bases calculation of construction designs. Textbook. Foliant publishing house. Astana, 2008 (in a co-authorship).
  4. Count of Steel concretes construction and planning. Textbook. Evero publishing house. Almaty, 2009 (in a co-authorship).
  5. Reconstruction of building and houses Tutorial. YuKGU publishing house of M. Auyezov. Shymkent, 2013 (in a co-authorship).