Main / ППС / Saparov Orazbai Saparovich
Saparov Orazbai Saparovich

Saparov Orazbai Saparovich


Candidate of   Technical  Sciences,

Associate Professor

"Agrarian equipment and technology»

Office 3203, tel. +7 (7172) 31-80-90



Research interests:

Improving the design of the surface soil loosening tools used in areas with soils susceptible to wind erosion and its working bodies

Readable disciplines:

"Use machines" "Industrial maintenance machinery and truck-tor Park", "technical service in agriculture", "Fundamentals of patenting and technical creativity"


1962 - 1967 gg.- Tselinograd. Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

1972 - 1976 gg.- full-time postgraduate study in Tselinograd Agricultural Institute at the Department "Exploitation of machine-tractor fleet-foot";

1972 g.- highest state training courses supervised-yaschih, engineering - technical and research workers on patents and inventions. Certificate with distinction № 001089.Registration № 4609, April 7, 1972. Moscow.


1960-1962 GG mechanic with Enbekshilder of Dzhambul district of Kokchetavregion .;

1962-1967g.g. student of full-time teaching faculty of mechanization of agriculture Tselinograd Agricultural Institute;

1967-1969 GG mechanic brigade, engineer supervisor MTM, head-uyuschy machine-tractor workshops, Engineer with over;

1969-1972gg. - Post-graduate full-time study of the Department "Exploitation of machines and tractors" Tselinograd Agricultural Institute;

1972-1985 gg.- assistant, Art. Lecturer, Associate Professor Department of EMTP;

1985-2001gg.- head of "EMTP", later rename-anny to "Use machines " then on "technical service";

With the years 2001- Associate Professor of "Use machines ", "technical service", is currently Associate Professor of "Agricultural machinery and technology"; 

Awards, diplomas:

- Medal "Veteran of Labour", Decision №1 / 40 from 28.02.1990g.

- Jubilee medal "55 years KATU them. S.Seifullin »№052, 1968.

- The badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", ud.№00535 from 11.09.2007g,.

- The badge "Honorary Worker of the University", the Protocol №11,14.05. 2011,

- Commemorative Medal "Professor Gendelman MA 100 years since the birth of "

- Diploma of the Minister of agricultural Kazakhstan, 2015.,

- Medal "Honorary Ardager" Ministry of Agriculture, 2015.

- Medal "For Contribution to Education",   2016.

-  Diploma "For high professional skill and hard work for the benefit of the Republic of Kazakhstan»,    2016.

-  Gratitude  from the akim of Saryarka district to Independence Day of Kazakhstan, 2016.


- University of Marxism - Leninism Tselinograd Regional Committee of the CP Kazakhstan. Diploma №2767 from 6.06.1979g .;

- Faculty training - seminar meeting "in-line - a complex method of utilization of the machine - tractor fleet" Gosagroprom USSR. Voroshilovgrad Agricultural Institute.Certificate. Registration №415, 12.02.1981g .;

- Courses at the Minsk Tractor Plant. Lenin. Certificate №79. Decision №8350 from 2.02.1982g .;

- Faculty training in the specialty "Computer Science" at the Leningrad Institute agricultural. Certificate.Registration №7, 31.03.1986g.Leningrad .;

- Refresher courses at universities teachers Chelyabinsk

Institute of mechanization and electrification (CHIMESKH), Chelyabinsk, 1982 .;

- Advanced training of specialists of enterprises State Agricultural Committee of the USSR at small capacity branch GOSNITI maintenance and diagnostics of tractors. Identity. Free Registration №8191-onny 23.12.1988g .;

- Courses "Practical work on the personal computer» IBM PC / AT 3705011. The certificate in the specialty. SPC "Tehnoresurs" 11.05.2005. Astana city.


  1. The working body pochvoobrabatyv-ayuschego guns. Innovative patent №25199. 20.12.2011. Bulletin №12;
  1. Saparov O.Rabochy body surface soil loosening Innovative patent №25441. 15.02.2012. Newsletter №2
  1. Saparov O. "method of surface soil loosening." The innovative ny RK № 26322. Patent Bulletin №11, 15.11.2012;
  1. Saparov O.Snizhenie traction guns resistance surface Loosening pochvy.Tezisy reports Republican scientific-theoretical Conference "Seyfullinskie read-8." -Astana: KazATU S.Seifullin. s.126-127;
  2. Saparov O. Mataeva AB Work tools for loosening the body surface of the soil mulch. RK innovative patent number 30188 Bulletin№8; 17.08.2015
  3. Saparov O. «Disc needle  of the working body for the    surface treatment  of the soil mulch». Proceedings of the international conference   "Current Science of the 21st century. Recent research and perspectives. " Kazan, 2016.- 195-199 p.