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Satbayev Dulat Kabdullaevich

Satbayev Dulat Kabdullaevich


Assistant of the department of physical culture

Phone: 8 775 380 61 70, Victory avenue 62


Sphere of scientific interests

Physical culture and sports, sports psychology of the sportsmen of high sportsmanship, theory and methodology of physical education.


1995-1997 – Amankaragay Pedagogic college, specialty - the teacher of physical culture.

2005- Kostanay State pedagogic institute named after A. Baitursynov, specialty “The teacher of physical culture” (coach of Kazakh wrestling)

Work experience:

1997-2004- High school №1 of  Kazanbas, the teacher of physical culture, Kostanai.

2004-2006 teacher of physical culture, school №15, Rudny,  Kostanai.

2006- 2007 teacher of physical culture, school №5, Rudny, Kostanai.

From 2012 to the present time assistant of “physical education” of department of Kazakh Agro technical university named after S.Seifullin.

Awards and Honour

«Best coacher – 2016»

Delivered disciplines

2014- Referee of the first category of belt wrestling RK.

2016- Master sports RK beltwrestling.

2016- courses of specialty Phycology of sports “Psychology of sportsmen of high sportsmenship”