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Satybaldieyva Gulmira Kalmashevna

Satybaldieyva Gulmira Kalmashevna


Candidate (Ph.D.) of Biological Science,

Associate Professor, Head of the Ecology Department  

Office 7406, +7 (717) 238-39-11



Sphere of scientific interests

Ecology, Zoology, Biology, Hydrobiology, Parasitology

Delivered disciplines

Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (Bachelor’s),

Environmental Education and Worldview (Bachelor’s),

Environmental monitoring (Bachelor’s),

Biological ecology (Bachelor’s),

Environmental Concepts and Agriculture Sustainable development (Master’s) 



Biological Faculty of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty of   "Biology"


Almaty Technological University, specialty "6B05201 – Ecology"


Defense of a candidate's thesis on the topic “Assessment of the growth and development of mass species of aquatic mollusks of the Shu River” in the specialties: 03.00.16 - ecology and 03.00.08 - zoology


Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the CCSES MES RK


Work experience


Junior Researcher, Laboratory malacology the Institute of Zoology of NAS of RK


Assistant,  Senior lecturer,  Associate professor incumbent,  Associate professor,  Professor incumbent of Biological faculty of al-Farabi KazNU


Head of the ecology department at the S.Seifullin KATU


Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin

Since 21.12.2023

Head of the Department of Ecology of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin


Advanced training courses


Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable Development French Academy of Sciences


Anti-corruption management systems - ISO Implementation Agency


Digital competence of a teacher. An effective online activity. Belarusian National Technical University -(Belarus, Minsk)


Management of an educational organization for managers. Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Distance learning technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services, KATU named after S.Seifullin


Occupational safety and health - High level education


English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - Coursera


Clarification of the norms of the New Environmental Code -Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Methods for analyzing the variability of morphological features and habitual features in fish", Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2021


Precision Agriculture, S. Seifullin KATU


Methods for analyzing the variability of morphological features and habitual features in fish, Lomonosov Moscow State University


Clarification of the norms of the New Environmental Code -Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Biological Ecology, KAZPROFI Training Center


Environmental concepts and agriculture. Sustainable development, KAZPROFI Training Center


Modern innovative waste management technologies (Astana)


Sustainability and Waste Management (Kostanay)


Circular Economy (Latvia, Riga)


Sustainable waste management (Germany, Wismar)




Jubilee medal for the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU, No. 055



Certificate of Honor, Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Excellence in Ecology (N406 from 08.12.2023),

Ministry of Ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Published works

Author of 215 published works: 1 monograph, 1 textbook, 22 educational and methodical manuals, 5 standard programs for students of higher educational institutions, 25 author's certificates, 13 electronic textbooks and 36 educational and methodical manuals for school students, 112 scientific and methodological articles. 17 works have been published in scientific publications included in the Web of Science and Scopus information resources. The Hirsch index is WoS – 2, Scopus – 5.

  1. Қазақстан биоресурстары: оқу құралы. - Алматы.: Қазақ университеті. 2016. - 322 б. Соавторлар: Мухитдинов Н.М., Есжанов Б.Е., Тыныбеков Б.М.
  2. Гидробиология. Оқу құралы. - Нұр-Cұлтан.: С. Сейфуллин атындағы ҚАТУ баспасы, 2021. – 119 б. Соавторлар: Қарағойшин Ж.М., Баринова Г.Қ
  3. Қоршаған орта және тұрақты даму» пәнінен кейстар жинағы. Оқу құралы. - Алматы.: Фортуна полиграф баспасы, 2021. – 113 б. Соавтор: Бөрібай Э.С.
  4. Arealogical features of essential oil plants of the natural flora of the foothill semi-desert zone of the Turkestan region according to the seasons. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism Volume 10, Issue 7, Winter 2019, Pages 1601-1608. DOI: CiteScore 2019 – 1.6. Percentile – 51. Ibragimov, T. S., Kuatbaev, A. T., Altybaev Zh.M., Orazbaev, A. E.
  5. Environmental Dynamics of the Ribbon-Like Pine Forests in the Parklands of North Kazakhstan. Forests 2022, 13, 2. ttps:// Квартиль – Q1. Zhumadina Sh, Chlachula Jiri, Zhaglovskaya-Faurat A.,  Czerniawska J., Nurbayeva N.,  Mapitov N.,  Myrzagaliyeva Aand Boribay E.
  6. The Current State of Zooplankton Diversity in the Middle Caspian Sea during Spring. Diversity 2023, 15, 798. (Q2, Web of Science). Квартиль – Q2. Moldir Aubakirova, Zhanara Mazhibayeva, Saule Zh. Assylbekova, Kuanysh B. Isbekov, Bekzhan Barbol, Zamira Bolatbekova, Nurgul Jussupbekova, Aidana Moldrakhman.
  7. Species diversity of zooplankton of small steppe lakes of the Northern part of Kazakhstan. Gulmira Satybaldiyeva, Nazym Sapargaliyeva, Sayat Sharakhmetov, Zarina Inelova, Emil Boros, Elena Krupa, Аizhan Utarbaeyva and Kazbek Shupshibayev. Water, 2023. Volume 15. Issue 23. P.1-16. (Q1, Web of Science)
  8. Видовой состав и морфо-биологические данные рыб из оз. Солонцы (Северо-Казахстанская область). Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, Серия биологическая, № 4(89)2021. – С. 150-162. Соавторы: Шарахметов С.Е., Сапаргалиева Н.С., Жанабергенов А.О., Шупшибаев К.К., Аубакирова Г.А., Утарбаева А.Ш., Бекпергенова Ж.Б.
  9. Майбалық көлінің кәсіптік ихтиофаунасының жағдайы (Ақмола облысы, Қазақстан)// Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, серия биологическая, 2022, №4(93), с.107-115. Соавторлар: Шарахметов С.Е., Сапаргалиева Н.С., Барбол Б.І., Аубакирова Г.А., Жанабергенов А.О., Шупшибаев К.К., Утарбаева А.Ш., Бекпергенова Ж.Б.
  10. Солтүстік Қазақстан су қоймаларының кәсіптік балықтарының паразитофаунасы. Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, Серия биологическая, № 3(96)2023. – С. 113-122. Соавторлар: Барбол Б.І., Шарахметов С.Е., Аубакирова М.О., Кабдолов Ж.Р., Джусупбекова Н.М., Жанабергенов А.О., Шупшибаев К.К., Утарбаева А.Ш., Бекпергенова Ж.Б.