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Seitkamzina Dinara Maratovna

Seitkamzina Dinara Maratovna


PhD in Veterinary Science, Senior Lecturer

Date of Birth:26.02.1979.

Telephone:+7 (707)84550 17


Place of Birth: East Kazakhstan regionSemey (Semipalatinsk)

Familystatus: married, three children


1998 - 2003 year.

Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarima, specialty Veterinary sanitation

2003-2006 year.

Postgraduate studies at the Semipalatinsk University named after Shakarima, Department of Veterinary Sanitation


2007 - 2011 year.

Lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Turan-Astana University

2012 – 2015 year.

Assistant of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, S. Seifullin KATU

2015 – year.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, S. Seifullin KATU


08.12.2014year. Completed advanced training in the cycle "Radiation safety when working with sources of ionizing studies" Certificate of advanced training.09.02.2015 year.Advanced training in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" "X-ray diagnosis of hip and elbow dysplasia of dogs and cats" - "X-ray diagnosis of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of small animals using barium sulfate"

25.10.2019 year."Veterinary diets PRO PLAN VETERINARY DIETS" participation in the seminar.

24.12.2019 year.Completed advanced training "Universitettegi turbie ortasy: dusturler men innovatsialar" Certificate.

2019 year. Qualification improvement certificate on the topic: "Principles of Veterinary Clinical Research and Subject Clinical Practice under Special Attention" held from 09/28/2019 to 09/29/2019 organized by Boehringer Ingelheim under the direction of MartinKnaus.

17.08.2020 year.Completed training at the seminar "Distance educational technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services" Certificate.


  1. "Recommendations for carrying out epizootic monitoring in case of helminthiasis" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Joint Stock Company "Kazagroinnovation" LLP "KAZNIVI" - Almaty, 2014 Dzhusupbekova N.M., Seitkamzina D.M., Shalabayev B.A.
  2. "Associative invasions of sheep" Materials of the international scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Knowledge of young people for the development of veterinary medicine and agro-industrial complex of the country" -Saint Petersburg, 2014 Dzhusupbekova N.M., Seitkamzina D.M., Suleimenov M.Zh ...
  3. "Helminth fauna of wild canidae in Kazakhstan". International scientific-practical conference "Intensification of the hunting economy and the development of national types of hunting." International scientific-practical conference "Intensification of the hunting economy and the development of national types of hunting." Leader L.A., Kiyan V.S., Akibekov O.S., Usenbaev A.E., Seitkamzina D.M. Nur-Sultan, 2019 p.54-57.
  4. "Infection with intestinal parasitic enteropathogens of the dog population of the shelter of homeless animals (Nur-Sultan)". International scientific-practical conference "Intensification of the hunting economy and the development of national types of hunting." Bauer K., Usenbaev A.E., Zhanabaev A., Seitkamzina D.M. Nur-Sultan, 2019 p. 57-62.
  5. Bauer Ch. Lider L.A., Ussenbayev A.E., Zhanabayev A.A., Seyitkamzina D.M. Intestinal helminth and coccidian parasites in stray dogs housed in the municipal animal shelter of Nur-sultan city and recommendations for a parasite control. Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina (interdisciplinary) № 3 (102). Nur-Sultan 2019.
  6. «Intestinal helminths of wild Canidae from the Kazakhstan steppe ecosystems» Lydmila Lider, Sergey Leontyev, Altay Ussenbayev, Vladimir Kiyan, Orken Akibekov, Dinara Seitkamzina, Assylbek Zhanabayev. Veterinaria,Vol 69, №2, 2020. Р.111-119.