Main / ППС / Seidualiev Zhumabek Turebekovich
Seidualiev Zhumabek Turebekovich

Seidualiev Zhumabek Turebekovich


Associate Professor of the Department of physical training.

Tel: 87756933394


Research interests:

Physical training and sport, Sports psychology of sportsmen of the top sportsmanship, the Theory and the methods of physical training
Teaching discipline


Educational institution: 1984-1988yy. - Kazakh Institute of physical training.

Faculty: Coaching

Specialty: Teacher of physical training and Coach of Boxing

Qualification: Teacher of physical training, coach.

1981-1982 Boxing Coach of youth, in the village Mikhailovka, Zhambyl region.

1982-1984 Military service in the armed Forces of the USSR.

1984-1988 studied at the Institute of KAZ IFK.

1988-1989 Dzhambul technological Institute of Light and Food Industry

1997-2011 Coaching of Olympic reserve School of Almaty

2011-2012 Kazakh Agrarian University, Almaty

2012-2016 Kazakh National Pedagogical University Named After Abay

2016-2017 University of Technology and Business

2017 S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University,

Awards and Honours:

  1. Honored Boxing Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2012
  2. Awarded the medal “The best employee in the field of physical education”
  3. Certificate of Honor of Akim of Karaganda region for the contribution of the youth policy of the city Karaganda.


  1. Methodical manuals for students in Boxing (in kaz.lang.)
  2. Study guide for Boxing students. «Methodology in the training process” (in rus.lang.)