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Serikbayeva Assem Baltabekovna

Serikbayeva Assem Baltabekovna


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics
62a Pobedy Avenue, building No. 2,
office 2418, phone:+7(7172)38-87-72,


Field of scientific interests

Computer science, methods of teaching computer science, algorithmization and programming, inclusive education, numerical methods.

Subjects taught

Information and communication technologies, Applications of discrete mathematics and numerical methods


1986–1991 гг. Buketov KarSU, Faculty of Mathematics, Karaganda    
2013-2015 гг. Master's degree, Bolashak University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Work experience

September – December 1991 - Engineer of the 2nd category of the Department of Computational Mathematics of KarSU;
1992-2000 – Lecturer at the Department of Computational Mathematics of the E.A. Buketov KarSU;
2001 – August 2021 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the E.A. Buketov KarU;
September 2021 – August 2023 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems of S. Seifullin KATU;
September 2023- present Senior lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the S.Seifullin KATRU.

Professional development

-    «Современные инновационные технологии в образовании», The Center of Pedagogical Excellence of Nazarbayev University, certificate, ТО №000289, 2015;
-    «Методическое сопровождение процесса инклюзивного образования», Faculty of Advanced Training of E.A. Buketov KarSU, certificate, №1030018, 2018;
-    Введение в программирование на Python, 18.11.2019-17.12.2019, National Open University Intuit, Moscow, certificate, №101290408.
-    SQL course, 12.11.2020-12.12.2020, Sololearn қашықтықтан курс, certificate,  #1060-17695972;
-    «Работа в программе Cisco Packet Tracer», 23.08.2022-06.09.2022, National Open University Intuit, Moscow, certificate, №101545177;
-    «Основы параллельного программирования», 23.09.2022-06.10.2022, National Open University Intuit, Moscow, certificate, №101745175;
-    Базы данных, 04.04.2022-16.04.2022, НМЦ Ziat, Astana, certificate,  №С-03146;
-    Желілік технологиялар, 05.09.2022-17.09.2022, НМЦ Ziat, Astana, certificate,  №С-03517;
-    Информационные технологии, 22.10.2022-05.11.2022, National Open University Intuit, Moscow, certificate,  №101556586.
-    Работав Microsoft PowerPoint XP, 23.11.2023-11.12. 2023, National Open University Intuit, Moscow, certificate,  №101632496
-    Инновации в образовательном процессе: теория, методика, практика в высшей школе, 15.01.2024-25.01.2024, KATRU named after S. Seifullin, certificate, №280

Published works

Author of more than 53 scientific papers. The most important in the presented directions:

  1. Серикбаева А.Б., Букенов М.М., Портнов В.С. Вариационные и численные методы в задачах геомеханики. // textbook, Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSTU, 1997. -121 р.
  2. Серикбаева А.Б., Букенов М.М., Портнов В.С. Методы сортировки на языке Паскаль. // textbook, Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSTU, 1997. -97 р.
  3. Серикбаева А.Б. Паскаль тіліне арналған есептер жинағы. // textbook, Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSU, 2004. -86 р.
  4. Жумашева А.Т., Серикбаева А.Б. «Есептеу математикасына кіріспе»// Electronic textbook, certificate № 333, 23.12.2004.
  5. Букенов М.М., Серикбаева А.Б., Разностные схемы для численного решения задач теории упругости для несжимаемых сред.// Bulletin of Karaganda University. -Mathematics Series, 2003. -№3. –Р.5-10.
  6. Букенов М.М., Серикбаева А.Б., Математическое моделирование динамической задачи для несжимаемой среды. Bulletin of Karaganda University. -Mathematics Series, 2008. -№ 1.-Р. 11-15.
  7. Серикбаева А.Б. Білім берудегі интегралды технология. Bulletin of Karaganda University. -Mathematics Series, 2010. -№ 1.-Р. 80-8
  8. D.K. Koikelova, M.M. Bukenov, A.M. Kankenova, R. Muratkhan, A.B. Serikbayeva. Asymptotic of solving a dynamic problem of elasticity theory for an incompressible medium //Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. - 2022. -Vol.100. -No 8. –P.2687-2695.
  9. Omarkhanova D., Zakirova A., Abdygalikova G., A.B. Serikbayeva. Modeling of the interpretation problem by the radar research method. // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. - 2022. -Vol.100. -No 19. –P.5639-5647.
  10. Омарханова Д. Ж., Оралбекова Ж. О., Шолпанбаев Б. Б., Серикбаева А.Б. Автоматтандырылған георадиолокациялық жүйе арқылы жер жабындарын зерттеу деректерін интерпретациялау. // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. –Energy Series, 2022. -№4. –Б.297-308.
  11. Д.К. Койкелова, А.Б. Серикбаева, О. Мекеш. Использование новых информационных технологий при обучении в вузе. Global Science and Innovation 2023: Central Asia. – Series "Technical Sciences". –Astana. – 2023. -№3 (21). С. 56-60.
  12. Д.К. Койкелова, А.Б. Серикбаева. Роль информационно-коммуникационных технологий в обществе. Science and education: a new time. – The series "Technical Sciences". – Astana. -2023. -№3(3). С. 158-162.
  13. Д. Дарибаев, А.Б. Серикбаева. Разработка базы данных к приложению «Work ON». Digital transformation of education: collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the VI International Competition of scientific papers and creative projects of students and undergraduates on the use of ICT: scientific electron. ed. — Karaganda: Publishing house of the NAO "Karaganda University named after akad.E.A. Buketova", 2024.
  14. А. Рамазан, А.Б. Серикбаева. Разработка и проектирование базы данных “Hotel”. Digital transformation of education: collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the VI International Competition of scientific papers and creative projects of students and undergraduates on the use of ICT: scientific electron. ed. — Karaganda: Publishing house of the NAO "Karaganda University named after akad.E.A. Buketova", 2024