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Serikov Tansaule Gabdymanapovich

Serikov Tansaule Gabdymanapovich


PhD, AssociateProfessor. Academicianof MAEN (International Academy ofInformatization)

Office1235,тel. + 7 (7172) 39 - 51- 99




Sphere of scientific interests

Telecommunications, networktechnologies

Delivered bliseiplines

LPWAN for the Internet of Things, cable communication systems, design and operation of telecommunication networks

The main research areas: issues of modeling and forecasting of telecommunication networks


1998 - 2003 Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, specialty "AutomaticTelecommunication", telecommunicationengineer.

2003 - 2005 Karaganda Financial Institute, specialty "Economics".

2012 – 2014 Karaganda State Technical University, Master'sdegree, specialty "Automationandcontrol".

2014 – 2017 K.I.SatpayevKazakh National Research Technical University, doctoraldegree, PhD degreeinspecialty 6D071900 "Radio engineering, electronicsandtelecommunications".

Work experience

2003 – 2014 Engineer, Chief Engineer, headoftheshopoftheKaraganda ODT- branchofKazakhtelecom JSC.

2017 – 2020 KaragandaTechnical University, PhD, AssociateProfessorofthe Department of "Communication System Technologies".

2021-present. PhD, AssociateProfessorofthe Department of "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications" of S.SeifullinKazATU

Awards, certificates of honor

Jubileemedal "100th anniversaryofAcademicianA.Saginov" (2015).

Winnerofthepublicprize "Zhandos" "For activelaboractivity" amongpersonswithdisabilities. (Karaganda -2019).

Bronzemedalistatthe Russian ParalympicSwimmingChampionship. (Omsk, Russian Federation -2019)

LetterofthanksfromAkimofKaragandaregionZh.Kasymbek(Karaganda - 2020)

The bestyoungscientistofKaragandaTechnical University accordingtotheresultsof 2020.

2022. Academicianofthe MAIN (International Academy ofInformatization).

2022. Member of the Coordinating Council under the Mayor of Nur-Sultan on issues of person swith disabilities.

Coursestaught: "Cable communicationsystems", "LPWAN forthe Internet ofThings"


The authorhasmorethan 70 scientificpublicationsandeducationalandmethodicalworks

  1. Т. Serikov, A.Zhetpisbayeva,S.Mirzakulova, K.Zhetpisbayev, Z.Ibraeva,A.Tolegenova, L.Sobolevа,
  2. B.ZhumazhanovApplication of the narx neural network for predicting a one dimensional time seriesEastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 5/4 ( 113 ) 2021. UDC 621.391 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.242442
  3. Т.Serikov, A. Zhetpisbayeva, B. ZhumazhanovK. Zhetpisbayev  M.Yerishova, A. Tolegenova, P.Dunaev, K. Nauryz, K. Kussainova, G. Uristimbek.  Modeling the method for determining the stimulated brillouin scattering threshold in a single-mode optical fiber. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 1/5 ( 115 ) 2022 /UDC 681.7.068.4 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2022.253390 pp.6-13
  4. Serikov Т.G,A.Alkina, A.Mekhtiyev, E.Neshina, P.Madi, K.Sansyzbay, A.YurchenkoStudying additional losses of standard g.652 optical fiber with protective cladding during multiple bending to develop weight control sensor- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15th April  2022. Vol.100. No 7, р. 1983- 1995
  5. Serikov Т.G, Sadikova G. , Amreev M. , Manankova O.A, Yakubova M.Z. , Yakubov B.M., Mukasheva A.K.. Analysis and research of tasks for optimizing flows in multiservice networks based on the principles of a systems approach. – Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15st May 2022. Vol.100. No9, р. 2811- 2825
  6. Сериков Т.Г., Разинкин В.П., Аубакиров К.Я., Квазиэллиптические микрополосковые фильтры. Вопросы радиоэлектроники. №4, 2019. - С.75-80.
  7. Serikov Т.G, B.Medetov,, A. Tolegenova, Z.Dauren, Comparative analysis of the performance of generating cryptographic ciphers on the CPU and FPGA- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15st August 2022. Vol.100. No15, р. 4813- 4824
  8. Сериков Т.Г., Мехтиев А.Д. «Талшықты-оптикалық жүйелер және датчиктер». Монография. Нұр-Сұлтан: КазАТУ баспасы-2022ж -160б. ISBN 978-601-257-378-7
  9. Сериков Т.Г., Бағдарламалық IP-PBX ASTERISK негізіндеөңделгентелекоммуникациялықжүйелердіңтиімділігінталдаужәнемодельдеу. Монография. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГТУ, 2019.-137с  ISBN 978-601-315-773-3
  10. G. Serikov, A.D. Mekhtiyev, M.Z. Yakubova, V.S. Balandin, Y.G. Neshina, A.D. Alkina  Theory Of Electric Circuits. Учебное пособия, рекомендованный Республиканским учебно-методическим советом Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан на английском языке– TextbookKaraganda: Publisher KSTU, 2020. – 88 p.