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Shlyahtich Elena

Shlyahtich Elena


Senior teacher Department of architecture and design,

member of urban union builders RK. 

Phone:  8 (717) 2 39 75 59



Sphere of scientific interests Architecture, building planning

Delivered disciplines "Bases of architectural projects", "The architectural project II, III, IV, V ,VI,VII,VIII, IX", Lecture course "Architecture", "Lead of degree project ", "Lead of masters’ dissertation"


1981-1986 гг.

Akmola agricultural institute, architectural faculty 


Work  experience

1986-2001  The architect in the design institute "TselinGiproselhoz";

1991-2001  Kazakh agrotechnical university named under S. Seifullin, architectural faculty;

2001-2005  Chief Architect of Design and Construction Agency "Astana Zharnama";

2005-2006  Coordination head of design works of JSC " Kurilis Consulting ";

2003  Kazakh agrotechnical university named under S. Seifullin, architectural faculty;

2007  Head of DTD LLP "Zhana Alan." 

Awards and Honors

  1. Diploma of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan, 2012.;

  2. Medal for the 55th anniversary of KazATU by S.Seifullin, 2012.