Main / ППС / Smataev Tulegen Khamitovich
Smataev Tulegen Khamitovich

Smataev Tulegen Khamitovich


Master of Linguistics, Senior Lecturer

of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages

Office 2618


Field of scientific interests:

Methods of teaching the Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language, office work in the state language.

Subjects to be read:

Kazakh language

The main directions of research:

Problems of level teaching of the Kazakh language

Education: higher

1990-1994 – Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. Specialty "Kazakh language and literature".

2001-2004 – S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. Master of Linguistics (Kazakh language).

Work experience:

1994-2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Kazakh Language Department of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

2012-2016 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Philology and History.

2016-2022 – Leading expert of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Textbook" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (former name: RSEP on PCV "Republican Center for expertise of the content of scientific and Practical education").

Since 2022, senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin.

Awards, certificates of honor:

2010 – Letter of thanks from the Rector of Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky V. I. Strunin for organizing the activities of the Center for Kazakh Language and Culture of Omsk State University and contribution to strengthening relations between Russian-Kazakh countries.

2012 – Letter of thanks from the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU for selfless work in educational activities and demonstrated responsibility and activity in the performance of professional duties.

2013 – Honorary diploma of the rector of the PSPI for a significant contribution to the formation of the university, quality education, conscious education of students.

2013 – Letter of thanks from the Altai State Pedagogical Academy (Barnaul, Russia) and the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute for cooperation, development and support of student science.

2015 – Letter of Thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the National Testing Center K. Abdiyev for his competence, professionalism and high responsibility in organizing and conducting the Unified National Testing.

2015 – Honorary diploma of the Rector of the PSPI for a significant contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, training of highly qualified teaching staff for higher and secondary educational institutions, the establishment and development of the Institute.

2017 – Letter of thanks from the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye . Sagadieva for a great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 – Letter of thanks from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov for many years of work and contribution to the development of the education system and the upbringing of the younger generation.

2020 – Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov for his contribution to the development of the education system and improving the quality of education on the path of spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan.

2021 – Honorary diploma of the chairman of the branch trade union of Education and Science Workers of Kazakhstan A. Mukasheva for many years of conscientious work in the education system and a great contribution to the development of the branch trade union movement.

2021 – Certificate of Honor of the director of the center G. Beisembayev for his contribution to improving the quality of textbooks for the 15th anniversary of the RNPC "Textbook" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2021 – Certificate of Honor and badge "Bilim zhane gylym kyzmetkerlerin enbegi ushin" for many years of conscientious work in the education system, creative achievements in moral education and quality education of the younger generation and a significant contribution to the development of the trade union movement, contributing to the strengthening of social partnership.

Republican and international meetings:

2014 – Certificate of the rector of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy Lazarenko I. R. For participation in the round table on the topic "Education: without national borders".

Professional development:

2012 – Certificate of the 72-hour special course "Pedagogical and information and communication technologies of distance learning";

2012 – Certificate of the participant of the scientific internship on the topic "New paradigms and new solutions in cognitive linguistics" (72 hours);

2014 – Certificate of advanced training courses for pedagogical personnel of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu" in Almaty (240 hours);

2014 – Certificate of the participant of the seminar "Education: without national borders", held at the Altai State Pedagogical Academy of Barnaul (Russia);

2014 – Certificates of seminars for research works "Thomson Reuters", "Elsevier Sciencedirect and Scopus";

2014 – Certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological online seminar "Training of teaching staff to work in a 12-year school";

2015 - Certificates of participation in the training "Technology of criterion assessment of students' academic achievements";

2015 – Certificate of the training seminar on the topic "Leadership development Strategy";

2016 – Certificate of the seminar "Electronic text of the technogenic world: what to teach and how to teach" under the guidance of Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Eleonora Duissenova;

2016 – Certificate of the course "New approaches and innovative educational practices" (72 hours);

2016 – Certificate of the training seminar "Ideas changing the world" on the topic "Five institutional reforms of the Head of State";

2016 – Certificate of the practical seminar "Trilingual education: national and international experience";

2017 – Certificate of the practical seminar "Modern information and educational environment: traditions and innovations";

2017 – Certificate of "Worlddidac Astana 2017" of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern educational information environment: traditions and innovations for education and vocational training";

2018 – Certificate of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects";

2018 – Certificate of advanced training course for developers and experts of test tasks of the KAZTEST system on the topic "Assessment of language knowledge: theory and methodology";

2018 – Certificate of the participant of the republican training seminar on the topic "Effective technologies for developing a new textbook model";

2019 – Coaching course in Latin graphics "Methods of teaching new spelling" (72 hours), coaching certificate;

2020 – Seminar on "Strategies for organizing students' research work";

2020 – "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" - lesson structure, methods, alternatives for assessment and planning a course on an updated 72-hour training program;

2021 – Certificate for participation in a webinar on the topic: "Psycholinguistic requirements for educational literature and assessment of the ethno-cultural nature of the textbook text";

2021 – Certificate of successful completion of the "Training on the evaluation of textbooks and electronic textbooks using international experience" (module 7);

2021 – Certificate of completion of an online training course for trainers;

2022 – Certificate from the conducted (72-hour) advanced training course on the topic: "Digital literacy: effective use of digital platforms in the classroom".


More than 40 scientific and methodological articles have been published.

1) Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary: Office work.  / T. H. Smataev. - Pavlodar: NPF "ECO", 2007. -144 p.

2) Clerical work: a textbook for students on the discipline of clerical work in the state language.  / T. H. Smataev. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2010. - 61 p .

3) Dastur – daris: a textbook for students in the Kazakh language. / T. H. Smataev.

- Pavlodar: Kereku, 2010. -85 p.

4) Professional Kazakh language. Textbook for students majoring in biology, geography, ecology, tourism. / T. H. Smataev. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2012. - 101 p.

5) Professional Kazakh language: a textbook for students majoring in biology, geography, chemistry. / T. H. Smataev. - Pavlodar: Publishing house of PSPI, 2013. - 100 p.

6) Visualization of educational materials: psychological and didactic requirements scientific and pedagogical journal "Education" of the National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin. 2023. No. 1, September.


1. Professionally-oriented approach to teaching state and foreign languages. International Scientific and Practical Conference: Promising innovations in Science, education, production and transport. – Ukraine: Odessa, 2013.

2. On the issue of professionally-oriented study of state and foreign languages. Collection of scientific papers SWorld. – Issue 4. Volume 34. – Odessa: Kuprienko St., 2013. -98 p.

3. The national language as a phenomenon of the culture of the people. "The role of personality in the historical and cultural space (to the 260th anniversary of the national hero of the Bashkir people, poet-improviser Salavat Yulaev)" atta halykaralyk gylym-practicalyk conferences. (Ufa, June 3-5, 2014)

4. Kazakhstan connects its bright future with new knowledge. Republican scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern humanitarian education in the context of globalization", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor K. F. Zagiparov. Pavlodar, PGPI. Twothousandfifteen

5. New areas in modern education.  "Stages and features of development of prosperity in Bashkortostan and Russia: philological, philosophical, historical-cultural, pedagogical and legal aspects" (by the 175th anniversary of the birth of Bashkir Prospekt Mukhametsalima Umetbayeva) G. Ufa, Bashkortostan. 2016.

6. New areas in the modern education system. Material of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "modern information and educational environment: traditions and innovations" = "modern information and educational environment: traditions and innovations". - Astana: RNPC "Textbook", 2017

7. Using a special word in teaching the language. Republican information and methodological journal " Open School "No. 08 (169) October, 2017 ISSN 1729-5351

8. Requirements for the Kazakh language textbook for non-Kazakh schools. Material of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "modern information and educational environment: traditions and innovations" = "modern information and educational environment: traditions and innovations"-Astana: RSPC "Textbook", 2017.

9. The transition to the Latin alphabet is a requirement of time. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: Bilim beru resursstaryn zhangyrtu: tajiribe zhane bolashagy = Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects = Modernization of educational resources: experience and perspectives taqyrybindagy halykaralyk gylym-praktik conference materialdary/ - Astana: RNPC "Textbook", 2018

10. The importance of understanding and interpreting the text in the educational process. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: Bilim beru resursstaryn zhangyrtu: tajiribe zhane bolashagi = Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects = Modernization of educational resources: experience and perspectives / - Astana: RNPC "Textbook", 2018

11. The concept as the basic unit of cognitive direction, based on the continuity of language and cognition. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: Bilim beru resursstaryn zhetildiru: tajiribe zhane bolashagi = Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects = Modernization of educational resources: experience and perspectives /- Nur-Sultan, 2019

12. The language of writers of the northern region of Kazakhstan (Collective monograph). -Nur-Sultan: "Publishing house of KazATU named after S. Seifullin" 2022 -139 p.