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Sholanov Korganbay Sagnaevich

Sholanov Korganbay Sagnaevich


Doc. of tech. sc., prof.


of «Electric Power Supply» Department

Office №1240

Tel: 87017113866


Field of scientific interests

Robotics, AutomationandControl, Electric PowerEngineering (Renewable Energy).


Non-traditional and renewable energy sources, Automatic control theory


In 1969 graduated from Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

In 1973 – 1975studied at Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School and defended his predoctoraldissertation (1976) in the specialty "Theory of mechanisms, machines and automatic lines".

In 2000 defended dissertation for the Doctor of Technical Sciencesdegree.


2009 – Academician of the National Academy of Engineering.

2009 –Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences.

Work experience

Scientific and pedagogical experience since 1970

•1970-1972Lecturer-assistant of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

•1973-1975 Predoctoralstudent of Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School

•1976-1977 Lecturer of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute

•1977-1986Head of Theoretical Mechanics Department of Tselinograd Civil Engineering Institute

•1986-2016 ass. professor, Head of Department (2001-2013), professorof Robotics and Automation Engineering Department of K.Satpayev KazNTU.

•2016-2022 professorofAutomationofIndustrial Processes Department of KarTU.


The winner of the Best Lecturer Grant of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005,2010, 2021. Awarded with A. Baitursynovsilver medal, the Badge of "Labor Glory of the III degree".

Advanced training

June 8 - 20, 2020, advanced trainingcourse on the topic "Effective use of DET based on the use of Moodle tools" Karaganda Technical University.


182 scientific publications by 2022, including 24 national and international patents of inventions, 8 monographs, one of which "Parallel Manipulator of Robots" Springer, 2021, 19 Scopus papers, 5 Web of Science papers. Prepared and published: 1 educational book of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 educational materials.