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Sukhinin Anatoly Alekseyevich

Sukhinin Anatoly Alekseyevich


 Retired Major,

lecturer of the military department

Office  213, tel. +7 (7172) 39-40-28 (206)


Sphere of scientific interests

Improving the material base and  development of methodological recommendations

Delivered disciplines

Marching drill, Statutes of the Armed Forces, military topography, traffic rules, traffic safety and the basics right motor, fire training, automotive service and military road transport, maintenance of military vehicles, repair of military vehicles


1980 - 1986 Tselinograd Civil Engineering Institute, specialty "vehicles and automobile economy" 

Work experience

1968 -1973 The commander of vehicle platoon

1973-1977 The deputy troop commander on educational work

1977-1996 The commander of the automobile troop

1996-2001 Deputy Chairman of the Akmola Regional Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army and Navy (Akmola Regional Council of the public association "Otan")

2002 Teacher of Tselinograd regional sports and technical club of Public association "Otan"

2003-2006 Teacher, Akmola regional technical training center of the Republican public association "Otan"

2005 Deputy Director of the Akmola regional technical training center of the Republican public association "Otan"

2005-2006 Head of the educational department of Akmola regional technical training center of the Republican public association "Otan"

2006-2008 Assistant of the military department of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

2008-2011 Senior Lecturer of the military department of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin

Since 2011 lecturer of the military department of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin

Awards and Honours

- Medal "20 th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan"

Advanced training courses

Courses "Military training on program of retired officers," Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007

Published works

  1. Мериняну Д.И., Сухинин А.А., Хихлушко В.П. Основы управления автомобилем и безопасность движения / учебное пособие, 2010г.
  2. Хихлушко В.П., Сухинин А.А. Устройство военной автомобильной техники/ учебное пособие, 2011г.
  3. Авдеенко М.С., Толкачев М.Ф., Ибрагимов А.Д., Ергалиев К.Д., Рахимгулов К.К., Сухинин А.А. Методические указания для изучения и отработки нормативов по специальной подготовке, 2012 г.
  4. Рахимгулов К.К., Толкачев М.Ф., Хихлушко В.П., Сухинин А.А. Методические уеазания к проведению занятий по теме «Техническое обслуживание ВАТ» по дисциплине «Эксплуатация военной автомобильной техники», 2014 г.  
  5. Дуламбаев Т.А., Ергалиев К.Д., Сухинин А.А. Правила дорожного движения РК / учебное пособие, 2015г.