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Sultanov Omirzak Sembaevich

Sultanov Omirzak Sembaevich


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

Room 8215. Tel. 8 777 138 18 63


Sphere of scientific interests

Sheep breeding

Horse breeding

Disciplines read

Horse breeding, milk and horse meat production technology

Sheep breeding, wool and mutton production technology

Seminar on animal husbandry


1970 - 1975 Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, Zootechnical Faculty.

Qualification "scientist zootechnician"

1983 - 1986 K.A. Timiryazev Moscow agricultural Academy. Postgraduate studies at the Department of Sheep

Work experience

1975-1977 - a zootechnician of the farm, a zootechnician-breeder of the state farm "Ulguli-malshi" of the Kokpekty district of the Semipalatinsk region.

1977-1980 - Zootechnician of the Semipalatinsk Regional Department of Agriculture.

1980-1982 - Junior Researcher of the North-Eastern Territorial Department of the Kazakh Scientific Research Technological Institute of Sheep Breeding (KazNITIO).

1983-1985 - Postgraduate student of the sheep breeding department of K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy

1986 - 1988 - Assistant of the Department of Sheep Breeding of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute.

1988 - 1992 - Leading Specialist, Chief Specialist of the North-Eastern Territorial Department of KazNITIO.

1993 - 1996 - Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department. "Market infrastructure" of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute.

1996-2000 - Art. lecturer, associate professor of the department of "General economic disciplines" and "Finance" of the State Financial Institute (Semey), dean of the faculty with the Kazakh language of instruction, chairman of the trade union committee of the institute.

2000-2002 - Senior Researcher of the Department. "Economics and Management" of the State University "Semey".

2002–2014 - Associate Professor of the Department. "Economics and Management", Head. Department of Economics, acting Professor of the Department of Economics and Business of Shakarim State University, Semey.

Since November 2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Livestock Products, S. Seifullin KazATU

Awards, certificates of honor

2007 - Honorary Sports Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2008 - Laureate of the S. Berdikulov prize in the field of sports journalism.

2011 - Gratitude of the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2012 - Awarded the honorary badge of the trade union of workers of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 - Awarded the E. F. Liskun "Russian Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev (Moscow).


1. Strategic management and strategic planning. University of Pittsburgh, Shakarim SSU, Semey, 2013 .-- December 17.

2. "Оytudyn innovationslyq tekhnologaly: theory of men tәzhіribesі". - Shakarim SSU, Semey, 26.10.2013, No. 142.

3. "Seminar of Tomson Reuters Scientific & Scholary Research". - Shakarim SSU, Semey city, 04/26/2013.

4. Zhylqylardyk asyl tyymdy qұndylyqtaryn bagalaudy zhurgizu, ұyymdastyr (bonitirovkalau). Zhylky sharuashylykyndagy asiru technologies. - Kostanay ASHUZI, BTO "Kostanay", 06/19/2015, No. 156-K-157.

5. Қarakol sharuashylyғyndaғy technology zhane selection. Asyl tyymdy karakul zhane kyrykty kylshyk zhundi koylardyk zootechnicals esebin avtomtyndyru. Biyazy zhundi oy sharuashylykyndagy selectionlyk asyldandyr zhumystarynyk muni. - "Ontustik - Batys mal zhene Asimdik sharuashylygygy gylymy-zertteu institutes" ZhShS, BTO "Tassay", 5.08.2015, No. 22.

6. Advanced training course "Physical and technical methods for assessing sheep wool" (36 hours). K. A. Timiryazev Moscow Agrarian. - 3-7.12.2018.

Republican and international meetings

1. Short-term professional development course. "Management of the selection process in dairy and beef cattle breeding." General Director of the Scientific and Innovative Center for Livestock and Veterinary Medicine LLP, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Saginbaev A.K., 2016

2. Open lecture. "Selection and breeding work in horse breeding: modern methods of breeding and improvement of horse breeds." General Director of Kazakh Tulpary LLP, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Kikebaev N.A., 2016

3. Republican seminar. "Bonitization of cattle". Chairman of the Board of JSC "RCPZH" Asyl tulik "", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Shamshidin A.S., 2016

4. Republican seminar. "The state of dairy farming in Kazakhstan." Chairman of the Republican Chamber for Dairy Cattle Breeding, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor K.E. Yelemesov, 2015

5. International seminar. "World Livestock Achievement". PhD, Professor David Richard Arnie - Estonia, Tartu University "Life of science", 2014

6. Refresher course. Livestock production and processing technology. PhD, Professor Zhuken Anuashuly - China, Xinjiang Agricultural University, 2015

7. International seminar. "The current state of dairy farming in Poland." PhD, Professor Mazhena Zaima - Poland, Agricultural University of Krakow, 2014


Author of 293 works, incl. 3 monographs, 4 copyright certificates and 19 textbooks.

1. Productivity and biological characteristics of sheep of the Prekos breed and their crosses with rams of the North Caucasian and Kuibyshev breeds: Monograph. - Moscow: FGBOU VPO MGAU, 2014 .-- 116 p.

2. Shet elden ukelingen etti іri қara maldarynyk onimdіlіgі // Semey kalasynyk Shәkurim atyndagy memlekettik universityinin habarshysy. - Semey, - No. 1. - 254 - 259 - b.

3. A.Bokeykhan zhane Kazakh baspasozіndegi economy of taқyryba // Alikhan Bukeykhannyn 150 zhyldyk mereytoyna arnalgan "likhan Bukeykhan zhane tauelsizdik maraty" conferences, Khaly Aқaraly.

5. Technology of production of dry saumal (fresh mare's milk) // "Horse breeding and equestrian sport". - 2020. - No. 1. - С.11-13.

6. Alikhan Bukeikhanov on sheep breeding in the Steppe region // "Sheep, goats, wool business". - 2020. - No. 2. P.17 -19.

7. Breed resources of sheep of Kazakhstan and their use // Reports of the TSKhA: Collection of articles. Issue 292. Part IV / M .: Publishing house RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2020. - P.297-301.

8. "Tulpar" at sports klubyndagy zhelisti zhylyy tyymdarynyn zootechnical sipattamasy // S. Seifullin atyndagy KazATU KYLYM ZHARSHYSY (panaralyk). - Nur-Sultan, 2020. - No. 2 (105). - 23-29-b.

9. Polymorphism of DNA markers of meat-feeding sheep breeds of Kazakhstan for the genes of growth hormone (gh2) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1) // S. Seifullin atyndagy KazATU GYLYM ZHARSHYSY (panaralyқ) Nur-Sultan (105 2020). ... - 52 - 58 - b.

10. Weight and linear growth of young Zaanen goats in the conditions of Akmola region // "Sheep, goats, wool business". - 2021. - No. 1. - S. 18-20.

11. Symbols of sheep and goats in heraldry // "Sheep, goats, wool business". - 2021. - No. 1. - S. 48-51.

12. A.N.Bukeykhannyk bilimge kuzkarasy // “likhan Bukeykhan - Kazakh eli men zherinin tұtastyk rәmizi” khalykar. gyl.-practical. online conf. material gifts. 3.03. 2021– Nur-Sultan: L.N. Gumilev atyndagy ESU baspasy, 2021. - 314 b. (219-227)

13. Professor B.Kh. gyl.- tazh. conf. material gifts. - Pavlodar: Toraigyrov University, 2021. - 90 - 94 - b.