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Suraganov Sergali Kabdrahmanovich

Suraganov Sergali Kabdrahmanovich


Senior Lecturer

phone: +7 (7172) 224119; +7 777 833 96 45.



Brief biography of labor:

01.06.1981-27.08.1986. Senior architect. Design Institute "Tselingorselproekt" specialized architectural and construction sector.

01.09.1986-01.09.1996.  Senior Lecturer. Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seifullin, department of pedagogy and methods of primary education.

01.09.1996 - 2017. Senior Lecturer. Eurasian national university behalf L.N. Gumilyov, department of philosophy, department of architecture, department of engineering graphics and design.

01.09.2018. Senior Lecturer. Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin, department of architecture and design.

Disciplines in ENULN Gumilyov:                                                

"World History of Architecture and Urban Planning", "Alem sәulet zhane қala Qurylys tarihy-I», «Alem sәulet zhane қala Qurylys tarihy-II», «Kazakhstan sәulet Tarihi", "Oner Tarihi", "Art History", "Sәulettіk composition negіzderі "" Sәulet kompozitsiyasy "," predesign analysis "," Typology of architectural environment "," Қonystanғan oryndardy zhosparlau zhane fat "," Bionic structure "," Production facilities Design "," Design nysanalarynyң өndіrіsі "," Design of Architectural Design II » "Design of architectural design-III», «Landscape designs-I», «Elements and processes profile design- II,« Elements and processes of profile design-III »,« Sәulet dizayynyң elementterі zhane үrdіsterі - III »,« Sәulet dizayyny nysandaryn zhobalau-I »,« Elements and processes profile design- III »,« Sәulettіk design nysandaryң zhobalau-I »,« Tehnologiyalyқ protsessterdі ұyymdastyru "," Fonts and theory of ornament "," Design "," Sәulet ortanyң zhіkteleuі "," Inzhenerlіk zhane kөrkemdіk konstruktsiyalau "," Fundamentals of the equipment for indoor "," interior design project "," Sәulettіk formalism ".

Scientific interests:

Improving the teaching methods of design disciplines in higher education

Scientific internships:

Fellow of the International Programme of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" (June 1, 2010-December 31, 2010).

Training courses:

  1. Certificate of participation in the seminar "Quality criteria for woody plants", 2012 .;
  2. Certificate of participation in the seminar "The external and internal dimensions of quality wood plantations" 2012 .;
  3. Diploma of III International Exhibition of Flowers and Landscape Design. Astana. 2012;
  4. Certificate of participation in the seminar "New trends in the use of computer technology in engineering graphics and design engineering." 2012

Achievements (certificates, diplomas, awards, medals):


More than 33 articles in national and Russian scientific publications, collective mongrafiya and 1 Manual.