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Tilepiev Murat Shapenovich

Tilepiev Murat Shapenovich


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor
Pobeda Avenue 62а, building №2,
оffice 2305, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72

Sphere of scientific interests

Differential equations and equation of mathematical physics

Delivered disciplines

Mathematics, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Engineering mathematics, Probability theory and mathematical statistics.


1975 - 1980 Alma-Ata, S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Specialty: Mathematics.

Work experience

1981-2002 Lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, Head of chair “Higher mathematics” S. Esenov Aktau State University;
2002-2007 Associate professor of chair “Higher mathematics” Almaty Institute of Energetics and communication;
2007-2008 Manager of the department L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2008-2012 Head of the Department “Higher mathematics”, professor of Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering;
2012 - till present time Associate professor of the Department “Higher mathematics” of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.

Awards and honours

-    1996 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
-    1996 - Diploma of the akim of Mangistau region;
-    1996 - Diploma of the party «НұрОтан»;
-    2000 - Lapel badge "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
-    2011 - A. Baitursynov medal;
-    2017 - Rector's diploma «Efficient author».

Advanced training courses

–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching the basics of higher mathematics”, 02.03-13.03 and 11-14.11.2020,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics”, 15.03-19.03 and 07-18.06.2021,
–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching higher mathematics”, 29.11-10.12.2021,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics: power functions generating functions”, 18.04-21.04 and 02.05-13.05.2022, 
–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching higher mathematics: probability and statistics, linear algebra”, 11.28-12.09.2022.,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics: linear differential equations and Euclidean structure”, 04.24-05.05.2023. 

Published works

Author of more than 80 scientific works. The most important for presenting submissions:

  1. P.B Beisebay, E.A. Akzhigitov, M.Sh. Tilepiev, A.B. Aruova. About one splitting scheme for the nonlinear problem of thermal convection // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 104, 2017. - р. 260-266 (Web of Science, Scopus).
  2. S.T. Mukhambetzhanov, M.Sh. Tilepiev, K.T. Nazarbekova. Mathematical and numerical modeling of the process of liquid filtration in a porous medium. Information and education: the boundaries of communications INFO`19 Collection of scientific papers №11 (19) - Gorno-Altaysk: GASU, 2019.- p. 219-221.
  3. M.Sh. Tilepiev, P.B Beisebay, E.A. Akzhigitov, A.B. Aruova. The research of a Stefan problem with unknown pressure in a liquid phase // Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 55 (2020) 10312 (Web of Science, Scopus).
  4. Aruova A, Beisebay P, Akzhigitov Y, Tilepiev M. The approximate solution of nonlinear heat equation. Heat Transfer. Том52, Выпуск 6, стр.4450-4460 september 2023;  HPercentile-75(Web of Science, Scopus).
  5. Tilepiev M., Urazmagambetova E., Bеriкhаnоvа G.,Serimbetov M., Dyusembayeva L. K. On one of the methods for  solving the Bernoulli equation. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theoretical and practical perspectives of modern science». April 03-04,2024a. Stockholm, Sweden, 43-46.