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Tuksaitova Raihan Umirzakovna

Tuksaitova Raihan Umirzakovna


Doctor of Philology


office 2603, tel. + 7-701-573-21-38



Research interests

Bilingualism, speech tolerance, intercultural communication

Teaching disciplines

Practical Course of the Russian language and culture of speech, professional Russian language


1979-1983. - Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S.Seifullin, Faculty of Philology

1990 - 1993 postgraduate studies at the Ural State University. Gorky, Faculty of Philology, Department of Rhetoric and stylistics of the Russian language

2005 - 2007 Doctorate at the Ural State University. AM Gorky Faculty of Philology, Department of Rhetoric and stylistics of the Russian language


1983 - 1985. CSIP them. S.Seifullin, literature teacher of Russian Literature

  1. - Assistant of the Department of Russian Language TSSKHI

1993 - 2000 - senior lecturer in Russian language

2000-2003 - Head of the Department of World Languages

2008 - 2011 - Head of Department of Russian and German languages

2012 - present - PhD, Professor of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin

Awards and diplomas

- Thank You Letter for the 50th anniversary KATU them. S.Seifullin, 2007.

- Letter of appreciation for their dedicated work on the Mayor of Astana, 2007.

- Letter of Appreciation "Kazakh Agro Technical University S.Seifullin" for high professionalism and dedicated work, 23.12.2011g.

- Certificate of Merit for his long work and professionalism, 2012.


Courses distance learning "Modern Information Technologies" 25.03.2010g.

Refresher courses "Implementation of the basic principles of the

Bologna process and the introduction of ECTS in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan" 29.12.2010g. Refresher courses in China, 27.06.2011g.

Certificate for participation in the scientific and practical conference "Independent Kazakhstan" 29.11.2011g.

Certificate for participation in scientific-methodical conference "Education: History, Present and Prospects" 29.03.2013g.


Author of more than 90 scientific and educational works. The most important for a submission:

  1. Features of the language policy in the years of development of virgin and fallow lands in the northern regions of Kazakhstan. The path of science. International Journal. 2016.9 (31). Vol 2. .18 – 20pp
  2. Toponymic space Astana linguacultural light. The path of science. International Journal. 2016.9 (31). Vol 2..20 – 22pp
  1. Place names in the surrounding area of Astana historical and cultural understanding of the round table materials, dedicated to the anniversary of Professor K. M Abisheva on integrated and synergistic approach in modern science. 08 april 2016. Astana, 2016. 164 – 168pp.
  2. Tolerance as a communicative category. Materials of the round table dedicated to the anniversary of Professor K. M Abisheva on integrated and synergistic approach in modern science. 08 april 2016 . Astana, 2016. 149 – 157pp.
  3. Topology as the historical and cultural memory of historical period. Electronic scientific-practical magazine. Contemporary scientific research and innovations.  
  4. The national, ethnic and cultural Identity of Russian and Kazakh languages International Journal of innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. April 2016. P. 41 - 42. The Impact factor of IJTEE is 3,48
  5. The work on the project of the science Found. F1. The project of  Astana’s history. The problems of protection and transformation of cultural space.(2014 - 2016).
  6. The work on  the project of MES RK. Social process in the Southern regions of Kazakhstan in  cult  years and their influence on the social and cultural environment of  regions.  (2014 - 2016 ).
  7. The history of Astana. Published monograph. The problems of protection and transformation of the cultural space. KAZATU after S.Seyfullin. 2016.
  8. A system of exercises using the case study method in the classroom of professional Russian. Collection of scientific papers. XV International Conference. The time of scientific progress. February 23. 2024.-Volgograd, pp. 25-29.;    
  9. Symbolic means in the works of A.Potemkin. Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice. international scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January 2023. pp.35-36.;
  10. The functioning of phytotoponyms on the territory of Kazakhstan. Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice.  Interd.scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, January, 2023 . pp. 37-38;
  11. Ideological paradigms of the culture of the ancient Turks and Eastern Slavs .Alkey Margulan atyndagi Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Til zhane adebiet: the theory of men tazhiribesi./ Gylym journal No.4 2023;
  12. Comprehensive text analysis for the development of students' communicative competencies in Russian language classes Education, innovation, research as a resource for community development. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation .  Cheboksary, Wednesday, January 16, 2024, pp. 267-269.