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Tulegenova Zhanat Utegenovna

Tulegenova Zhanat Utegenovna


The candidate of the economic sciences,

the senior  teacher of the department

“Management and the Marketing Department”

The office 1410 тел. +7(7172)39-55-17


The sphere of the scientific interests:

Computer technologies, Management, Marketing,, Forecasting of economic processes, behavioral of economic

The delivered subjects:

Mediaplanning , Business Management, The management of the loyality of the consumers,B2B marketing,Benchmarking.

The education

1994 – 1997The international Academy of the Enterprise Moscow, the faculty of theEconomy.

2001 – 2003 Almaty Institute of Economy and Statistics ,the faculty of economy.

2003 - 2007 Postgraduate study on the speciality  08.00.05 – The economy and  the management of the national economy(the Agriculture).

РГП «The scientific research institute of the Economy of the Agricultural complex and the development of the  agricultural  territories”.

The work experience

1997 – 2007 Senior teacher of the chair «The economy” Aktobe State University named  after K.Zhubanov.

2007-2010 The chief of the chair «The Marketing»  Almaty Academy of the Economy and Statictics.

2010 -2020 The chief of the chair «The economy» The University  «Turan-Astana».

2021Senior teacher of the chair «The Management and the Marketing », KazATU named after S.Seifullin.

Advanced training courses

Courses  «The modern pedagogical technology », certificate №112, The center of the pedagogical skills  «Nazarbaev intellectual Schools», 72 hours, 2018.

Courses on program  «The professional development of the teacher of the high school», the certificate, The Institute of the continuous education  University «Turan»,  certificate №А 2189.Almaty, January, 2019 .

Courses «The advertisement in the system of the marketing communications », the certificate №341, UP consulting, Nur-Sultan, 20t19.

Courses  «The theory and the practice of the commodity science», certificate C №03138,The science methodological centre  Ziat, 2022 .

IELTS № 20kz001292tulz004a, 2020г.

Published works

The author of the scientific works. The most important on the submitted directions:

  1. Tulegenova.Zh.U. with co-authorship «Ensuring Food Security Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan: Issuesand Perspectives» Journal  Tompson Reutors «Agricultural science and technology», Volume 20, Release  6, 2018г. С.1085-1097
  2. Ту Tulegenova.Zh.U.  Strategy and tactics of financial policy of  Kazakhstan in the conditions of development of integration processes Journal ККСОН «The The messenger of the National  Academy of the Sciences of Republic Kazakhstan» № 5. 2019г. Аlmaty. С.87-97
  3. The economical and the social Экономическая и социальная requirement in the state support “ Journal ККСОН «The reports of the National Academy of the sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan  » № 5. 2019г. Almaty. С.95-The World Practice of the Digitalization of the Financial  Planning.
  4. Tulegenova.Zh.U. with  co-authorship  «Debt and investments: Analysis of selected countries» Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(2), page. 1267–1285, 2020