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Tuleuzhanova Zhumagul Malgazhdarovna

Tuleuzhanova Zhumagul Malgazhdarovna


Older. lecturer of the Department

Kazakh and Russian languages

office 2615, tel. 8701319 30 99



Research interests

Theory and methods of teaching of the Kazakh language and professional communication problems and especially the functioning of the Kazakh language at the present stage.

Teaching disciplines

Kazakh language


1983 - 1989. Kazakh State University. Kirov Almaty, Faculty of Philology


1989-1991. Teacher school № 26 in Shymkent

1991-1999. Older. teacher KSU named A.Baitursynov Kostanay

1999-2000 Assistant Professor of the Kazakh and Russian languages KazATU S.Seifullin

2000-2001. Head of the Department of the Kazakh language KazATU S.Seifullin

2001 to Present older. Lecturer of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages

Awards and diplomas

Diploma of the Rector KATU them. S. Seyfullina.25.02.2010

Diploma of the Rector KATU them. S. Seyfullina.27.10.2013

Thank-you letter rector KATU them. S.Seifullin 12/16/2015


  1. CARGO them. EA Buketov. Certification in specialty "Kazakh language and literature», Karaganda, 2002
  2. KazATU them. S.Seifullin. "Credit education system", Astana, 2003 Certificate of "Credit system of education." 09.04.2005g.
  3. KazATU them. S.Seifullin. "Modern tenologii in education. distance learning methods. " 18. 01. 2012 - 28.02.2012
  4. The certificate of the seminar "Teaching Kazakh Language: innovative methods and experiences" 05. 03. 2013. Nazarbayev University in Astana
  5. Course Certificate in personnel training in Almaty 09/30/13 -12.10.2013


Author of over 40 scientific papers. The most important for a submission:

  1. Translation: formation of lingual-cultural competence(on materials of the Kazakh language)ISBN 978-5-8356-1529-2 The problems of education in contemporary Russia and post soviet regions: collection of articles ХХІІІ International scientific-practical  conference. – Penza: Privolzhsky  House of wisdom, 2015. – 136 p (92-96-pp.)
  2. Dialogue and contradictory language person in the mixed form. ЕАGI Khabarshy, Аstana 2015. №3. 190 – 195-pp.
  3. The place of contradictory language person in the monologue. ЕАGI Khabarshy, Аstana 2015. №3. 202 -208 –pp.
  4. The development of communication languages is the organization of exercises on texts according to the profession.  «The contribution of young scientists to education, science and innovation» materials of the conference. Аstana .2016,27-30 pp
  5. Adaptation of foreign students while studying at the University of Agro technical Fundamental scientific research: Theoretical and practical aspects. Volume I . Digest of International scientific-practical conference. Russia, Kemerovo, May 25-26. 2016, 60-63 pp Impact-factor – 0,323.
  6. The Kazakh termination: the ways of formation. Fundamental scientific research: Theoretical and practical aspects. Volume I The digest of International scientific-practical conference. Russia, Kemerovo.
  7. The function of the style of adjectives in the works of A. Kekilbayev. International scientific conf.(Canada), 20 October 2023. pp. 286-288. ;