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Tursunbaeva Almagul Ermekovna

Tursunbaeva Almagul Ermekovna


Master of technical science, Senior lecturer of

Exploitation of Electrical Equipment Department

Office 1215, теl. +7(7172) 31-74-89


Sphere of scientific interests

Accounting and analysis of construction and installation works . Energy efficiency and energy saving technology . 

Delivered disciplines

Еlectrical installation technology in Electro technology agriculture 

Delivered disciplines

Еlectrical installation technology

Electrotechnology in agriculture

Electrical Materials Science

Main sphere of scientific interests

Accounting and analysis of construction and installation works.Energy efficiency and energy saving technologies.



Akmola Agricultural Institute, specialty: Electrification  ofSH Qualification: Engineer - Ele  Qualification: Engineer - Electrical


Master of Economics , specialty Accounting and Auditing

Work Experience


Tselinograd Agricultural Institute , Department of the use of  electrical energy, Assistant

1996 -2004    

Assistant Professor of electrical operation .


 S.Seifullin KATU, Senior lecturer “the use of electric equipment operation”

Awards and Honours



Medal “55th anniversary of KATU”
2017                   Medal “60th anniversary of KATU”

Advanced training courses


Faculty training " Psychological and pedagogical bases of professional work "


Courses  " practical work on personal computers IBM PCIAT ",


Courses  "Energy and electrical systems" , Kokshetau  Refresher courses "Modern


Information Technologies . Remote Accounting Methods" Astanaс.,


Refresher " value accounting and cost analysis for construction and installation work " , Omsk с.,


Refresher courses " Kokshetau Energo" Kokshetau с., Ltd


Refresher courses " Electronic tehnikalyқ zauyty " Mr. Astana с., Ltd


Refresher courses" EnergoStroyMagistral " Mr. Astana с.,Ltd


Refresher courses" Scientific and technical center for standardization and certification " Mr. Astana с.,Ltd


Refresher courses" LLP "Special service of civil protection. RK," Mr. Astana с.,Ltd


Refresher coursesMOODL seminar on new technology Mr. Astana с.,Ltd


Refresher courses В1 CENERAL ENGLISH courseMr. Astana с.,Ltd


Refresher courses" «TOEFL ITP»-420 б., l " Mr. Astana с.,Ltd

National and international meetings

Advanced training courses “Value of accounting and cost analysis for construction and installation work ", Omsk, 2014.

Advanced training courses "KokshetauEnergo" Ltd,Kokshetau, 2013.

Advanced training courses "Electronic tehnikalyқzauyty" Ltd, Astana, 2015.

Advanced training courses "EnergoStroyMagistral" Ltd, Astana, 2016.

Advanced training courses “SpringerLink User Training”, S.SeifullinKATU Kazakhstan, Astana, 2016.

Advanced training courses ““Green building and Energy Conservation”, within the Astana EXPO”, Kazakhstan, Astana, 2016.

Advanced training courses “Moscow company DEN RUS LLC,Lightning protection and surge protection,Astana, 2017.

Advanced training courses ALE in the form of an association National movement "Bobek", RK, Astana-2018.

Advanced training courses «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS CENTRAL ASIA» VI  Astana, 2019.


            More than 50  works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Tursunbaeva A.E., Baimbetov M.C., Features of technology of use of building materials production ΙΙΙ International scientific - practical conference "Science and We" . Volume IV The , Kokshetau , 2014, pp 132-135.
  2. Tursunbaeva A.E., Baimbetov M.C. Features of accounting and analysis in construction; Bulletin of Kokshetau University. A. Myrzakhmetova . №1, 2014, pp 58-60.
  3. TursunbaevaA.E.,Modern electrification and electricity metering systems Republican scientific - technical conference " Seyfullinsky read -11 : Youth and Science " 
  4. Tursunbaeva A.E.,TleuzhanovaD.T. .Электржабдықтары нмонтаждау технологиясы пәнінен 5В071800 ––«Электроэнергетикасы», 5В081200 -«А.ш. энергиямен қамтамасыз ету» мамандықтарына күндізгі және сырттай ––қашықтықтан  оқитын  студенттер  үшін тәжірибе лік жұмыстарды орындауға  арналған  workshopS.Seifullin KATU Astana, 2012 -114 page
  5. Tursunbaeva A.E.,Belov M.N., Babko A.N.,Electrical installation technology. Practicum for laboratory studies for full-time and part-time-distance learning students of specialties 5В071800 - "Power engineering", 5В081200- "Energy supply of agriculture" KATU them. S. Seifullina Astana, 2012 - 124 p.
  6. Tursunbaeva A.E., Belov M.N., Babko A.N. Elektrzhabdyқtarynmontazhdau technologies pәninen 5V071800 - “Electroenergetics”, 5B081200 - “ energimenkamtamasyzetu »mamandyқtaryna kүndizgіzhanesyrttai ––қashyktyқtan oқityn student үshin zertkhanalykzhumystardyryndauғa arnalgan workshop S. Seifullinatyndagy KATU –2 bet, 2012, .13p.
  7. Tursunbaeva A.E., Belov M.N. Babko A.N., Elektrzhabdyқtarynmontazhdau technologies pәninen 5V071800 - “Electric power engineering”, 5B081200 - “ energamenkamtamasyzetu »mamandyқtaryna kүndizgіzhanesyrttai ––қashyқtyқtan oқityn student үshin zertkhanalykzhumystardyoryndauғa arnalgan workshop S. Seifullinatyndaғy Kaz. ATU-Astana 2012, 132 p.
  8. A.E. Tursunbaeva, A.A. Tileuova, I.A. PyastolovaOnu practice (electrical installation) әdistemelik nұsқaular. 050718-Electricity 5V081200 - " energimenkamtamasyzetu "mamandytaryboyinsha bachelor's degree boyinshadayyndy". S. Seifullinatyndaғy Kaz. ATU-Astana 2015
  9. A.E. Tursunbaeva, A.A. Tileuova, I.A. Pyastolova, M.N. Belov. Methodical instructions for educational practice (electrical installation) in the specialties 050718 - "Electricity", 5В081200 - Power supply of agriculture; S. Seifullinatyndaғy Kaz. ATU-Astana 2015.-23 p.
  10. A.E. Tursunbaeva, A.A. Tileuova, I.A. Pyastolova: Оу practices (electrical installation) әdistemelik nұsқaular. 050718-Electricity 5V081200 - " energimenkamtamasyzetu "mamandytaryboyinsha bachelor's degree boyinshadayyndy". S. Seifullinatyndaғy Kaz. ATU-Astana 2015.
  11. A.E. Tursunbaeva, A.A. Tileuova, I.A. Pyastolova, M.N. Belov. Methodical instructions for educational practice (electrical installation) in the specialties 050718 - "Electricity", 5В081200 - Power supply of agriculture; S. Seifullinatyndaғy Kaz. ATU-Astana 2015
  12. Tursunbaeva AE, Ibragimov AS, Materials of the Republican Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Seifullin Readings-14: Youth, Science, Innovation: Digitalization - a New Stage of Development". -2018. - T. I,
  13. Tursunbaeva A.E., Sarsenbina A., "Seifullin ogular-14: Zhastar, Gylym, innovational: tsifrlandyru - zhanadamukezeni" attaRespublikilykgylym-teorilyk. -2018. - T. I, Part 3 - B. 108-110
  14. Tursunbaeva A.E., A.A. Tleuova, D.T. Tleuzhanova, I.A. Pyastolova, Tekhnologiiқzhene diploma aldyndagy tәzhiribeboyinshaӘDISTEMELIK NҰSҚAU, S. Seifullinatyndagy Kazak agrotechnicaliқ university-Astana 2019