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Urazmagambetova Eleanora Uzakbaevna

Urazmagambetova Eleanora Uzakbaevna


Candidate of physic-mathematical sciences,
associate professor
Office 2418, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, mathematical analysis, mathematical modeling.

Delivered disciplines

Mathematics, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Engineering Mathematics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics.


1975 - 1980 Alma-Ata, S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University, Specialty: Mathematics.

Work experience

1981-2002 Lecturer, senior lecturer, Head of chair “Higher mathematics” S. Esenov Aktau State University;
1997-2001 Director of the Aktau branch of the UNAT University; 
2002-2003 Senior Lecturer of the Department “Mathematics and Physics” KazGASA; 
2003-2007 Senior Lecturer of the Department “Higher Mathematics” of the Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications; 
2007-2008 Senior Lecturer of the Department “Methods of Mathematical Modeling”, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov; 
2008-2012 Associate Professor of the Department “Higher Mathematics” of the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering;
2012-2012 Associate Professor of the Department of "General and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines" of the Kazakh Engineering and Technical Academy; 
С 2013 - till present time Associate professor of the Department“Highermathematics” of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.

Awards and honours

–    2011 - medal“Ybyray Altynsarin”.

Advanced training courses

–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching the basics of higher mathematics”, 02.03-13.03 and 11-14.11.2020,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics”, 15.03-19.03 and 07-18.06.2021,
–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching higher mathematics”, 29.11-10.12.2021,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics: power functions generating functions”, 18.04-21.04 and 02.05-13.05.2022,
–    Advanced training course “Methods of teaching higher mathematics: probability and statistics, linear algebra”, 11.28-12.09.2022.,
–    Advanced training course “Methodology of teaching sections of higher mathematics: linear differential equations and Euclidean structure”, 04.24-05.05.2023.

Published works

Author of more than 80 scientific works. The most important for presenting submissions:

  1. E.A. Akzhigitov, Z.A. Rakisheva, E.U. Urazmagambetova, A.G. Zharoyeva, A.S. Keneshov. Preparation of students on mathematics by new innovative methods. KATU Science Bulletin.- No. 2(97) 2018 Astana. - p. 146-150.
  2. Z.T. Seilova, L.U. Zhadraeva, E.U. Urazmagambetova. Professional and applied problems in teaching mathematics in engineering and technical specialties of the university. KazNPU Bulletin Series of physical and mathematical sciences.- No.1 (65) 2019 -Almaty, 2019. - p. 87-93.
  3. З.Т. Seilova, L.U. Zhadraeva, E.U. Urazmagambetov. Modern technologies in teaching mathematics. KazNPU Bulletin Series of physical and mathematical sciences.- No.4 (68) 2019 -Almaty, 2019. - p. 105-109.
  4. L. Dyussembayeva, E. Urazmagambetova, Z.Rakisheva. Digitization and social response of SMEs to the COVID-19 pandemic.E3S Web of Conferences 395, 05002 (2023) ETSAIC2023.
  5. Tilepiev M., Urazmagambetova E., Bеriкhаnоvа G.,Serimbetov M., Dyusembayeva L. K. On one of the methods for  solving the Bernoulli equation. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theoretical and practical perspectives of modern science». April 03-04, 2024a. Stockholm, Sweden, 43-46.