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Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Office 2607, Telephone: +7(701) 524 45 55 E-mail: elmira5555@mail.ru, utb.elmira@gmail.com |
Sphere of scientific interests
- Pedagogical acmeology
- Methods of scientific research - Accreditation and assessment
- Point-rating system
- Project activity
- Source study
Delivered disciplines
English, English for Special Purposes
1986 - 1991 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages, Faculty of English, qualification - "Teacher of English and French", Almaty
1997 - 2000 Kazakh State Law Academy, qualified as a lawyer-jurist, Almaty
1991 - 1997 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages, Department of Lexicology, Senior Lecturer, Almaty.
1993 - 1996 Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the USA, New York.
1997 - 1999 Karaganda Law College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Senior Lecturer, Almaty.
1998 - 2000 Kazakhstan Institute of Economic Management and Forecasting under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, translation practice of lectures and seminars, Almaty.
1999 - 2001 Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Faculty No. 1, Senior Lecturer, Almaty.
2001 - 2002 Kazakh-Russian University, Department of English, senior lecturer, Karaganda - part-time.
2001 - 2005 Karaganda Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Senior Lecturer, Karaganda.
2005 - present: LLP Trade House "Kazhimkomplekt". Deputy General Director for External Relations.
2009 - 2022 - Academician E.A. Buketova, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Foreign Language Training
Awards, honorary diplomas
- full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia) - official reviewer - member of the editorial board of collective monographs of the Institute of European Integration (Poland)
Certificate of completion of a refresher course in the specialty “Methods of teaching foreign languages” (Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan; graduation date and issue of the certificate 09.01.2001)
Certificate of completion of the course - training on the topic "Quality of education and accreditation in higher education" (Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev; date of completion and issue of the certificate 22.11.2011)
Certificate of completion of the course within the framework of the scientific and practical seminar - "Transcultural world in modern discourse" (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Scientific and Educational Center for Polylingualism and Translation; from December 07 - 15, 2011)
Certificate of completion of the course within the framework of the methodological seminar - "Authenticity in ELT" (MacMillan Education, date of completion and issue of the certificate 05.11.2011)
Certificate of completion of the advanced training course on the topic “English as a Second language” (U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; graduation date and issue of the certificate 20.09.2012)
Seminar Certificate of PhD Vivian Leskes Ward and PhD Donna Brinton (U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; graduation date and certificate issue 2012)
Certificate of completion of the course "English language and culture in the era of globalization" (FGBOU, Tambov State University; date of completion and issue of the certificate 18.01.2013)
Certificate No. 143013 on completion of a refresher course on the topic "Development of applied didactic materials and teaching methods in the conditions of credit and distance learning technologies" (KarSU named after E.A. Buketov; date of completion and issue of the certificate 19.01.2013)
Certificate of completion of the advanced training course on the topic “Learner-centered teaching”, “Project based teaching”, “Critical thinking” (U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; graduation date and issue of the certificate 2013)
Certificate of participation in the methodological seminar "Peculiarities of assessing students in the framework of the updated content of education" (36 hours (KSU named after E.A. Buketov - KSU "Gymnasium No. 97, January 25 - 27, 2018)
Certificate No. 1024018 on passing a distance course on the topic "Academic foreign language at the university" 108 hours (KarSU named after E.A. Buketov; Faculty of additional education, from April 05 to May 05, 2018)
Certificate for participation in a master class on the topic “Approaches to the development of curricula in language subjects in a Kazakhstani school” (MES RK, JSC NCPC “Orleu”, 2019)
Certificate of completion of the advanced training course - 72 hours (FULBRIGHT - KarSU named after E.A. Buketov; end date and issue of the certificate 2020)
Certificate of completion of the advanced training course on the topic "Virtual training on English Language teaching methodology and content development of online classes" 20 hours (U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, Regional English Language Office; September 14 - October 30, 2020)
Certificate of participation in the International Symposium "COBA SYMPOSIUM" on the topic "Online Learning Experiences and future (Prevailing situation COVID - 19)" (Prince Mohammad bin Fahid University - College of Business Administration, Saudi Arabia, February 1, 2021)
April 16–17, 2015 – XIII International Scientific Conference “Information Technologies and Management”, University, (Latvia, Riga)
September 28–29, 2018 - participation in the work of the International Scientific Conference "Inspiring Dreams" Challenges to the Development of Youth Work", Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsky, (Bulgaria, Sofia)
December 18, 2018 - participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference on the topic "Recultivation of goaf: problems and prospects", Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Shumen University. Bishop Konstantin of Preslav, Shumen, Bulgaria Regional Administration, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria (Russia)
September 9-10, 2019 - participation in the work of the International Scientific Conference "Inspiring Dreams" Challenges to the Development of Youth Work", University, (Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo)
September 20, 2019 - participation in the 1st International Symposium "Intellectual Economics, Management and Education" (Lithuania, Vilnius - Ljunljana)
March 20, 2020 - participation in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern problems of the development of law and economics in an innovative society" (Association for Cultural and Socio-Economic European Collaboration - Publishing House "ACESS PRESS", Veliko - Tarnovo - Kharkiv)
February 10-12, 2021 - participation in the XI International scientific and practical conference "Integration of the scientific community to the global challenges of our time", Regional Academy of Management, (Japan, Yokohama)