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Volodya Kadirbek

Volodya Kadirbek


Master of Agricultural Sciences, assistant of

«Agrarian equipment and technology» Department

Office 3112, tel. +7(701)683-20-78 



Sphere of scientific interests

The mechanization of agriculture, development and research of sowing and tillers

Delivered disciplines

The agro technological machines, adjustment and aggregation machines, Combine machines, mechanization livestock farms



S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University, Technical Faculty, Speciality 050806 – «Agroengineering»


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University, Technical Faculty, Speciality 6М080600 – «Agrarian equipment and technology»


Work experience


master of the Department "Mechanization of technological processes"

2014 -to present

Assistant of the Department "Mechanization of technological processes", "Agricultural Equipment and Technology" S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


Advanced training courses


Research training in the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Agricultural Engineering


Courses "Modern Information Technologies. distance learning methods " S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


Courses of improvement of pedagogical skills of teachers. S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


Seminar «Thomson Reuters for scientific research», S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


Seminar «SpringerLink User Training» S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University


National and international meetings

International seminars  «Agricultural machinery and modern technology»   and  «Parallel driving  systems », German Agrarian Center in Kazakhstan. Chaglinka  Zerenda district, Akmola region, 2016.

Published works

Author of the following scientific works:

  1. Coulter for the separate application of mineral fertilizers. Materials of the Republican scientific-technical conference "Seifullin reading - 9", Astana, 2013
  2. Perspective construction sowing apparatus for non-flowing grass seeds. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of scientific and technological progress in agribusiness", March 25-27, Stavropol. Publishing house Agrus. 2015y.
  3. Testing of petty separator sheet model of the herbs for the preparation of grass meal. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative vector of development in conditions of risk and uncertainty: new challenges and solutions", March 30-31, Saint Petersburg. Publishing house "KultInformPress". 2015y.
  4. Volodya K., Aduov M.A. Popov S.N., Matyushkin M.I., Nukusheva S.A., Kaspakov E.Zh., Kusainov R.K., Rakhimzhanov M.R., Soroka A. №30503 20.10.2015 Innovation patent of RK "sowing device".
  5. Seeder for forage crops with a separate seed and fertilizer. The collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists "The intellectual potential of the XXI century: the contribution of young scientists to the development of agricultural science", Volume II, Almaty, 2015.
  6. S. Rakhimberlina, Zh.S. Kairzhanova, K. Volodya, A.M. Sugirbay. «The Intake Manifold Sealant Test Method of Tractor» Internal Combustion Engine «Membership in the WTO:  Prospects of Scientific Researches and International Technology Market»: materials of the international scientific-practical conference.     In two volumes.  Volume I  – Bangkok,  Thailand.  2016. - 391 p.
  7. Zh. Kaspakov., R.M. Iskakov.,  K. Volodya., V. Zh. Ismagulova.    «The study represents longitudinal cross-mixing of feed components».  Herald. State University named after Shakarim, Semey, 2016.