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Zhaksybekova Ainur Bodeuovna

Zhaksybekova Ainur Bodeuovna


Master of economic sciences, Senior lecturer of the
Department «Higher Mathematics»
Office 2402, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72


Sphere of scientific interests

Statistical methods. Methods of processing of economic information. Computer technologies, econometric methods

Delivered disciplines

Information and communication technologies, Econometrics, New technologies in EIS, Bases of information technology


1996 – 2000 Abai Almaty State University,  physics and informatics 
2003 - 2005 S.Seifullin KazATU, accounting and audit¬ing Masters program,  
2010-2012 University « Turan-Astana »Ma Economics

Work experience

01.09.2000 – 01.09.2007 Teacher of department of economic-mathematical modeling
01.09.2004 – 04.01.2006 Deputy dean for educational work economics department
29.09.2006 – 07.07.2007 Senior curator of university
01.09.2008 – 01.09.2013 Senior teacher of department of economic-mathematical modeling
2013 – -2022 S.Seifullin KATU, Senior lecturer of the Department of "Marketing";
Since 2022 S.Seifullin KATU, Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Higher Mathematics".

Advanced training courses

- National Open University “Intuit” (Russia) courses “Information Technologies” 10/18/2022-11/01/2022. Certificate No. 101555394
-  National Open University "Intuit" (Russia) courses "Econometrics" 10/19/2022-11/02/2022 Certificate No. 101556578
- National Open University "Intuit" (Russia) English language courses 10/02/2022-10/16/2022. Certificate No. 101550864
- Training center “QAZAQ PROFI” (Kazakhstan) courses “Information and communication technologies” 09.12.2022-09.23.2022. Certificate No. QZ05015
- Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (Kazakhstan) courses “Data Mining” 11.28.2022-12.09.2022. Certificate No. 04893
- National Open University "Intuit" (Russia) courses "Introduction to the SQL data model" 03/09/2023-03/23/2023. Certificate No. 101589575
- National Open University “Intuit” (Russia) courses “Introduction to programming in Python” 03/10/2023-03/24/2023. Certificate No. 101589953
- Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin (Kazakhstan) courses “Data analysis based on objective-oriented programming Python” 04/24/2023-05/05/2023. Certificate No. 05294
- National Open University “Intuit” (Russia) courses “Excel spreadsheet processor in economic financial calculations” 06/05/2023-06/19/2023. Certificate No. 101610554
- “Information technologies. Working with Excel spreadsheets" courses, National Open University "Intuit", 10.10-22.12.2023. Certificate No. 2307089
- “Introduction to relational databases” courses, National Open University “Intuit”, 06.10-20.10.2023. Certificate No. 101620361
- “English for IT specialists” courses, National Open University “Intuit”, 12/19-01/02/2024. Certificate No. 101637843 
- “Introduction to software systems and their development” courses, National Open University “Intuit”, 12/19-01/02/2024. Certificate No. 101637850
- “Information technologies in economics” courses, National Open University “Intuit”, 12/19-01/02/2024. Certificate No. 101637842
- Innovations in the educational process: theory, methodology, practice of higher education, KATU named after. S. Seifullina, Astana, 01/15-01/25/2024, Certificate No. 195
- “Statistical methods of data analysis” courses, National Open University “Intuit”, 05/08-05/22/2024. Certificate No. No. 101659958 

Published works

The author of many scientific papers. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Ways to improve the quality of public services for the people of the Republic Kazakhstan // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Economic problems of industrial and innovative development of agro-industrial complex: a state and prospects", devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, professor, academician, Honourable educator of the Republic of  Kazakhstan Abuov Kuanysh Kabidenovich. Astana 2016
  2. 1C Scientific and Practical Conference for Educational Institutions "1C Kazakhstan" 29.09.2022, certificate No . NPK22/0044
  3. Bilim salasyndagi zamanaui akparattyk tehnologiyalar: mүmkіndіkteri men bolashagy// WORKS оf the international scientific- practical conference «THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITALIZATION AND THE FORMATION OF THE INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF ECOMMERCE: TRENDS, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS»