Main / ППС / Zharmakin Bolatkhan Kaykenovich
Zharmakin Bolatkhan Kaykenovich

Zharmakin Bolatkhan Kaykenovich



senior lecturer, master of technical sciences

Date of birth: 01/28/1960

Phone: +7 - 700 - 700 - 76 -76




Sphere of scientific interests

– design of digital devices based on microcontrollers and FPGAs (Programmable Logic Integrated Circuits)

Courses taught:

  • Digital devices and microprocessor technology;
  • Programming of telecommunication and radio-electronic systems;
  • Theory of digital communication;
  • Software engineering.


1976 – 1980: Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, specialty - teacher of physics

2011 – 2013:University of Turan - Astana, Information systems, master


1983 - 1991 - installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of digital computers;

1991 - 1996 - creation and maintenance of various software (energy systems, banks);

1996 - 1999 - installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of communication nodes;

2010 - 2011 - installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of military training simulators - manipulators;

2018 - 2019 - design and refinement of the nodes of differential ground stations for tracking KazSat satellites


2016 - Digital electronics with the basics of programming in the VHDL language. LAMBERT Academy Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-3-659-87839-8. Study guide;

2018- Programming elements of digital electronics in VHDL: Tutorial. Almaty.: Epigraph, 2018. - 180 p. ISBN 978-601-327-352‑5;

2019-Design and programming of digital electronics elements on the ARDUINO platform. Educational tool. Almaty.: TechnoErudit, 2019. - 192 p. ISBN 97 8–601–327–353–2;

2020 - Learning the basics of analog electronics and sensors on the ARDUINO platform: Tutorial. . Almaty.: Evero, 2020. - 256 p. ISBN 978-601-310-519-1.

Publications (articles):

  1. "Karnaugh maps" - Materials of the International Summer School-seminar "Techniques and Technologies of Microwave and millimeter waves" - June 23-25, 2014 - Astana: ENU. L.N. Gumilyov, 2014. – Pp. 191-197. In co-authorship with Aliyev I., student of ENU named after L.N Gumilyova, Omarbekov A., student at Nottingham University (Malaysia);
  2. "Description and modeling of circuits with variable logic" - Materials of the International Summer School-Seminar "Technique and Technologies of Microwave and millimeter waves" - June 23-25, 2014 - Astana:ENUL.N. Gumilyov, 2014. Pp. 149-153. In collaboration with Ramazanov N., student of the ENUnamed afterL.N. Gumilyov;
  3. "Examples of programming elements of digital electronics in the VHDL language in the XILINX environment" Bulletin of the Karaganda University. E.A. Buketova., Mathematics series No. 4 (80) / 2015 - Karaganda: Publishing houseKarSU, 2015. - P. 64 - 74.
  4. "Modeling a combinational digital device in VHDL" "Collection of materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference"Modern problems of mathematical and computer modeling in the context of the development of the digital industry of Kazakhstan". In collaboration with Abdrakhman B., Zhantlesova A. B., ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov. Astana, 2018. - P.7 - 13.