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Zhedelbayeva Aigul Serikovna

Zhedelbayeva Aigul Serikovna


Мaster of agricultural Sciences
Assistant of the Department of Soil science and Agrochemistry
Room 5120, Phone: +7 (702) 6289675


Research interests

The biological activity of soil, microbiology, Soil and Agrochemical research

Delivered disciplines

Basics of Soil Science, Soil science, General Geology

The main direction of research

Search and selection of useful soil microorganisms, study and development of methods of modern microbiology and biotechnology, the study of crop diseases; development of biological methods of plant protection.


2013-2017 Bachelor Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Faculty of Agronomy, specialty Soil science and Agrochemistry;
2017-2019 Master's degree Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Faculty of Agronomy, specialty Soil science and Agrochemistry;


1) 2019-2020 – Assistant of the highest category of the Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
2) 2020-2023 – Clerk of the Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
3) 2023 – Lecturer of the Department of soil Science and Agrochemistry (S.Seifullin KATRU)

Awards, acheivements

Diplom II degree of competitive work of microbiology (Astana, 2014) 
Diplom II degree VIII and IX Republic Olympiad of profession (Almaty, 2016, 2017)

Advanced training 

13.09.-27.09.2023. completed training at advanced training courses in LLP «BIO-KATRU» on the topic: "Methodology of planning the educational process in soil biological disciplines in the bachelor's degree" in the amount of 72 hours.

Certificate. Republican Educational and Methodological seminar on the topic: "Innovations in the Educational process: Theory, Methodology, Practice of the Higher School". KATRU, Astana 15-25.01.2024.


  1. Актиномицеттердің белсенді штамдары негізінде жасалған биопрепататтардың бидай өнімділігіне әсері (научный руководительНауанова А.П.). Материалы Республиканской научно-теоретической конференции «Сейфуллинские чтения – 13: сохраняя традиции, создавая будущее», посвященная 60-летию Казахского агротехнического университета имени С.Сейфуллина. Астана-2017. - Т.І, Ч.1. - Б.91-94.
  2. «БИО-KATU» жағдайында құс саңғырығынан органикалық тыңайтқыш алудың әр түрлі тәсілдеріне баға беру. (Науанова А.П., Абдулова А., Дуйсенбек А.) Материалы Республиканской научно-теоретической конференции «Сейфуллинские чтения – 14: Молодежь, наука, инновации: цифровизация – новый этап развития», (25 апреля 2018 года): Сб. материал. Республ. науч.-теорет. конф. – Астана, 2018. Т.I, Ч.1. – Б. 142-144.
  3. Микрофлора различных типов почв Северного Казахстана. (Науанова А.П., Ерпашева Д.М., Ермеков А.Е.) Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный). Астана - 2018. - №1 (96). - С.58-66.