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Zhetpisayeva Ainur Tursinkanovna

Zhetpisayeva Ainur Tursinkanovna


Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications 



Field of scientific interests

Telecommunications, Optoelectronics    

Teaching courses

"Digital and microprocessor technology", "Controlling systems of electricity", "Electromagnetic fields and waves", "Technology of wireless electricity", "Devices of electricity and optical range"

Main directions of research

Fiber-optical sensors, dialing signal, radio transmission


Bachelor degree:
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of physics, specialty "Physics", 1994 – 1999.
Master degree:
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of physics, specialty "Physics", 1999 – 2001

PhD degree:
Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, 2013-2016, specialty «Radio Engineering, Electronics and telecommunications» 

Work experience

2002-2016. Kazakh Academy of transport and communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, senior lecturer of the Department "Radio Engineering and telecommunications",
2016-2018 - University "Turan", the head of the department ""Radio Engineering and telecommunications"
2018-2022 - Kazakh Agricultural Technical University named after S. Seifulin, a senior lecturer of the Department "Radio Engineering and telecommunications",
2022г.- up to now, - Kazakh Agricultural Technical University named after S. Seifulin, associated professor of the Department "Radio Engineering and telecommunications"

Advanced training 

1.Certificate of passing the course “Bragg fiber-optics sensor" at Lublin Polytechnic University, Poland (72 hours), 2019.
2. Wi-Fi wireless network. Certificate No. 10149510-72 hours, Intuit University, 2021 (Russia, Moscow).
3. Radio-mechanical systems and reliability of television and radio-electronic equipment. Toraigyrov University. Certificate. (72 hours), 2022 No. 09748-TMO.
4. UHF and optical range devices. Turan University. Certificate. (72 hours), 2022 № 729.
5. Digital and microprocessor technology. Turan University. Certificate. (72 hours), 2023.
6. Technology of wireless communication. Turan University. Certificate. (72 hours), 2023.

Ongoing researches
Executor for grant financing for scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026 (Ministry of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan):
1) The development of digital experimental facilities for the study of physics in laboratory conditions of educational institutions with the introduction of modern computer technologies.
2) Development of the method of recognition of speakers with the introduction of deep neural networks at the ultra-short duration of pure speech.

Development and publication of electronic learning resources
Video lecture course on the discipline: "Technologies of wireless communication", "Electromagnetic fields and waves"



Publication in Kazakhstan journals recognized by Ministry of Science and higher education.
1. Zhetpisbayeva A.T., Smaylov N.K. Kusaynova G.T., Talaspayeva SH. Issledovaniye porogovoy moshchnosti nelineynogo effekta// "Vestnik", KazNITU №1, ISSN 1680-9211, 2019, S. 191-195
2. Әкімбек А.Е., Смайлов Н.К., Жамангарин Д.С., Жетписбаева А.Т. Телекоммуникация саласында оптикалық талшықты пайдалану және брэгг торы негізінде моделін құру// "Вестник", КазНИТУ №3, ISSN 1680-9211, 2019, С. 456-459
3. Толегенова А.А., Албанбай Н., Жетписбаева А.Т., Медетов Б.Ж., Исимова А.Т., Тайсариева К.Н., TFBG типтес оптоталшықтарды сенсор ретінде қолдану үшін қажетті спектралдық сипаттамаларды эксперимент жүзінде анықтау// "Вестник", КазНИТУ №4, ISSN 1680-9211, 2019, С. 55-60
4. Жетписбаева А.Т., Смайлов Н.К., Базарбай А., Арыстанбекұлы М. Волоконная Брэггевская решетка на основе тензодатчиков: обзор технологий и приложений// "Вестник", КазНИТУ №5, ISSN 1680-9211, 2020 С. 550-554
5. Жетписбаева А.Т., Еришова М., Толегенова А.С., Жетписбаев К.У., Молдахмет Ж.Оптикалық талшықтардағы бейсызық эффектілерді модельдеу// "Вестник", КазАТК №2 ISSN № 1609-1817 , 2022
6. A. Tolegenova, M. Yerishova, A. Zhetpisbayeva, K. Zhetpisbayev, A. S. Tolegenova. INVESTIGATION OF THE TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF TFBG WITH TILT ANGLES OF 2deg AND 4 deg. //Вестник Торайгыров университета. Энергетическая серия № 2, 2022, С. 322-333, ISSN 2710-3420
Publications in Web of Science, Scopus
8. Tolegenova, A., Kisała, P. A., Zhetpisbayeva, A., Mamyrbayev, O., & Medetov, B. (2019). Experimental determination of the characteristics of a transmission spectrum of tilted fiber Bragg gratings. Metrology and Measurement Systems, – 2019. – С. 581-589.; 26(3).h=1. DOI 10.24425/mms.2019.129585, ID 5789702755
9. T.G. Serikov, A. Zhetpisbayeva, А. Аkhmediyarova, S. Mirzakulova, A. Kismanova, A. Tolegenova, W. Wójcik. City Backbone Network Traffic Forecasting// Intl Journal Of Electronics And Telecommunications, 2021, Vol. 67, No. 3, Pp. 319-324 Scopus (percentile 24) DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2021.135983
10. T.G. Serikov, A. Zhetpisbayeva, S. Mirzakulova, K. Zhetpisbayev, Z. Ibraeva, A. Tolegenova, L. Soboleva, B.Zhumazhanov. Application of the NARX neural network for predicting a one-dimensional time series// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 5/4 (113) 2021 Pp.12-19 Scopus (percentile 56) DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.242442
11. Zhumazhanov B., Zhetpisbayeva, A., Zhetpisbayev K., Yerishova, A. Tolegenova, T. Serikov, P. Dunayev, K. Nauryz, K. Kussainova, G. Uristimbek. Modeling the method for determining the stimulated brillouin scattering threshold in a single-mode optical fiber// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022, vol. 1/5, No. 115, PP.6–13, doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2022.253390. Scopus (percentile 46)
12. Uskenbaev D. ., Zhetpisbayeva, A., Zhetpisbayev K. SYNTHESIS OF HIGHTEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING CERAMICS IN THE Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SYSTEM BASED ON AMORPHOUS PRECURSORS, , Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022

Monographies and tutorials

1. Жетписбаева А.Т. Оптикалық талшықтағы бейсызықтық әсерлер/ А.Т. Жетписбаева –Алматы, 2020.-132 б.
2. Жетписбаева А.Т. Сымсыз байланыс технологиясы// Оқу құралы, Нұр-Сұлтан, С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің баспасы, 2021
Жетписбаева А.Т. Электрмагниттік өрістер және толқындар// Оқу құралы, Астана, С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің баспасы, 2023