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Zhokizhanova Saltanat

Zhokizhanova Saltanat


Candidate of chemical sciences, senior teacher  of department of physics and chemistry

Room 2301,f.namber +7(701)6914021 



Research interests

The study of natural terpenoids , obtaining new derivatives based on terpenoids and determination of heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment instrumental methods

Читаемые дисциплины

Chemistry , analytical chemistry, physical chemistry colloidal  chemistry, organic chemistry

Teaching courses

(At present time and for the last 5 years)

"Organic chemistry", "chemistry", "Analytical, physical and colloid chemistry".

The main research directions

 Bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of physiologically active substances


1992-1996  years  is  a student of chemical faculty  Buketov  Karaganda State  university

1996-1998  years is маgistr of chemical faculty Buketov  Karaganda State  university

1998-2001  years is a competitor of department of organic chemistry and polymers Buketov Karaganda State  university

 2001 year is  a candidate of chemical sciences (02.00.10 – bioorganic chemistry, chemistry physiologically active substances)

Work experience:

2000-2002 years is an engineer  Buketov  Karaganda State  university  

2002-2003 years -  teacher Buketov  Karaganda State  university

2003-2006 years - senior teacher  Buketov  Karaganda State  university  

2007-2012 years is a senior staff scientist National Center of biotechnology

2012-2014 years manager by the department of «Radio-chemistry and radio-spectrometry»  of «Institute  radiobiology researches» of Medical State university

2014 year  - and to today – senior teacher  of department of physics and chemistry

Rewards, diplomas

2004-2006 years and 2008-2010 years -  grant holder state grants for the talentedyoung scientists of Republics of Kazakhstan.

 In-plant training 

2007  year     -     certificate «Use of spectroscopy (аtomic – absorbing  spectroscopy, IR-Fure spectroscopy) research methods for  a study quality and quantitative composition  of oil and heavy  metals in objects of environment» (Moscow).

   2008 year -   certificate "Deep passing of internship on methods prepearatic excretions of oil and study of the programs(Quant+, Quant C) to IR-Fure to the spectrometer of BX - II" (Moscow)

2014 year  - certificate of " ST RK ISO/MEC 17025-2007. General requirements to the competence proof-of-concept  and  gauge laboratories", Astana sity

- radiation safety during work  with sources ionizing radiation

2015 year      -  certificate about in-plant training  БА№00437S.SeifullinKazakh agrotechnical university 


  1.  N. Merkhatuly, S. Zhokizhanova,  L.T. Balmagambetova,  S.M.  Adekenov.  Reaction of the sesquiterpene γ-lactone α-santonin with alcoholic hydrogen chloride, Russ. J. Gen. Chem. - 2006.- V. 76.- P. C.1347-1348. ( импакт - фактор по РИНЦ -0,43)
  2. Мерхатулы Н., Жокижанова С.К. Балмагамбетова Л.Т.  Адекенов С.М. Трансаннулярная карбоциклизация ханфиллина  N-бромсукцинимидом,  Журнал общей химии. 2006, Т.7.  –С.1045-1046. ( импакт - фактор по РИНЦ -0,627)
  3. N. Merkhatuly, Zhokizhanova S, S.M.  Adekenov,  Oximation of α – santonin, Russ. J. Org. Chem.– 2007. - V. 43. - P.150-151 (импакт - фактор по РИНЦ -0,627)
  4. Жокижанова С.К., Мерхатулы Н.,  Жаксыбай Г.М., Балмагамбетова Л.Т., Адекенов С.М. Направленные синтезы на основе гваянолида эстафиатина. Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия химия. - 2010.- №2(58).- С. 52-56
  5. P.Kazymbet, M.Bakhtin, Zhokizahova S,  E.Kashkinbayev. Radiation situation out of sanitary protection zone on a territory of uranium plants  of  Kazakhstan, «Уран өндірілетін аймақтардағы медициналық-биологиялық және радиоэкологиялық проблемалар» атты V Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция тезистері, 19-20 маусым 2014 жыл, 26 бет. 
  6. The synthesis of new g-lactams based on eudesmanolide α-santonin. Russian scientific conference with international participation and school of young scientists "Chemistry and technology of plant substances" Моscow, P.117., 2015.