Main / ППС / Zhubaktanova Aygerim Zhandarbekovna
Zhubaktanova Aygerim Zhandarbekovna

Zhubaktanova Aygerim Zhandarbekovna


Master of Veterinary Science, Assistant

Office 411, phone: +7 (701) 682-97-27


Sphere of scientific Interests

Veterinary and sanitary examination, assessment of food quality and safety 

Delivered disciplines

Veterinary and sanitary examination of products of plant growing, fish farming, beekeeping and poultry farming 


2008-2013 JSC " S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University". Specialty: "Veterinary-sanitary doctor".

2013-2015 Master's degree at JSC " S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University". Specialty: "Veterinary-sanitary doctor".

2015-2018 Doctoral studies at JSC " S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University". Specialty: "Veterinary-sanitary doctor". 


2015-Junior researcher (March, April)

2018-Assistant of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation, JSC "Kazakh  Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin". 

Advanced training courses

Certificates on internships and qualifications improvement in higher education institutions, in the near (the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazan) including the far abroad (Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Poland). 

Published works

The author of scientific research articles and two patents for invention:

  1. "Development of an express method for determining the quality of meat" / / Collection of scientific papers on the results of the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems and achievements in agricultural sciences Issue II" Samara, April 7, 2015, pp. 34-37.