Main / ППС / Nazym Bakhytzhanovna Zhumadilova
Nazym Bakhytzhanovna Zhumadilova

Nazym Bakhytzhanovna Zhumadilova


Master of  Ecology

Office 7409, mob. +7 (717) 238-39-11



Sphere of scientific interests

Research and development of scientific and methodological foundations of environmental assessment of the livestock enterprises impact on the soil cover.

Delivered disciplines

Ecology and the basics of life safety (Bachelor’s),General ecology (Bachelor’s),Industrial ecology (Bachelor’s), Ecosystem and landscape ecology (Bachelor’s), Environmental documentation at enterprises, Environmental safety of agricultural products, Ecological biogeography, Biology and nature conservation, Environmental resource science




E.A. Buketov Karaganda State university, «Ecology»

PhD candidate in Al- Farabi Kazakh National university


 Work Experience


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Agronomy faculty. Assistant of the Department of «Agroecology and Agrochemistry».


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University,  Agronomy faculty, senior lecturer of «Agroecology and Agrochemistry department».


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University.  Agronomy faculty. Deputy dean on the educational work.


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs.


 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University.  Agronomyfaculty. Senior lecturer  of Department of «Ecology».


Kazakh National university named by Al-Farabi, PhD candidate.

С 1.09. 2021

Until now

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, «Forestry, wildlife and the environment» faculty. Senior lecturer Department of «Ecology»


Advanced    training


"Agroecological testing center (laboratory) at JSC" Kazakh Agro Technical University named by Saken Seifullin ".


“Environmental resource science”, LLP training center “KazProfit”.


“Ecological biogeography”, LLP training center “KazProfit”.


Published works

1.Perzadaeva A.A., Satybaldieva G.K., Zhumadilova N.B. "Monitoring of soil pollution by heavy metals in roadside areas of Astana city", Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 256S (2017) S44 – S116

2. Bakhov Zh.K., Zhumadilova N.B. "Construction solution for intensification of gaseous energy carrier production in bioreactor", Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 4, 2018

3.Kulzhanova S.M., Baydyusen A.A., Botabekova G.T., Kenzhegulova S.O., Zhumadilova N.B. 2017

4. Bakhov Zh.K., Zhumadilova N.B. "Environmentally sound processing of animal waste", Bulletin of the State University. Shakarim. No. 1 (89), 2020

5. Bakhov Zh.K., Zhumadilova N.B. "Solving environmental problems of animal husbandry through the intensification of waste processing", Conference "IOPConf. Series: EarthandEnvironmentalScience", International level, RUSSIA, 2020