Main / ППС / Zhuman Gulmira
Zhuman Gulmira

Zhuman Gulmira


Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

Date of birth: 06/27/1978

Phone: +7 (775) 458 66 11


Place of birth:Zhambyl region, Taraz

Marital status: married, two children



1995- 1999 yy.

M.H. DulatiTaraz State University, Faculty of History, specialty "Teacher of History and Law".

Трудовой стаж


Taraz city, Zhambyl Polytechnic College, teacher of history and law;


Taraz city, H.A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University, senior lecturer of the Department "History of Kazakhstan";

2009 -2010

Taraz City, Taraz Innovation and Humanities University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, the History Department;

2010 -2011

Taraz city, Taraz Pedagogical Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer, "History and Methods of teaching History" Department


Astana city, Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department "History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines".


Astana city, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, acting Associate Professor, the Department "History of Kazakhstan", Faculty of Humanities.


Professional development

Educational and methodological seminar "New directions and prospects in education", Almaty, Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Niide University (Turkey), February, 2016.

Educational and methodological seminar "Innovative technologies in teaching humanities": Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana, March 27 - April 02, 2018.

Educational and methodological seminar "Rukhani zhangyru and training of competitive specialists": Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana from January 28 to February 07, 2019.

Courses "Distance learning technologies in education", Kazakh Agrotechnical University. December, 2019.

Participation in projects:

1 Participant of the scientific project on fundamental research of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Modernization of socio-humanitarian university and postgraduate education for the purpose of spiritual and moral development of the student's personality" 2014-2017.

2 Participant (senior researcher) of a scientific project under the program 055 of State Funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "State-confessional relations in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the XX century - the end of the 1930s" (project number: AR08855487).


Committee for Control in the Field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1.Повседневный аспект внедрения культурных практик в организации досуга и праздников г. Аулие-Ата (вторая половина XIX – начало XX вв.) // DomesticHistory, No. 2. The city of Almaty, 2013. pp. 97-106.

2. «Платформа» общественно-значимыхценностейТурараРыскулова. //"Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey", № 2 (74), 2016, 2 vol. pp. 93-98.

3. ПолитическиевзглядыС. АсфендияроваввопросахиндустриальногоразвитияКазахстанав 1920-30 – егг. // Kazakh History (scientific and methodological journal), No. 2 (159). Almaty, 2018. pp. 16-18.

4. Социально-бытовые проблемы рабочего класса в Казахстане в 1920-1930-е гг. // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, No. 1 (64), Almaty, 2020, pp.45-52.

5. ВопросыпродовольственногоснабженияКазахстанав 1920-1930 гг. // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, No. 4, Almaty, 2020, pp.52-56.

6. Alpyspaeva G.A., Zhuman G., SayakhimovaSh.N.Указот 17 апреля 1905 г. «Обукрепленииначалверотерпимости» ихристианскийпрозелитизмвКазахстаневначалеХХвека// Bulletin of Karaganda State University named after Buketova, No. 4, 2021. History and Philosophy series.

National bibliographic database of scientific citation:

  1. Alpyspaeva G.A., Zhuman G., Sametova G.S. Государственно-конфессиональная политика Советской власти и ее особенности в Казахстане в 1920-х гг. Actual problems of humanities and socio-economic sciences: International Electronic Scientific Journal / Editor-in-chief. A.V. Nemchininov; A.S. Mokrousov. - Moscow: Publishing house "Pero"; Volsk: Type. VVIMO, 2021. – № 1(76). – Pp. 3-12.
  2. AlpyspaevaG.A. Zhuman G., Sayakhimova Sh.N.  «Указ от 17 апреля 1905 г. «Об укреплении начал веротерпимости» и деятельность противосектанской миссии Туркестанской епархии» // Empires in World History: actual problems of modern research: collection of scientific works of International scientific-practical conference, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak, May 14, 2021 / ed. by I.I. Yavnov, Deputy ed. by R.I. Kantimirov. - Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak branch of BASHGU, 2021. -pp.59-63.
  3. ZhumanG., SayakhimovaSh.N.Теоретико-методологические основы исследования повседневной жизни населения Южного Казахстана (вторая половина XIX в. – 1917 г.) // The Future of our Past-6: The History of everyday life and the everyday life of a historian Materials of an international scientific conference. November 27, 2020 Moscow 2021, pp. 198-206.


  1. GabdudinaA.Zh., Zhuman G.Higher education in Kazakhstan [Educación superior enKazajstán], // Espacios, 40 (2), 2019. (Каракас, Венесуэла), (Q 3, Hirsh-1), 10 р.
  2. AlpyspaevaG.A., ZhumanG., SayakhimovaSh.N., Bagdatova S.A. Дискуссии о христианизации казахов Туркестанского края (вторая половина XIX – начало XX вв.) // The journal "Bygone Years" (Q 1), Russia, Sochi, 2019, No. 2, pp.655-667.
  3. Nurbay K.J. Zhuman G.Средний жуз в период XVIII – начала XIX веков: политический аспект проблемы // The journal "Bygone Years" (Q 1), Russia, Sochi, 2019, No. 4, pp.1479-1489
  4. Alpyspaeva G.A., Zhuman G., Dzhumalieva L.T., Abdykarimova Sh.T. Правовое положение казахской женщины в семье и обществе в ХIХ – начале ХIХ вв. глазами русских современников// Thejournal "BygoneYears" (Q 1), Russia, Sochi, 2020, No. 1, pp. 370-381 (Hirsch Index 1).
  5. Alpyspaeva G.A., Zhuman G., SayakhimovaSh.N., Dzhumalieva L.T. Несостоявшиеся законопроекты по «мусульманскому вопросу» в степных областях и Туркестанском крае (конец XIX – начало XX вв.)// Thejournal «BygoneYears» (Q 1), Russia, Sochi,  2021. 16 (2), pp. 799-811.