Code and classification of the field of education:
7M06 Information and communication technology
Code and classification of training areas:
7M061 Information and communication technology
Code in the International Standard Classification of Education: 0610
Classification: master
Duration of study: 1,5; 1; 2 years
Form of study: full-time
Short description of the scope of knowledge: The training of IT specialists who own modern methods, tools and technologies for the industrial development of software products for various purposes, of the engineering activities and processes of the life cycle of software systems is an important task of postgraduate education at the university.
The educational program is aimed at training the skills and abilities to develop new methods and tools for designing information systems based on modern technologies, to carry out the author's support for the design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies, to develop and research theoretical and experimental models of professional objects in areas with introduction of information technology; organize interaction between development and customer groups, make management decisions in the context of different opinions for enterprises developing information systems and technologies, develop methods for solving non-standard tasks and new methods for solving traditional problems using information technologies.
Brief description of skills
In the process of training in this specialty undergraduates will receive the following skills:
- educational (pedagogical, educational) ;
- production and management;
- organizational and technological;
- design.
A summary of the programme
The purpose of the educational program: the formation of students competencies that ensure their professional activities in the field of information systems and the training of specialists in research, development, implementation and maintenance of information technologies and systems in various sectors of the economy, reflected in the State Program "Digital Kazakhstan" for 2018-2022yy.
Objectives of the educational program:
- the creation of prerequisites for the independent search and research activities of undergraduates in the framework of the experiment at all its stages;
- to contribute to work with scientific and technical information, use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, systematize and summarize the information obtained;
- formation of students' knowledge of the principles of design and management of information systems for the effective organization of information resource management processes and organization systems, as well as the skills of participating undergraduates in solving real problems of economic sectors.
The skills obtained by undergraduates in the development of information systems and technologies in various subject areas will help graduates to navigate and adapt to dynamically changing trends in modern information flows in various areas of the economy. Undergraduate research work is based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science and practice, based on international best practices in the relevant field of knowledge.
The graduate may continue his studies in doctoral studies to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the direction of "Information and communication technology."
According to the educational program "Information systems and IT solutions by industry" are provided by the following teachers:
Abdygalikova Gulnar Аkhmadievna
Ismailova Aisulu Abzhapparovna
Omarkulov Kubyla Agperlevich
Satybaldiyeva Aizhan Zhanabekovna
Senior adviser: Imanbayeva Aigul Bilyalova, tel. +7(7172) 38-43-23, E-mail aigulka79_79
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.