Qualifications - Bachelor of Agriculture in "Forest Resources and Forestry" Department
Duration of training - 4 years
Form of education - Full-time
4 subject - geography
Brief description of the application of knowledge. Today, in the Republic of high demand for specialists, landscapers and landscape designers who are able to organize and carry out work on the design, reconstruction of parks and green spaces, able to develop and implement projects of forest reclamation, control of forest management works and forestry works, reforestation. Bachelor of Agriculture in "Forest resources and forestry" carries advanced scientific methods and technical means to promptly solve the problems of forestry.
Brief description of skills. Bachelor of Agriculture acquire the skills necessary for an engineer plantations, forest ranger, assistant forester engineer on protection of forests, forest nursery master, tree and shrub planting engineer, florist, landscape designer.
Prospects for employment experts - scientific research institutes, public and private institutions of the forest; secondary vocational schools; enterprises, organizations leading training and retraining; research organizations.
Summary of the program. Educational programs in areas of "Protective afforestation" and "Landscape design and gardening" include study courses Biological and forestry profile, such as forest botany, physiology rapsteny, forestry, technology of cultivation of planting material and forest growing, forest economics and entrepreneurship, forest inventory and merchandising landscape design and landscaping of residential areas, and others. The dual training in the discipline of "Selection of forest plantations" has been held in the RSE "North branch Republican breeding center" Schuchinsk.
Students of "Forest Resources and Forestry" annually took prizes at national and international competitions and international competitions diploma projects.
Rated "Independent agency for accreditation and rating" 2015 specialty is ranked first place.
Forest Resources and Forestry Department
Elective disciplines catalog specialty 5B080700
Contact Adviser:
Head of the Department "Forest Resources and Forestry" Boranbai Zhumagul Tanatkanovich.
Tel: 8 (7172) 31-02-14, +7-771-470-65-65, E-mail: zhumagul.81@mail.ru
Qualification - Master of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty "Forest resources and forestry".
Training term - 2 years (research and teaching), 1.5 years (profile direction).
Form of education - Full-time.
Brief description of the application of knowledge. Planning and organization of research in the field of forestry research, planting and landscaping of residential areas, commercial forestry, protective afforestation, management in protected areas development and biological resources, and others. The Master takes possession of the methods of scientific research in the field of management of protected areas and bio-resources, techniques design and production activities in the field of forestry and environmental management of the Ministry of agriculture.
Brief description of skills. Masters can practice a profession engineer plantations, forest ranger, assistant forester engineer on protection of forests, forest nursery master, tree and shrub planting engineer. Graduates can work in the following sectors and areas: public and private institutions; secondary and higher vocational schools; enterprises, organizations leading training and retraining; research organizations, etc.
Summary of the program. The basis of the educational program of magistracy constitute the basic compulsory and specialized subjects of their choice. The educational program is based on employers' request, and in connection with the growing demand for specialists who can develop and implement projects for the reproduction and conservation of forests, planting, forest management and control of forestry operations on forest maintenance, reforestation and protective afforestation.
The educational program has been developed on the principle of multilingual education. Undergraduates have the opportunity to undergo training in foreign research universities and abroad. Participate in the preparation and implementation of scientific research in the field of forestry projects.
After finishing graduate have the opportunity to continue their studies in doctoral studies.
Forest Resources and Forestry Department
Elective disciplines catalog specialty 6M080700
Head of the Department "Forest Resources and Forestry" Boranbai Zhumagul Tanatkanovich.
Tel: 8 (7172) 31-02-14, +7-771-470-65-65, E-mail: zhumagul.81@mail.ru
Qualification - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in "Forest resources and forestry"
Training term - 3 years
Form of education - full-time.
Brief description of the application of knowledge. Graduates of doctoral studies can work in the following sectors and areas: higher education institutions, research laboratories, research institutions, government agencies and forest protected areas, joint stock companies, cooperatives, limited liability partnerships.
Brief description of skills. Doctoral students acquire self-planning skills, can evaluate and compare various scientific theories and ideas; plan and predict the results of research; publicly perform at international scientific meetings, conferences and seminars; to plan, coordinate and implement the processes of scientific research; participate in scientific events, fundamental scientific domestic and international projects; creatively relate to scientific and educational activities; protect the intellectual property rights to discoveries and developments. Doctor of Philosophy acquire skills of organization of educational process in higher educational institutions.
Summary of the program. "Forest Resources Reproduction of" The main objectives of the educational program of doctoral studies are: the provision of high-grade and high-quality scientific and pedagogical education, the formation of professional competence, deepening the theoretical and practical, as well as individual training of doctoral students in the field of forestry; facilitating obtaining doctoral most important and sustainable knowledge, ensuring the development of the forestry sector; promote the acquisition of skills to participate in research activities at various levels. Participate in the preparation and implementation of forestry research projects
Doctoral students have the opportunity to undergo training in the leading foreign universities and research institutes around the world.
Young scientist with PhD is highly competitive both in our country and abroad.
Forest Resources and Forestry Department
Elective disciplines catalog specialty 6D080700
Head of the Department "Forest Resources and Forestry" Boranbai Zhumagul Tanatkanovich.
Tel: 8 (7172) 31-02-14, +7-771-470-65-65, E-mail: zhumagul.81@mail.ru
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.