Name of specialty: 5B071900 – «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»
Bachelor of engineering and technology,
Duration of training: 4 years bachelor
Mode of study: full-time, distance learning
4 subject: physics.
Field of application of knowledge.The sphere of professional activity is the area of the transmission and reception of signals theory, the theory of radio communication, design, management, and reliability of automated systems, computer systems, organization of the telecommunications industry, information security, management and marketing. Bachelor can work in the development, implementation and operation of the following systems: telecommunications, radio, television, radio, radar, and navigation, radio control, mobile communications, broadcast and radio reception of television and audio signals, radio engineering a special assignment, electronic and computer systems controlled by a microcontroller and microcomputer.
In the process of learning KATU S. Seifullin students will gain the following skills:
- Operation of technical objects under study;
- Design and development on modern element base of equipment and devices, transmission systems, reception and distribution of information;
- Application of methods of telecommunications theory in the related areas of information technology;
- In work in the electronic and computer systems and networks.
Program Summary:
Specialty of undergraduate 5B071900 – «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»training conducted in the state, Russian and English languages, full-time and extramural training. The educational process is organized by the credit technology of training in the content of which includes the basic, compulsory and specialized subjects. Training is carried out in two educational programs: «Telecommunication systems and networks» and «Radioelectronics».
Educational and operational information for students and teachers, and exhibited online portals S.Seifullin KATU. The principles of assessment of students knowledge are described in the Regulations on the organization of educational process rolled S.Seifullin KATU. During training students will conducted the current, mid-term and final control.
Introduced a dual education system, where students practical training at leading enterprises of the capital.
Organization of educational work contributes to the implementation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of policy documents of youth policy. Students are provided with places in dorm. Teachers of the department conducted educational and methodical, scientific research and educational work.
Bachelors are educational, industrial practice at the leading enterprises of Kazakhstan. Undergraduates are scientific research, production and teaching practices in enterprises and research laboratories in Kazakhstan.
Internships undergraduates held in foreign research centers and universities.
Available equipment in the laboratories of the department meets all the requirements for training in the rapidly growing field of information and telecommunication systems.
In the national ranking of the НААР: Among the universities participating naaru rating KATU S.Seifullin in 2015 took 4th place in the specialty graduate. The department has successfully passed the accreditation and certification.
Chair of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication
Head of the department: Khamzina B.E., Phone: 87172395199, E-mail:
Name of specialty: 6M071900 - «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»
Master of Engineering on scientific and pedagogical direction and the master of engineering and technology for the core area.
Duration of training: Master -2 and 1.5 years
Mode of study: full-time
Field of application of knowledge. The sphere of professional activity is the field of engineering and technology, which includes a set of technologies, tools, techniques and methods of activities aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of information at a distance, information transformation by electronic means. Professional master's degree of activity in the field of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications include the development and operation of telecommunications systems, radio, television, radio, radar, and navigation, radio, mobile, radio and radio television and sound signals, electronic and computer systems and managed systems using microcontrollers and microcomputers. The purpose of training of undergraduates is to train professionals capable to explore, develop and operate telecommunications systems and network communication electronics.
In the process of learning KATU S. Seifullin Masters get the following skills:
- Operation of technical objects under study;
- Design and development on modern element base of equipment and devices, transmission systems, reception and distribution of information;
- Application of methods of telecommunications theory in the related areas of information technology;
- In work in the electronic and computer systems and networks.
Program Summary:
Specialty of master 6M071900- «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications» training conducted in the state, Russian and English languages, full-time and extramural training. The educational process is organized by the credit technology of training in the content of which includes the basic, compulsory and specialized subjects. Training is carried out in two educational programs: «Telecommunication systems and networks» and «Radioelectronics».
Educational and operational information for students and teachers, and exhibited online portals S.Seifullin KATU. The principles of assessment of students knowledge are described in the Regulations on the organization of educational process rolled S.Seifullin KATU. Duringtrainingstudentswillconductedthecurrent, mid-termandfinalcontrol.
Introduced a dual education system, where students practical training at leading enterprises of the capital.
Organization of educational work contributes to the implementation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of policy documents of youth policy. Students are provided with places in dorm.Teachers the department conducted educational and methodical, scientific research and educational work.
Bachelors are educational, industrial practice at the leading enterprises of Kazakhstan. Undergraduates are scientific research, production and teaching practices in enterprises and research laboratories in Kazakhstan.
Internships undergraduates held in foreign research centers and universities.
Available equipment in the laboratories of the department meets all the requirements for training in the rapidly growing field of information and telecommunication systems.
In the national ranking of the НААР:Among the universities participating naaru rating KATU S.Seifullin in 2015. took 2nd place in the specialty graduate. The department has successfully passed the accreditation and certification.
Chair of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication
Head of the department: Khamzina B.E., Phone: 87172395199, E-mail:
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.