Standardization and Certification

Standardization and Certification

5B073200 – «Standardization and Certification»

Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology: 5B073200 - «Standardization and Certification»

Duration of training: 4 years

Full-time form of education

4 th subject: Physics

Brief description of the application of knowledge: the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the rules, regulations and requirements for the product (service), process (work) and system of their development, production, application (use) and metrological provision aimed at high quality and safety of products and services, high economic efficiency for the producer and the consumer. Job prospects - governments, enterprises, organizations, state and non-state ownership, are directly related to the products (services), processes (works), equipment companies and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means of measurement, testing and monitoring, regulatory documentation system standardization, certification and quality management, metrological support of production, social and environmental performance, design, construction and operation of the measuring equipment. As well as companies involved in the production and processing of agricultural production, management and evaluation of the safety of these products.

Brief description of skills:

  • The development, revision and amendments to standards, regulatory and normative and technical documentation;
  • Metrological examination of design, technological and operational documentation, development of techniques for measuring individual indicators geometric accuracy, the development of measurement systems for specific industries, the development of calibration procedures (calibration) of measuring instruments;
  • Analysis of the production and evaluation of the stability of the quality of products, services and systems to further certification, evaluation of the implementation of corrective and preventive actions;
  • Maintenance, organization of routine inspections and maintenance of measuring instruments, testing and monitoring;
  • State supervision and supervisory control compliance standards and other regulatory documents of companies engaged in the management and assessment of the safety of agricultural and food products;
  • Carrying out experiments, measurements, observations, implementation of research and scientific development.

Program Summary: designed on the basis of the modular study courses system and consists of 11 modules (linguistic, socio-political, educational, professional language, basic theoretical and technical mechanics, service, the theoretical foundations of the specialty, measurement methods and tools, design and technology and research) forming a common cultural and professional competence.Educational trajectories are built on the principles of academic mobility,dual and multilingual education.

Seventh place in the national rating program of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating.

Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification


6M073200 - «Standardization and certification»

 Qualification: Master of Engineering Sciences in the speciality 6M073200 - "Standardization and   Certification"

Duration of training: 2 yearsFull-time form of education 

Short description of the scope of knowledge:Preparation of Master of Engineering, possess in-depth, system theoretical knowledge and practical skills on topical issues of standardization, certification and technical regulation, capable of self-development and implementation of research, analytical and educational activities. Job prospects - governments, universities and research institutions, institutions of the state and non-state profile of direct relevance to the products (services), processes (works), equipment companies and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means of measurement, testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization system, certification and quality management, metrological provision of scientific, industrial, social and environmental performance, design, construction and operation of the measuring equipment.

Brief description of skills:- Development of work plans and programs of scientific research and technological development, the preparation of individual tasks for the performers;- The collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information relating to the study, the choice of methods and means of solving the problem;- Preparation of scientific and technical reports, surveys and publications on the results of the research;- Fixing and protection of intellectual property- Implementation of educational activities in educational institutions of technical and vocational education;- The development, publication, implementation of educational research on the profile of the specialty;- Educational work among the students;- Preparation tasks for the development of design solutions;- Conducting patent research, preparation of descriptions operating principles and devices designed facilities with justification adopted technical solutions;- Settlement of projects, feasibility and environmental and economic feasibility of the planned solutions;- Assessment of the innovation potential of the project, the risks of innovation;- Development of methodical and regulatory documents, technical documentation.

Program Summary: designed on the basis of the modular study courses system and consists of 9 modules ( social sciences, educational sciences, compiling principles of operation and devices designed objects, services, certification, specialization, design and technology, scientific and technological, administrative, research and development ) form the general cultural and competences. Educational professional trajectory is built on the principles of multilingual education and academic mobility The eighth place in the national rating program of the  Independent agency for accreditation and rating. 

Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification


6D073200 -  «Standardization and certification»

Qualification: PhD in the specialty 6D073200 - «Standardization and Certification"

Apprenticeship: 3 years

Full-time form of education

Brief description of the application of knowledge: Training PhD possessing deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of standardization and certification. The ability to self-development and implementation of research, analytical and educational activities. Job prospects - senior positions of government, universities and research institutions, public and private profile of institutions of direct relevance to the products (services), processes (works), equipment companies and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means of measurement, testing and monitoring, regulatory documentation, system standardization, certification and quality management, metrological provision of scientific, industrial, social and environmental performance, design, construction and operation of the measuring equipment.

Brief description of skills:

- Independent scientific - research, organizational and management, design and technology and teaching activities

- Choose appropriate research methods, modify existing and develop new methods, based on specific research tasks

- Processing the results, analyze, and interpret them in the light of the available data

Summary of the program: designed based on a modular system of training courses on the principles of self-depth combined with high scientific activity and academic mobility of students. The main aspect of  training is to prepare a doctoral thesis and obtaining higher academic qualifications - the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Personalisation of the educational trajectory is carried out at the expense of foreign internships.

Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification