Land use planning

Land use planning

Qualification: Bachelor on speciality «Land use planning»

Duration of study: 4 year

Mode of study: Internal and extra-mural-remote

4th object: Geography

Brief description of a scope of knowledge

To the graduating student of bachelor on speciality 5В090300 - «Land use planning» awarded academic  baccalaureate  of «Land use planning» . A sphere of professional activity is the landed relations on the rational use and guard of the landed resources of Republic of Kazakhstan; organization of territory of land-tenures; prognostication, planning and planning of land-tenures; rational use and guards of earth.

To the graduate of a bachelor degree in the specialty 5B090300 – "Land managementuse planning". The sphere of professional activity - the land relations on rational use and protection of land resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan; organization of the territory of land use; forecasting, planning and design of land use; rational use and protection of lands.

Brief description of skills: The student after the termination of higher education institution in the specialty 5B090300 - "Land Use Planning" will be competent in:

  • to work with geodetic and photogrammetric devices and tools, with computer and digital technologies for performance of land management works;
  • the professional questions connected with performance of work on land management, the land registry and management of land resources and the land relation, respect for safety of work and environment protection;
  • application of the modern automated technologies of collecting, systematization, processing and accounting of information on the land plots;
  • carrying out design and exploration work in the field of land management and monitoring of lands.

Summary of the program:  The educational program in the specialty 5B090300 – "Land Use Planning" is divided into two trajectories: "Organization of territories"; "Upraleniye land resources". Main objective of an educational program: to give profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of the land relations, land management and methods of the organization of the territory. Dual training in the specialty 5B090300 – "Land Use Planning" takes place on production division of department in RGP Nptszem since 2015.

In 2015 the educational program in the specialty 5B090300 – "Land Use Planning" has taken the 3rd place in a national rating of NAAR

Land Management Chair

Contacts of person to that it is possible to appeal with additional by questions: Karbozov Tylegen Ermaganbetovish

manager by the department of  «Land use planning» office # 6205, +7(7172)39-76-39,  e - mail:


Qualification: Master degree on speciality "Land use planing"

Duration of study: 2 year

Mode of study: internal

Brief description of a scope of knowledge:

To the graduate of masters course in the specialty 6M090300 – "Land Use Planning" is awarded the academic degree of "the master of land management". The master can work as the teacher of the highest and special educational institutions of a land management profile and as the specialist of the enterprises and organizations, institutions of system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of land management and the inventory, committees on management of land resources, in the enterprises of GosNPTs for a cadastre and its regional branches, in land inspections of local executive bodies.

Brief description of skills: The undergraduate after the termination of higher education institution in the specialty 6M090300 – "Land Use Planning" has skills: research activity, solution of standard scientific tasks; implementation of educational and pedagogical activities for credit technology of training; techniques of teaching professional disciplines; uses of modern information technologies in educational process.

Summary of the program: The educational program of undergraduates in the specialty 6M0090300 – "Land Use Planning" functions in three languages. From this year undergraduates admit to polylingual group. The main objectives of an educational program of undergraduates in the specialty 6M0090300 – "Land Use Planning" are:

- to provide an individual educational trajectory of training according to the specialization chosen by undergraduates;

- to provide full and quality scientific and pedagogical education, to create professional competence, to deepen theoretical and practical, and also individual training of undergraduates in the field of land management.

  On the academic mobility, undergraduates, annually leave on training to the FSU and beyond.

Land Management Chair

Contacts of person to that it is possible to appeal with additional by questions: Karbozov Tylegen Ermaganbetovish

manager by the department of  «Land use planning» office # 6205, +7(7172)39-76-39,  e - mail: