Main / Faculties and Departments / Department of Electrical Equipment Operating
Department of Electrical Equipment Operating

Department of Electrical Equipment Operating


The Department of Electrical Equipment Operatingwas established on January 15, 1997 as a standalone structural unit on a basis of the Departments of Application of Electric and Thermal Power in Agriculture and Electric Drive and Electrical Machines. The history of these departments subsequently determined the directions of activity in the scientific and educational spheres.

The staff of the department is 21 people (candidates of sciences - 8, PhDs - 6, masters - 6), degree level - 66%.

For many years, the staff of the department has worked to train specialists in the field of energy supply and automation of agriculture and industry, developed advanced scientific solutions in the field of electric power, electrical technologies and automation, the results of which are recognized at the republican and world level.

The title “Best University Teacher” was awarded to employees M.A. Shukraliev in different years. (2010), Mehdiev A.D. (2012), Tleuov A.Kh. (2016). Laureates of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists Issenov S.S. (2008), Sarsikeyev E.Zh. (2022).

For their contribution to the development of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees of the department were awarded departmental awards:

  • candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Babko A.N. – Inventor of the USSR, 1978, badge “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2017, medal “For Contribution to the Development of the Electric Power Industry”, 2017.
  • Ph.D. Adzhanov A.U. – Medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”, 1978, medal “For impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, 1986, medal “70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”, 1988.
  • candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Shukraliev M.A. – badge “Honored Energy Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2017, badge “For contribution to the development of energy saving”, 2023.
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mekhdiev A.D. – Laureate of the state scientific scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology in 2014 and 2018, letters of gratitude from the Minister of Energy in 2017 and the Minister of Education and Science in 2018, the badge “Honored Energy Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan” , 2023
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Isenov S.S. – Letter of gratitude from the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014.
  • PhD, associate professor Sarsikeyev E.Zh. – Certificate of honor from the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development, 2020, badge “Honorary Energy Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2023.
  • PhD Ablanov M.B. – Certificate of honor from the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016
  • Ibraev K.A. – Letter of gratitude from the Minister of Education and Science, 2014, Letter of gratitude from the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021.
  • PhD Umurzakova A.D. – Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018),
  • PhD Kurabaev I.K. – badges “Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2018 and “Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2023.

Specialist Training

Training is currently available for the Bachelors, Masters and PhD candidates:

  Field of Education Field of Study Group of Educational Programs Educational Programs
1 6B07- «Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction» 6B071- «Engineering and Engineering» B 063 – «Electrical Engineering and Automation» 6B07108- «Automation and Energy Efficiency of Processes and Production»
2 6B08- «Agriculture and Bioresources» 6B087- «Agricultural Engineering» B 183- «Agricultural Engineering» 6B08702- «Energy and Automation in Agriculture»
1 7M07- «Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction»  7M071- «Engineering and Engineering» M 100- «Automation and Control» 7M07105- «Management of Technical Systems»
2 7M08- «Agriculture and Bioresources» 6B087- «Agro-Engineering» M135- «AgriculturalEnergy» 7M08705- «Agricultural Energy and Automation»
1 8D07- «Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction»  8D071- «Engineering and Engineering» D 100- «Automation and Control» 8D07107- «TechnicalSystemsManagement»
2 8D08- «Agriculture and Bioresources» 8D087- «Agricultural Engineering» D135- «AgriculturalPowerEngineering» 8D08703- «Energy and Automation in Agriculture»


Educational program development partners

  • Institute for Development of Electric Power Industry and Energy Saving, Kazakhstan.
  • Association of legal entities “Kazakhstan Association of Organizations of the Oil and Gas and Energy Complex “KAZENERGY”
  • Public organization “Central Branch of the International Association of Energy Engineers” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Association of legal entities “Coalition for Green Economy and Development G-Global”.
  • Astana Electrotechnical Plant.
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia.
  • Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.
  • National Research Tomsk State University, Russia.    
  • Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Kazakhstan.
  • Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan.


Base of practices and employment


  • JSC Akmola Electricity Distribution Company.
  • JSC "Astana - Regional Electric Grid Company".
  • Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Astana Electrotechnical Plant LLP.
  • “Kyzylorda Electricity Distribution Company” AK.
  • Branch of NC “Kazakhstan TemirZholy”, “Akmola branch of the backbone network”.
  • Branch of NC “Kazakhstan TemirZholy”, Mangystau branch of the backbone network.
  • AgrofirmRodina LLP.
  • Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture LLP.
  • AST - Technology LLP.
  • “Astana KalalykZharyk” LLP.
  • New Systems - Teplolux LLP.
  • EnergetikaAlemi LLP.
  • Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering LLP
  • ZhK-StroyEnergoMagistral LLP.
  • Energy service RTD LLP.
  • Energy Consulting Group LLP.
  • Laim Group Astana LLP.
  • KZ General Plan LLP.

Dual training

  • Astana Electrotechnical Plant LLP - disciplines “Technology of installation of electrical equipment”, “Operation and repair of electrical equipment”.
  • Branch of JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan TemirZholy” - “Akmola branch of the backbone network” - Astana signaling and communication distance - discipline “Elements and automation devices”.
  • LLP “Kazakh Institute of Intelligent Systems and High Technologies” - discipline “Industrial Programming”.


Material and technical base

The Department laboratories are equipped with modern equipment 

Room No



Room for lectures and practical classes


Room for lectures and practical classes


Room for lectures and practical classes


Laboratory "Electrotechnicalmaterials"




Research Specialized Laboratory “Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources”


Laboratory "Electric Machines and Electric Drive" named after Ph.D., Associate Professor O.B. Kissel


Laboratory “Renewable Energy Sources” named after Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.Kh. Tleuov


Laboratory "Automation of technological processes"


Laboratory "Installation and operation of electrical equipment"


Scientific laboratory "Innovative technologies of automation, measurement and energy supply"


Scientific Laboratory “Renewable Energy Sources in the Agro-Industrial Complex”


Lecture hall


International Projects

The International projects of the European Union Tempus "Development of the Bachelor's study programme "Energy Management" on the basis of a mixed (combining offline and online) education in the universities of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, as well as the international project of the European Union Tempus "Implementation of quality management system of electronic learning in the universities of Central Asia" have beenimplemented. 

The European Union Erasmus+ project "Improvement of postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future" (SAGRIS), project number 610383-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, has been completed.


The UniCEN project “Improvement of Master’s Degree Programs in Kazakhstan Through the Use of Renewable Energy Technologies that Affect Poultry Production” is being implemented with the support of the USA-Kazakhstan University Partnership Program to support projects between higher education institutions in the USA and Kazakhstan.American partner university - University of Arkansas.


Research Fields:

  1. Energy saving and energy efficiency of transport and use of electrical energy.
  2. Energy efficiency of electric lighting and electrical process units.
  3. Microprocessor control systems of electric drive.
  4. Renewable sources of energy.
  5. Neural and fuzzy control systems.
  6. Digital protection and automation systems for electrical systems.
  7. Fibre optics techniques and technologies.

Research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science have been implemented:

  1. Development of a small capacity wind power plant, supervisor Dr.TleuovA.Kh., 2013-2015.
  2. Development of technology and creation of a pilot project of energy efficient house with hybrid energy supply system based on renewable energy sources, supervisorDr. Tleuov A.H., 2014-2016.
  3. Grant financing for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023 on "AP09561922. Development of mathematical apparatus for application of hyperspectral images for phytosanitary survey of crops in aerospace imagery", supervisor PhD SarinovaA.Zh., 2021.
  4. Grant funding for young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023. Project topic “AP09058186.Development of a methodology and computer program for determining additional losses of electrical energy during its transportation and distribution in the electrical network,” supervisor, PhD Zhantlessova A.B., 2021-2023.
  5. Grant funding for young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023. Project topic “AP09058149.Study of electric-discharge destruction of reinforced concrete products and solid waste for the development of a mobile complex for their processing and disposal,” supervisor, PhD SarsikeyevYe.Zh., 2021-2023.

Ongoing projects at the moment

  1. Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024. The topic of the project is “AR14872147. Development of an effective power supply system for autonomous consumers based on a wind power plant of a special design”, head Ph.D., associate prof. Issenov S.S., 2022-2024
  2. Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025. The topic of the project is “AP19679359 “Development of a system for magnetic treatment of process water to reduce the formation of scale on the heating surface of thermal power equipment””, head: Ph.D., Ass.Prof. Mekhtiev A.D., 2023-2025
  3. Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025. The topic of the project is “AP19679083 “Development of prototypes of alternative cogeneration energy sources to improve the efficiency of energy supply to autonomous consumers”, Leader PhD Ye.Zh. Sarsikeyev, 2023-2025.
  4. Grant funding for young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026. Project topic «AP22787517. Development and approbation of a prototype device for measuring network insulation parameters in ungrounded system», Leader PhD Kurabayev I.K., 2024-2026.

The Department has a RK Training Centre for training in "Energy Audit", "Energy Management" and "Energy Expertise", accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Department is headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Yermek Sarsikeyev.


Department history

The department of electric and electric cars  was created in 1967, O.B. Kissel  was the  specialist in the field of electrification, a graduate of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, associate professor In 1969 there was a merger of two departments  “heat engineering  of thermodynamics and application of electrical energy in agriculture”. The Joint Department was named as "Application of electricity and heating in agriculture."

January 15, 1997. "Electrical Maintenance department “  was created on the basis of departments  "Applications of electricity and heating in agriculture" and "Power and electrical machinery"

The first teachers  P.S. Klimenko, O.B. Kissel , L.M,.Khoreva. Shpilko Yuri  carried out organizational work in the department.The teaching staff  consisted of  electrical engineers  graduated from Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and  they  had a great work experience: Shpilko Yuri, E.A. Kolobov and E.S. Bulygin. The  department was equipped with  laboratory equipment , boads and devices by Shpilko Yuri, Kolobov EA and Bulygin ES  . Kolobov BA  made educational boards in all laboratories and necessary equipments were delivered by Shpilko Yuri

Some of these boards are successfully used at present. Senior Lecturer Klimenko P.S. made  the  educational boards for the installation of electrical equipment, which are used till now in the process of learning. All laboratory work on  manual of electric equipment were made by Kruszyn A.Y., Zaitsev N.M. and Pyastolova I.A. In the past 10 years, all laboratories have been modernized, and the new laboratory for renewable electricity has been made.

The most capable and talented university graduates (Babko AN Tleuov AH, KA Ibraev, Tursunbaeva AE) were invited for teaching at the faculty .Later, the heads of the department were  YE Shpilko Associate Professor, Ph.D.  (1985-1991 .), Zaitsev NM ,senior Lecturer (1991-1992 .), Pyastolova IA ,Associate Professor, Ph.D.  (1992-2003 ). Tleuov Askhat Halilovich has been  the head of the Department of the Faculty since 2003,  He was a talented graduate of our faculty, successfully defended his doctoral thesis in 1996: "Methods of evaluation of the technical characteristics of wind and solar power plants,"  It is graduating department in  the following specialties: " Electrification and Automation with . agricultural production "," Power supply of agriculture " , the first graduating bachelors on specialty " Energy management and audit " will be  in 2016 .

The educational work of the department is carried out in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, AB series № 0062189 from 02.08.2008.

Bachelor of engineering and technology in the specialty 5B081200 " Electrical Maintenance " is carried out since 2008 ( AB№0062189 license application №0110659 from 02.07.2008  ) .The department trained the electrical engineers in the specialty 1502- " Electrification and Automation of  agricultural production " , Bachelor of engineering and technology  since 2008 and  since 2014, 73 of BA were trained in the specialty 5B081200 "


SPECIALITY: 5В081200 – Power supply of agriculture (educational program "Energy Saving and renewable energy" and "Electro technologies and electric equipment in AIC")
Qualification: bachelor of agriculture, in  specialty 5В081200  - Power supply of agriculture"
             Duration of training: 4 years
             Form of study: full-time
            4 subject : physics

Sphere of knowledge:

Modular educational program  The description of knowledge sphere "Electro technology and electrical equipment in agriculture" is aimed at training of bachelors, possessing the general  and cultural and professional competences and capable to carry out the implementation of production-technological, organizational and management, experimental research and design-technological activity at the enterprises and organizations of agro industrial complex.

Modular educational program "Energy Saving and renewable energy sources" is aimed at training of  bachelors, possessing a set of tools and methods, aimed  at energy conservation, rational use and saving of the thermal and electrical energy in installations and systems for producing, transforming, energy distributing and consuming , as well as different types of energy , providing the operation of enterprises and the population.      

Description of skills

The sphere of professional activity of bachelor educational program "Electrotechnics and electric equipment in AIC" is the area of science and technology, which includes the set of tools and methods aimed at efficient use and maintenance of the electrification and automation of technological processes in the production, storage, processing of agricultural products. 

The objects of professional activity of the bachelor are electrified and automated agricultural technological processes, machines and installations; electrical, energy and automation equipment for agricultural and domestic use; energy-saving technologies and systems for electricity, heat, water and gas supply of agricultural and household consumers, renewable energy sources and installations , environmental Sewerage systems and waste management of livestock and crop production.

The objects of professional activity of bachelor educational program "Energy Saving and renewable energy" are installation and system producing, transforming, heating and electricity distributing or consuming, as well as different types of energy, including renewable energy.

The content of the program

The subjects of professional bachelor education program "Electro technology and electrical equipment in agriculture" are: production of heat and electricity; transformation of energy; the use of heat and electricity; electro-technological installations and systems; automated electric drive; lighting engineering and light sources; the use of renewable energy sources.

The objects of professional bachelor educational program "energy Saving and renewable energy sources" allow the design of installations and systems of power supply of enterprises and population; organization, control, supervision and management modes of power supply systems and equipment; conduct experimental and development work in energy systems

Contacts: Sarsikeyev Yermek Zhaslanovich, Head of the Exploitation  of  Electrical  Equipment Department, Теl. +7 (7172) 31-74-89, e-mail:

International cooperation

The department has 12 agreements on cooperation with organizations from Belarus, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, France, Norway, Austria, Germany.Christoph Johannes Brak (2014) , Professor of Higher School of Bielefeld (Germany); Tsipolone Roberto (2014), Professor at the University Lakvilla (Italy); Gorakanazh Arocha Chandima Gomes (2014), professor at the University Putra (Malaysia) read lectures for the 4th year students majoring 5B081200 "Power supply of agriculture" . The Department has consistently attracted  the executives and specialists with practical experience in the field of standardization, certification and quality management  for lecturing  to the master students.

Student life

Students and the teachers  take an active part  in all activities held at the faculty and the university ( public holidays , sporting events , meetings on  crime prevention , drug addiction and religious extremism ) .

The meetings with the heads and specialists of main organizations with an invitation to give lectures and excursions are organized. Students of the department go in for various kinds of   sports  organized by  University.The curatorial hours devoted to the Kazakhstan national holidays, the conversation on the topic of discussion of the Annual message of the President, Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" are held by tutors.     Youth actively participates in conferences and round tables held by the Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


010000 , Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana, Pobeda avenue, 62

Main Corpus, #1215

+7 (7172) 317489,
INFORMATION ON SUBJECT OLYMPIADS IN The Department of Operating Electra Equipment
scientific activity
Educational program «Energy supply and automation of agriculture» (magistracy)
Plan development of the educational program «8D07107 Control of technical systems»
Plan development of the educational program «8D08703 Energy supply and automation of agriculture»
Specifics educational program “Energy management and audit”
The plan of the development of the educational program “Energy management and audit”
Specifics of educational program “Energy saving and renewable energy sourses”
The plan of the development of the educational program “Energy saving and renewable energy sourses”
Specifics of educational program “Electrotechnics and electric equipment in AIC”
Development plan educational program "Electrotechnics and electric equipment in aic"
Educational program «Energy supply and automation of agriculture» (Doctoral study)
Educational program «Management of technical systems» (Doctoral study)
Educational program «Management of technical systems» (magistracy)
Educational program «Еnergy supply and automation of agriculture» (bachelor)
Educational program «Automation and energy efficiency of processes and productions» (bachelor)
Plan development of educational programs «7M08705, 7M08706, 7M08707 Energy supply and automation of agriculture»
Plan development of the educational program «6B08702 Energy supply and automation of agriculture»
Plan development of educational programs «7M07105, 7M07123, 7M07124 Control of technical systems»
Plan development of the educational program «6B07108 Automation and energy efficiency of processes and production»