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Good luck, our dear graduates!

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Today the history pages of Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University recorded another significant event. On June 25, 2024, KATRU replenished the labor market with a new significant group of specialists to develop the domestic agricultural industry and to serve the country.

On this day, our students who have received diplomas graduate from the university, which is recognized as the leader in the national ranking of higher educational institutions and is well known in the republic. They were educated by 83 doctors of science and 376 candidates of science and 18 PhD doctors. Now the university looks at its graduates with the belief that it has trained a galaxy of professionals who will prevail in the competitive struggle on the labor market.

Thus, young people who graduated from the Faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, the Faculty of Agronomy, the Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design and the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Livestock Technology received their long-awaited diplomas.

The square in front of the main building, Gendelman hall, the area in front of the Faculty of Agronomy and the alley near the building of the Technical Faculty were filled with flowers in the hands of relatives and friends, who were joyfully and impatiently awaiting the main moment - to congratulate their dear graduate.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Roza Abisheva, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations Erzhan Syrgaliev, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Zhainagul Kusayynova and Chief of staff Zhazira Zhazykbaeva have expressed their heartfelt words of congratulations. The heads of the university, wishing the graduates success on their next path in life, presented diplomas, and also commemorative books about their native alma mater to the excellent students.

Honored figure, writer and publicist, member of Kazakhstan Union of Writers Sadybek Tugel, Chairman of KATRU Alumni Club Alexander Mayer, General Director of On-Olzha LLP, Vice-President of Kazakhstan Chess Federation Marat Nabiyev, honored artist of Kazakhstan, famous theater and film actor and General Director of the capital's circus Erik Zholzhaksynov, as well as the head of the Office of work with educational institutions and youth organizations of the Department of Youth Policy in Astana Bagdat Atymtay - all of them sent their parting words to the young people. The graduates themselves and their parents joined in their congratulations.

We also wish everyone who received a diploma today high career achievements.