Main / News / "National Initiative of Kazakhstan Varieties and Seeds" project within the FAO-Kazakhstan Partnership
"National Initiative of Kazakhstan Varieties and Seeds" project within the FAO-Kazakhstan Partnership

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Today, a meeting of the university management with a delegation of experts from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO was held at KATRU to discuss a project document based on the concept of the "National Initiative of Kazakhstan Varieties and Seeds" within the FAO-Kazakhstan Partnership (FKPP).

FAO Senior Expert for FKPP Project Support Mr. Michael Kautu, International FAO expert and scientist in Breeding and Seed Production Mr. Alexey Morgunov, FAO Program Coordinator Ms. Zhanyl Bozayeva, and FAO Program Analyst Ms. Zhanel Sembayeva presented the concept of the project proposed for funding within the FAO-Kazakhstan Partnership Program. The delegation's mission is aimed at providing support in the preparation of the FKPP flagship project on the development of plant breeding and seed production in Kazakhstan.

Crop breeding and seed production have been selected as one of the priority project themes for funding under the FAO-Kazakhstan Partnership Program. To date, FAO has prepared a concept for the FCPP project “National Initiative of Kazakhstan Varieties and Seeds”. The concept aims to strengthen high-quality national climate-resilient seed systems and provides targeted and focused support for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021–2030, as well as the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Breeding and Seed Production of Agricultural Crops in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024–2028. The National Initiative of Kazakhstan Varieties and Seeds” was approved for implementation at the first meeting of the FCPP Steering Committee in the amount of US$ 2.6 million. The objective of this project is to increase the national food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, productivity and profitability of crop production by increasing the share of domestic competitive varieties and high-quality seeds through the modernization of selection, primary seed production, personnel training, effective interaction between breeders, seed growers, agricultural producers, exporters, processing industry and consumers.