Main / News / KATRU Rector took part in the 9th Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Cooperation Forum as a permanent member of the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance
KATRU Rector took part in the 9th Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Cooperation Forum as a permanent member of the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance

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From July 9 to 12, Tashkent hosted the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Cooperation Forum, as well as the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance (SAERIA) Conference. The Silkroad Alliance Forum and Conference are dedicated to the technological support for high-quality agricultural development in the Silk Road region.

SAERIA is a non-governmental, non-profit international platform for multi-stakeholder cooperation, bringing together agricultural universities, institutions and enterprises from countries and regions along the Silk Road. The highest governing body of SAERIA is the General Assembly Alliance, and the regulatory body is the North-West Agriculture and Forestry University.

KATRU has been a permanent member of SAERIA since 2016, and the second meeting of all members of the Alliance took place in 2017 at our university.

On July 9, a meeting of the standing committee was held at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, during which new members of the Alliance were admitted to membership and changes were made to the Charter: the event began with an exhibition of agricultural universities of Uzbekistan. Based on the results of the vote on the entry of new universities into the Alliance, the Secretary General of the Alliance and the Rector of the North-West Agriculture and Forestry University, Mr. Wu Pute, gave the floor to the KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector Kanat Tireuov - a permanent member of the committee.

On July 10, the participants of the Forum and Conference were welcomed by the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, Mr. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, Mr. Kongratebai Sharipov, the Ambassador of China to Uzbekistan, Mr. Yu Jun, the Secretary General of the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance and the Rector of the North-West Agriculture and Forestry University Mr. Wu Pute, as well as acting Rector of Tashkent State Agrarian University Mr. Sohib Islamov.

As part of the Forum and Conference, a ceremony was held for signing memorandums between agricultural universities, as a result of which KATRU has signed 3 memorandums of cooperation with Southwest University (China, Shaanxi Province, Chongqing), Yangling Vocational and Technical College (China, Shaanxi Province, Yanlin) and the Tajik Agrarian University (Tajikistan, Dushanbe).

On July 11-12, participants continued discussing the role of higher education in agriculture. During the Forum, the KATRU Rector Kanat Tireuov presented the Saken Seifullin medal to acting Rector of the Tashkent State Agrarian University Sohib Islamov for the fruitful cooperation between KATRU and TSAU.


The leaders of higher educational institutions of the Silk Road countries and other countries gathered in Tashkent to discuss new theories, methods and approaches to the development of agriculture, exchange experiences and develop joint solutions. Particular attention was paid to digital agriculture, sustainable development and biosecurity.

The participants also met with the Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Bakhodir Mirzaev, who is a partner in the water diplomacy project.

The Forum and Conference represent an important step in the development of the agricultural sector of Central Asia, contribute to strengthening international cooperation, stimulate innovation: during their work joint projects are developed and the quality of regional agricultural higher education is improved.

The Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance is a platform for discussing key issues in the agricultural sector in the Silk Road region, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population and creating a more prosperous future for all participants. The event brought together representatives from 13 countries and more than 200 participants, including more than 120 foreign specialists and 80 local experts.