Main / News / The Muftiate of Kazakhstan led by the Supreme Mufti have visited KATRU
The Muftiate of Kazakhstan led by the Supreme Mufti have visited KATRU

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Today at Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research had two meetings with the Supreme Mufti of Nauryzbai Hadji Taganuly. The delegation with the Supreme Mufti visited the University Museum for the first time and got acquainted with our historical educational institution. Nauryzbay Hadji met with the teaching staff in the small hall of the university. Here, the Chairman of the Board - Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov warmly welcomed the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the Chief Mufti spoke in detail about the situation of religion in the country and society, called for spiritual education, and also shared the results of the work of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan and plans for the future.

Chairman of the Board – Rector K.M. Tireuov expressed gratitude to the Supreme Mufti, who took the time to personally meet with teachers and students, and presented him with Saken Seifullin medal. The Supreme Mufti donated a collection of books to the University.

Together with the Supreme Mufti, KATRU was visited by the Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan Naib Mufti Ershat Ongarov, the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan apparatus Gilimbek Mazhiev, the head of the department of religious education and personnel training Smayil Suyerkululy, and the head of the department of religious expertise Nurlan Kairbekov.

Opening the meeting of the Muftiate with students, held in the Gendelman Hall of our university, Rector Kanat Maratovich emphasized:

“We are holding today’s meeting in order to spread the wings of faith in the Kazakh steppe, to indicate the strength of national values and traditions. Since ancient times, the Kazakh people considered cohesion and unity to be their main wealth. Today, peace and mutual respect are flourishing in Kazakhstan, and passing on these virtues to the younger generation is our main task. I would like to emphasize how significant the work of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan is in this noble cause.

Head of State K. Tokayev: “National values must be above all. I talk about this all the time. Hard work, education, professionalism, cohesion, empathy, initiative, honesty, modesty and frugality are the qualities and values of a true patriot and an honest citizen. We can become a strong nation only by comprehensively developing these values and instilling them in the consciousness of the next generation.”

“Spiritual education occupies a special place, especially among young people. Spiritual education is not empty words. We must never forget that behind it stands the unity of the nation, love for our country and land. On behalf of the university staff, we express our readiness to cooperate with the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan to achieve common goals in the field of education of spirituality,” said the Chairman of the Board - Rector.

The Grand Mufti, in turn, shared his thoughts on values education: for example, he enthusiastically talked about how important it is for a man to keep his word, that everyone should be humble, avoid gambling, respect parents, seek the blessings of elders, limit dependence on smartphones, getting an education, loving work, and even how to manage time effectively. Students received comprehensive answers to their questions.

At the end of the meeting, the Muslim Spiritual Administration showed a short video about the results of its activities.


Reference Information:

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan, 5th Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan Nauryzbay Hadji Taganuly was born on March 13, 1977.

In 1993-1997 he received higher education at the Tashkent Islamic Institute.

In 1999-2001 he studied at the Islamic Institute of Islam of the Muslim Spiritual Administration of Kazakhstan.

In 2009, he increased the level of religious education in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

In 2010 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University majoring in History.

In 2013, he completed his master’s degree in Religious Studies at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

In 2017, he entered the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture “Nur-Mubarak”, where he studied for a PhD doctoral degree in Islamic Studies.

He is the author of many religious, spiritual and educational articles published in the republican media, as well as the books «Үміт сәулесі», и «Мазһабсызбен сұхбат».

Recipient of the Order of “Kurmet”, winner of the medal “20th Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan” and the medal of “25th Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan”.