Main / Student's policlinic
Student's policlinic


Informs you about the the medical services. The medical center is located on the 2nd floor of dormitory 5   with the address:  Moldagulova street 29A.

The clinic has been operating since 2018 for students of universities and colleges.

Appoinment of your regional doctors is held on the address: Moldagulova street 29a, 2nd floor. In advance of visiting the doctor, you need to pre-register through the Egov portal.

You can register for doctor’s appointment through Call center 87010333536.

Acceptance of medical professionals, day hospital, ambulatory surgery center, rehabilitation center  are located in the department of the clinic, address of Kenesary 52, you can receive treatment free of charge based on the appointment and indication of your regional doctor.

In this medical center also located Youth Health Center (YHC). The center provides medical, psycho-social, and legal assistance to patients between the ages from 10 to 28, regardless of whether they are registered in a medical institution.

The following buses can take you to the medical center: 19, 33, 48, 14

The clinic organises consultations with the next specialists: urologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, An ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT), dentist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, dermatovenerologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, functional diagnostics doctor, ultrasound doctor.

The blood collection procedure office is open from 8.00 to 10.00 at the address: Moldagulova 29a

On saturdays and holidays a doctor on duty works from 8:00 to 18:00.

Filter operating time from 08.00 to 18.00.

Sunday is a day off.

There is an internal audit service: 87765211222 and patient support available for issues concerning the quality of medical services.

You can also get additional information via instagram @ASTANA.CLINIC