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The Department of Ecology

The Department of Ecology


History of the Department of Ecology originates from the organization of the department "Environment Protection" in 1980. Training in 5В060800-«Ecology» is carried out in accordance with the State license AB №0062189, issued by MES of the RK on July 2, 2008. Planning and organization of the educational process is carried under the credit technology. Graduates are awarded academic degree Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Ecology.

The number of the department stuff for 2021-2022 academic year makes 16 people, including 2 doctors of science and 9 candidates of science. The academic degree consists of 68,8%.

Z.K. Bakhov is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, winner of the grant of MES of the RK "The best lecturer of higher educational institution" (2006, 2017), was awarded with medal Nobel of RANS (Moscow) for his contribution to the development of invention and the Gold Medal of Natural Sciences (Moscow) for pioneering work in the field of higher education.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences S.S. Rakhmanov is one of the leading experts in the field of agriculture, awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences K.T. Shynbergenova was awarded the Medal of Akhmet Baitursynov for multiyear productive work in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences N.A. Nurbayeva was awarded the medal "Honored Worker of Science and Technology" of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the medal "Best Teacher-2021" of the CIS for her contribution to the development of science and education, the badge " Excellence in education" of the Society of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences A.T. Kuatbayev was awarded the badge "Excellence in Ecology" by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Head of the Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G.K. Satybaldiyeva was awarded of honor  diploma "Kurmet" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the badge "Excellence in Ecology" by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences A.Sh. Utarbayeva was awarded "Algys", the badge "For accomplishments in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the badge "Excellence in Ecology" by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.A. Perzadaeva was awarded of honor  diploma "Kurmet" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Biological Sciences B.Z. Zhumadilov is the Head of an international project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation Hanover, Germany, on the topic: "Creation of modern ecophysiological measurement methods as a contribution to the study of the consequences of global climate change in Kazakhstan".

To ensure the quality of the educational process, the Department has a teaching and research laboratories equipped with modern devices and equipment, necessary for the implementation of practical, laboratory, research and dissertations.Available equipment for educational and research laboratories are used in the educational process in carrying out practical, laboratory work, implementation of research and diploma works.

The teaching staff participates in the implementation of research works on grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Satybaldieva G.K. is the scientific supervisor of the project "Ecological monitoring of reservoirs of Northern Kazakhstan" (2021-2023), on studies of hydrochemical and hydrobiological indicators of reservoirs of Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Kostanay regions are conducted to assess the ecological status of water resources; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Perzadaeva participates in the  “Mapping of forest shelterbelts, their impact on productivity and water resources, expansion prospects, using geospatial technologies in the Akmola region” under the budget program “Grant funding for scientific research for 2023-2025.” As part of the project, a study of the field-protective potential of forest belts will be conducted with a model assessment of agricultural yields using geoinformation technologies of remote sensing in the pilot region of the Akmola region.

The department is working on the implementation of international educational projects. Head of the Department G.K. Satybaldiyeva is the Local Coordinator of the UN WASTE project "Development of the circular economy in partner countries through the development and implementation of the Master's program "Waste Management" funded under the European Union Erasmus+ program.


The scientific work of the department is carried out in close creative collaboration with Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  enterprises as "Astana Su Arnasy", "Ishim basin inspection to regulate the use and protection of water resources", "National air protection Research of center", "Information-Analytical Center of Environmental Protection" "TsentrEKOproekt", "Kazhydromet", "Astana-Energy CHP-2", the Centre for environmental education "Tabigatalemi", "Phytosanitary " RSE, Association of water companies and organizations in Kazakhstan, NGO "Kazakhstan Association of biodiversity", "Buyratausky State national natural park ", IPA Earth Foundation "Sustainable Development", with regional departments of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To improve the efficiency of scientific research, ensure the competitiveness of scientific developments and the development of new scientific directions, the Agroecological Testing Center (Laboratory) is operating, accredited in the state system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with the requirements of the ST RK ISO/IEC 17025 (certificate of accreditation No. KZ.T.01.2238 dated 22.07.2019). The main direction of work in accordance with the scope of accreditation of the Testing Center is the conduct of physico-chemical, chemical tests of surface and wastewater samples and agrochemical study of soil samples, soils and bottom sediments. For scientific purposes, on the basis of the Center, it is also possible to conduct air sample research, work on the processing of agricultural and secondary raw materials, agroecology, etc.

The teaching staff of the department, together with students, systematically contribute to the implementation of state programs: "Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050", "Strategic Plan for sustainable Development of Astana until 2030", "State program for the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025", "Concepts for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021 – 2030" and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal.


Нead of the department  Gulmira Kalmashevna Satybaldiyeva.


Department history

The history of the Department of Ecology originates from the organization of the Department of Nature Protection in 1980. The first head of the department was M.E. Vasiliev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor. Then the department was renamed and became known as "Land reclamation and nature conservation". The department was headed in different years by associate professors V.A. Wilms (1983-1986), M.B. Bedebaev (1986-1991), N.I. Vumbaldt (1991-1992) and M.G. Chekaev (1993-1995). In 1994, the Department of Land Reclamation and Nature Protection was disbanded and the disciplines together with the teachers were transferred to the Faculty of Land Management; in 1995, it was merged with the Department of Land Cadastre, then with the Department of Geodesy.

In February 2001, the specialty 4504 - "Agroecology" was opened at the Faculty of Agronomy, and the Department of "Agroecology and Agrochemistry" was organized, where all environmental disciplines from all faculties were transferred with the transfer of teachers from the Department of Geodesy. The head of the department was appointed Doctor of Biological Sciences Azhbenov V.K., since July 2001, the duties of the acting head of the department were assigned to the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.G. Chernenok From 2002 to 2008, the department was headed by PhD, Associate Professor U.J. Baidusen. In February 2008 Doctor of Biological Sciences A.P. Nauanova was elected head of the department and in the 2008-2009 academic year, a new department "Ecology and Forestry" was created at the faculty, I.I. Zhumagulov was appointed head of the department. In September 2011, Ph.D., Associate Professor K.B. Masenov was elected head of the department, then Ph.D. Kulzhanova S.M. was appointed acting head of the department. In May 2012, Ph.D., Associate Professor U.J. Baidusen was appointed head of the department, and in August 2012, in connection with the reorganization of departments, he was elected head of the new, currently operating, Department of Ecology.

Subsequent heads were: PhD S.M. Kulzhanova (September - November 2013); PhD G.E. Saspugaeva (December 2013 - August 2015); PhD, Associate Professor G.K. Satybaldiyeva (September 2015 - October 2022); PhD, Senior Lecturer B.Z. Zhumadilov (November 2022 – November 2023).

Since December 22, 2023, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Gulmira Kalmashevna Satybaldieva has been appointed head of the department of Ecology



Bachelor course

Training area "B052 - Environment"

Bachelor of Natural Sciences in the educational program "6B05201 - Natural resources using "

Bachelor of Natural Sciences in the educational program "6B05202 - Agroecology"

Study duration - 4 years
Form of education - full-time
Brief description of the knowledge application

Spheres of professional work of the bachelors are: organization and decision-making; industrial-technological; service and exploitation; experimental research; educational (teaching); environmental monitoring service, monitoring of environment’s quality and human health.

Brief description of gained skills

Bachelor should possess a variety of methods to assess the quality of the environment, the basic skills of the experimental study of natural, anthropogenic processes and phenomena, processing of experimental data and observations, conducting of environmental assessment.

Brief description of the program

The educational program of bachelor degree is directed to training highly qualified specialists in the field of ecology and nature conservation that can be competitive in world scientific and educational space.

Master course

The field of study "M133 - Forestry"

Master of Agricultural Sciences in the educational program "7M08307 - Sustainable management of natural resources"

Study duration - 2 years
Form of education - full-time

Brief description of the knowledge application

The types of professional activity of graduates of the educational program are: educational (pedagogical, educational); production and management; organizational and technological; research; design

Brief description of gained skills

A graduate student must have skills in research activities. To be able to apply the acquired knowledge about the structure and functions of scientific knowledge, about the methods of science in their professional field; to carry out activities to obtain, disseminate and practically apply new knowledge about the world.

Brief description of the program

The Master's degree program produces highly educated postgraduate specialists who are competitive in the modern labor market in the field of sustainable management of natural resources and are able to solve problems of any level within this framework. The direction of training in the educational program assumes a clear orientation towards the future, which is manifested in the possibility of building one's postgraduate education, taking into account success in personal, career and professional growth and development that meets the requirements of employers.


Head of the department "Ecology" Satybaldieva Gulmira Kalmashevna

Тел: 8-(7172) 38-39-11, Е-mail:


International cooperation

International Educational Project UnWaste EU ERASMUS+618715-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Development of the circular economy in partner countries through the development and implementation of the Master Programme “Waste Management” promotes productive cooperation between educational and scientific centers of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
From May 2 to June 2, 2024 Alisher Alimdzhanovich Yuldashev and Dilshod Kamilzhanovich Tursunov, associate professors of the Industrial Ecology Department of Tashkent University Institute of Chemical Technology take advanced training courses at the Department of Ecology of the Faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment of the Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.  
The course plans to study and exchange experience on current environmental issues, climate change issues, sustainable management of natural resources and waste within the framework of a circular economy, and the introduction of “green” skills for a sustainable future.
On May 3, foreign colleagues were introduced to the teaching staff of the Department of Ecology, the Faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment and the scientific laboratories of S.Seifullin KATRU. We wish our colleagues from Uzbekistan successful completion of advanced training courses and further productive cooperation between our organizations.


International educational project (Experimental digital global engagement) of the University of Pennsylvania (Monaka, USA) and S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Department of Ecology of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University participates in the international project “Experimental Digital Global Involvement” (EDGE) with the University of Pennsylvania (USA). The project aims at the international exchange of experience through Internet technologies between universities.

Within the framework of this project, cooperation and development of relations between the University of Pennsylvania with S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University by bringing teachers and students together using Experiential Digital Global Engagement.

EDGE is based on a collaborative online learning model that allows students around the world to study project-based projects using online communication tools.

The Department of Ecology of KATU and the Department of Information Technology of PSU have combined their training courses as part of an interdisciplinary student project, which runs from September to December 2019. Project name: Development of the application "Distribution of ecological plant groups in the city of Nur-Sultan (Akmola region)." Project participants: S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University in the framework of the discipline "Ecology of plants and animals", 2 year students; Penn State University as part of the discipline "Application Development", 4 course.

A joint project «Experiential Digital Global Engagement» with Penn State University (Beaver, USA) opens up opportunities for S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University for implementation in the global educational space. Using modern technology, our students can participate in interdisciplinary projects that expand their area of ​​expertise. Through these efforts, EDGE students in Pennsylvania and KATU not only saw that they had the knowledge, but also get  21st century skills, which allowed them to work on joint projects, implement projects at a distance, interact with technology and interact with people who have experience different from their own.

In the framework of the program "Attracting foreign scientists to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" to the Department of "Ecology" S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University. invited foreign scientist, PhD of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (Ankara, Turkey) Gulzade Kahvechi. Professor Gulzade Kavechi is the Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Turkish Academy of Sciences. From November 05 to November 23, 2018, lectures were given and practical classes were held on actual environmental problems, the rational use of biological resources and other significant issues within the framework of the disciplines «Preservation and rational use of bio-resources» for 2nd year students and «Environmental Studies» for 1st year students of the specialty 5B060800-Ecology of the Agronomy Faculty.

Student life

Students of "Ecology"  specialty actively participate in the life of the university, various events at the level of the university and the city. Also, the department conducts various activities of an environmental nature, the main purpose of which is to inform and attract students to solutions of environmental problems that are global in nature and affect all of humanity.

There are two student clubs "Ecolife" and "ASBK" at the department, which were created with the aim of participating in solving the problem facing humanity - increasing the ecological culture of society through the upbringing of an ecological personality with an ecocentric type of ecological consciousness, uniting teachers and students to develop and implement ecological projects. By conducting and participating in various environmental activities, students gradually move towards this goal.

Every year students of the "Ecology" specialty and members of the "Ecolife" club take an active part in actions organized by the ecological alliance "Baitak-Bolashak". In autumn 2019, the first third year students of the Department of Ecology, together with their curators, took an active part in environmental campaigns “One tree for each Kazakhstani - planting 18 million trees”. As a result of these activities, students contributed to greening the city and improving the environment.

Also, every year, members of the «Ecolife» club hold a round table on the topic "Global environmental problems" with the participation of students of the "Ecology" specialty. 

Annually the students of the «ASBK» club take part in the excursion lesson “Exploring the ecosystem of the park zone”. The outdoor lesson was carried out in the form of an excursion in nature, in the park. Forest (park) ecosystems are convenient for studying, since they are the most common systems, and they are the most diverse in their structure. The purpose of the lesson: to expand the knowledge of students about the environment, to acquaint students with the structure of the forest (park) ecosystem; identify the relationship between plants and animals. Before starting the lesson, students are introduced to the excursion plan and the rules of behavior in nature. Students write down their observations, the names of the encountered plants and animals in a notebook. The lesson will be the basis for environmental education of school and preschool children.

Participation of students of the Department of Ecology in the action "World Bird Watching Day" has become traditional. Within the framework of the environmental action by the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan in autumn 2019, students-members of the "ASBK" club of the Department of Ecology went to Lake Taldykol. The main task of the Observation Days is to rewrite all birds sighted within a certain period of time and send the results to the national focal points. Birds are observed by children and adults, professional bird watchers and nature lovers of a wide variety of professions.

Kazakhstan Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity annually organizes the "Seeds of care" campaign. The main goal of the bird feeding campaign is to attract public attention to wintering birds and, of course, to stimulate the organization of bird feeding. Students of our faculty are happy to take part in the action, make crafts, hang feeders, conduct seminars for environmental education among schoolchildren.

On May 27, 2019 in Nur-Sultan city, the III International Ecological Congress of the ecological alliance "Baitak Bolashak" was held. The topic was "The current state of water problems in Kazakhstan and ways of solving it." Teachers and students of the Department of Ecology took an active part in the work of the congress. The congress was attended by representatives of the Committee for Water Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, government, scientific, public organizations and business structures, teachers and students of universities. A welcoming speech was made by the Honorary President of the Ecological Alliance "Baitak Bolashak", poet, political and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov. Among the guests of the congress there were well-known political and public figures: Tokhtar Aubakirov, Mels Eleusizov and others. During the sessions of the congress, issues were discussed about the state of water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan today, ways to save the Aral Sea, Lake Balkhash and other reservoirs and solving the problems of drinking water shortage , restoration of ecosystems with the help of Jerusalem artichoke crop culture, solution of issues on the use of ground water, etc.

The cultural life of students of the university is active and diverse. Students conduct concerts and performances dedicated to various holiday dates: Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, March 8, etc.

Since March 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, our university has switched to online education. In the new format, our students began to study, participate in various webinars, conferences, seminars, campaigns. Together with the curators and teaching staff of the department, students conduct debates, intellectual games, literary and poetry evenings, festive concerts, meetings with labor veterans, etc. Events are held at the university, city, republican and international levels.

On November 5, 2020, within the framework of the republican level event, a round table  on the topic "Prospects for the development of ecotourism in Kazakhstan" with the participation of  the 2nd year students of the Department of Ecology, members of the Ecolife club and  the 3rd year students of the Department of Biology and Ecology of Toraigyrov University was held. During the round table, students, undergraduates, teachers took an active part in the discussion of the presented reports and discussions on topical issues of the prospects for the development of this direction of tourism in Kazakhstan. The common opinion and decisions were the wishes and recommendations of the need to create all conditions for the effective development of ecological tourism in our republic, the application of the best practices of countries and the introduction of our own developments and technologies in this industry.

In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in the academic year 2020-2021, all activities within the Ecolife club were also held online. We opened the page of the ecological club "Ecolife" on the Instagram social network.

Currently, members of the club actively maintain a page on Instagram, where students  post information on the activities of the club and department. In order to improve the ecological culture among students, eco-challenges were held. In October 2020, a photo competition "Ecology of the Homeland" was held, where students from all faculties of the university took part. According to the results of the competition,  the winner was NazymbekovaNurmadinaAbzalovna, a student of the agronomic faculty, specializing in Forest Resources.

On November 11, 2020, with the participation of members of the Ecolife club and the Bolashak Academy (Karaganda), a republican round table was held on the topic “The problem of environmentally friendly medicinal herbs in Kazakhstan”.

From December 2020 to February 2021, an eco-challenge "Helping smaller brothers in winter" was held on the club's Instagram page, where students from different faculties of our university also actively participated. With the help of the club members, a trip to the shelter for homeless animals was organized.

On July 3, 2023, the competition of articles organized by the National Project Institute “Ecology of the Future” on the topic “Ecological problems of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them” has ended.

The winner of the competition was Aruzhan Nurlanovna Turgumbayeva, a 3rd year student in the field of training “Environment” (scientific supervisor Karlygash Takanovna Shynbergenova, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor). Her article on the topic “Climate change in Kazakhstan and adaptation to new conditions” became the undisputed leader in the voting and she received the main prize - 30,000 tenge.

All students and teachers of the Department of Ecology of S. Seifullin KATRU were awarded diplomas and gratitude letters from the NPI “Ecology of the Future”.

The works of the contest participants can be found via this link: ?w=wall-203386287_162

Website of the organizers: 


Aruzhan Nurlanovna Turgumbayeva,

a 3rd-year student in the field of training "Environment"

Karlygash Takanovna Shynbergenova– candidate of technical sciences, associate professor



Information on the subject Olympiads in the Department of "Ecology»

On April 20- 21, 2022, the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad was held, organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in an online format on the ZOOM platform. 3rd year students of the Faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Department of Ecology, EP "Nature Management" took part in the Olympiad: Sofia Bolatova, Kamila Zhamantayeva, Ekaterina Marchuk, Alieva Aizharkyn, Serikbai Madiyar, Aizharikova Umitzhan. Supervisors - PhD, Associate Professor Utarbayeva A.Sh., Senior Lecturer Botabekova G.T.

The students adequately defended the honor of our university and took 2nd place in the overall standings, 1st place in the project, 2nd and 3rd places in the individual competition were received by Sofia Bolatova and Kamila Zhamantayeva.  

Name of the Department

The name of the specialty

Name of student

Prize place




EP 6В05201- "Nature Management"

S. Bolatova, K. Zhamantayeva, E. Marchuk


XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University   




A. Anuarbekova, N.Zainikizy, Zh. Abilda


XI Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




M. Abilhairova,

M. Aytmurza, A. Olzhayeva


X Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National




N. Zhanabay, A. Zhenis, B. Orinbasarova


IX Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National




S. Manakbayeva,

M. Koyshan, A. Uzakbay



Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National




A.Solnankulova, A. Talip, R. Alexandrovich 

M. Zhumagulova



VII Republican Student Subject Olympiad, Al-Farabi Kazakh National





010000,  Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Zhenis avenue, house 62 A,

building No. 7

Tel .: 8(7172) 38-39-11

Certificate of accreditation for the educational program "Sustainable Management of Natural Resources" in the direction of training 7M082 "Forestry"
Certificate of accreditation for the educational program "Agroecology" in the direction of preparation 6B052 "Environment"
Certificate of accreditation for the educational program "Natural Resource Use" in the direction of training 6B052 "Environment"
Development plan of education program «Sustainable Management of Natural Resources»
Development plan of the educational program «Natural Resource Use»
Development plan of the educational program "Agroecology"
Plan developmenr of the educational program for 2024-2028 Educational
Educational program «Sustainable Natural Resources Management»
Educational program «Agroecology»
Educational program «Natural resource use»
Catalog of university and elective disciplines for training direction 6M0832 - «Forest Resources and Forestry»
Catalog of university and elective disciplines for training direction 6В052 «Environment»