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The Kazakhstan History Department

The Kazakhstan History Department


The Kazakhstan History Department is the Independence brainchild. The foundation of Kazakhstan History Department coincides with date of Republic gaining state independence. As an independent structural the university unit, Kazakhstan History Department was formed on basis of CPSU History Department (the Soviet Union Communist Party).

In 1991, Kazakhstan History Department was formed on basis of the Political Science Department. The creation of Kazakhstan History Department was due to many factors.

Firstly, the development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state has highlighted problem of objectively studying the Kazakhstan history in the context of world history.

Secondly, historical heritage is the basis for the civic and patriotic education of younger generation. Historical science is main dominant factor in formation of Kazakhstan patriotism foundations and patriotic education of younger generation.

Thirdly, historical science always attracts special attention due to significance it has for any society in all periods of its development. The extent to which society will learn lessons of past and not repeat past mistakes depends on how fully and objectively history as a science is developed.

A powerful tool for influencing public consciousness are specific examples from lives of outstanding people: scientists, cultural figures, patterns of people behavior in difficult and crisis periods in history.

Therefore, the National history study in the educational process plays an important role in the formation of Kazakhstan patriotism feelings.

Since 1992, a course in Kazakhstan history has been introduced in educational institutions of country as a compulsory discipline for all specialties. The national importance of studying Kazakhstan history its role in priority implementation tasks for Kazakhstan society development has increased in modern period when Kazakhstan is developing in conditions of accelerated economic, political and social modernization and society faces the most important task of becoming one of thirty most competitive countries in the world.

History of the department

The heads of Kazakhstan History Department were:

1991-1996 – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Agubaev Nurtai Zhetpisbaevich;

1996-2001 – Doctor of Historical Sciences Alpyspaeva Galya Aitpaevna;

2002-2004 – Doctor of Philosophy Abdina Ainur Kanapyanovna;

2004 to 2013 the Department was headed by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Aubakirova Khadisha Alkeevna. She did painstaking work to complete scientific and pedagogical staff and material and technical department base, which made it possible to conduct educational process and intellectual searches at the level of modern requirements.

April 2013 to September 2022, candidate of Historical sciences Bekmaganbetov Umirbay Zholdybekovich successfully led the department. As a leader, he had a high level of professionalism, pedagogical competence, and effectively organized the work of the team.

In September 2022 and to this day the head of the department is PhD (History) Aliakbarova Ainur Pernebekovna.

The Kazakhstan history study is based on new conceptual approaches and involves a large amount of independent work by students. At lectures and seminars, interactive teaching methods are used, students gain skills:

- critical thinking;

- chronology understanding ;

- discovery of historical evidence;

- interpretation;

- rationalization of historical facts;

- oratory;

- public speaking;

- general and systematic analysis of historical events, phenomena, personalities;

- imagination, creativity.

Improving the quality of students’ knowledge is facilitated by their active involvement in research work on local history, regular visits to city museums, holding subject Olympiads, student conferences and scientific seminars.

The Department Kazakhstan History has intellectual potential and personnel capable of teaching and preparing future professionals.

As of 2023, the department’s graduation rate was 76.4%.
The average age of teachers with academic degrees and titles is 49 years.

17 teachers of the department teach in the state, Russian and languages, which is 100%. Two teachers teach multilingual groups in English. The selection of teaching staff is carried out from among persons with academic degrees or titles and with pedagogical and professional experience.


Research activities

The Kazakhstan History Department has developed following scientific directions on priority problems of department disciplines: Kazakhstan historical urbanism in the 19th-20th centuries, Kazakhstan social processes in the northern regions, industrial development history in the Eastern region of Kazakhstan, Turkic historical and cultural heritage as one of components world civilizations, the female phenomenon problems in Kazakhstan history, Kazakhstan historical figures.

The research work of Kazakhstan History Department is mainly carried out in three directions.

First direction: implementation and holding of scientific and theoretical seminars, conferences that promote development of language and history in modern society, participation in discussion of socio-political and spiritual-philosophical issues.

Second direction: participation of department teachers in international scientific conferences, publication of articles in scientific academic journals.

Third direction: conducting scientific projects at the department and completing scientific internships.

In first direction, 2018-2024. Teaching staff of department took an active part in work of round tables, seminars and conferences. Every year in April month teachers of hold a “Decade of History” throughout the republic and Astana city.

As part of second direction, teachers took part in scientific and practical conferences, regularly publish articles in scientific academic journals and publish manual, textbooks and monographs.

Third direction is related to research work of department; teachers work in various grant, government-funded projects and engage research in initiative projects.
2018-2024 number of articles published by teachers of department consists more than 200 articles.


Research work with students

In 2018-2023 yy., department's teachers have provided scientific supervision to more than 100 student research projects. Teachers of department annually prepare students for participation in the republican scientific and theoretical conference “Seifullin Readings”.

In addition, scientific guidance of PhD Dzhumagalieva K.V., Aubakirova K.A., Abisheva Zh.R., Gabdulina A.Zh., Demeuova N.K., PhD Aliakbarova A.P., Koskeyeva A.M., Baizhuma G.B., teachers Asylgozhina Zh.S., Smakhanova Zh.S., students took part in international conferences in countries far and near abroad.

Therefore, Yesengeldina Shugyla took 2nd place in the third republican student competition, research works “Scientific view: research, innovation”, scientific supervisor PhD, associate professor Gabdulina A.Zh. (2021, certificate No. 132243).

In 2022, 1st year student of Land Management, Architecture and Design Faculty  Turmagambetov Alim the scientific supervision of PhD Dzhumagalieva K.V., took part in the Republican student competition, research works. Awarded 1st degree diploma.


Participation and holding subject Olympiads

The First place - 2021 – students: Filontseva D., Ikhsanov A., participated in the International History Olympiad (online). (Scientific supervisor – Dzhumagalieva K.V.). Students were awarded 1st degree diplomas.

In 2021, students Kazbekov M., Saylauov T., the guidance - K.V. Dzhumagalieva, took part in the Republican online Kazakhstan history Olympiad. The students won 1st place and were awarded diplomas.

In 2021-2022, leadership H.A., Aubakirova, A.Zh., Gabdulina students took part in international and republican online olympiads and conferences, where they won prizes.

1st year student Darina Apkarimova 20.11.2020 took part in the Republican Olympiad dedicated to the 175th Abai Kunanbayev anniversary “Abai - uly dalanyn uly tulgasy”. Students awarded certificates. Scientific supervisor A.Zh.Gabdulina

April 7, 2022, the department held a city Olympiad for students in grades 10-11. 22 schools in the city took part. First place was taken by K. Battalova, S. Maulenova secondary school No.37; second place – Abykenova B., school for girls BIL; third place – Bakineeva Z., school-lyceum No.15. - K.V.Dzhumagalieva.

April 26, 2023, Zhuman G., Gabdulina A.Zh., held a city Olympiad Subject among schools and university students in Astana. 1st place went to Birzhanuly Sultan, L. Gumilev ENU; 2nd place – Derbisalin A. – 1th grade of gymnasium school No. 30;

3rd place was shared by Amirbekov Madiyar, S.Seifullin University;

Kurban N., - EAGI; Adilkhanuly Akadil, S.Seifullin University.


Research projects

In 2017-2020 The department completed research work on initiative topic: “Nomads and their role in political history.” Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nurbay K. Zh., performers: teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan: Alpysbaeva G.A., Dzhumagalieva K.V., Zhuman G., Gabdulina A.Zh.

In 2022 a research project with grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan Republic was successfully completed: “State-confessional relations in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the 20th century. - late 1930s.", the scientific supervision of Doctor Historical Sciences, Professor Alpyspayeva G. A.

In 2022, grant funding project for Sh. Ualikhanov Institute History and Ethnology, the executor of which was Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumagalieva K.V. The theme of project is “Political portraits of Junior Zhuz leaders in the 18th-1st half of the 19th centuries. In domestic and foreign history."

In 2020, candidate historical sciences associate professor Gabdulina A.Zh., was a research assistant (0.25 rate) in the Water Resources Laboratory on scientifically funded project “Development of passports for the Kazakhstan rivers.”

2017-2023 teachers of department presented 13 projects for grant and program-targeted funding competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2018-2023 38 articles were published in scientific publications included in the Scopus database above If 0.

The Department Teachers have the Hirsch Index. In 2018, 1 Hirsch was acquired - Nurbay K.Zh., Alpyspaeva G.A.

In 2019 Nurbay K.Zh., Alpyspaeva G.A., Gabdulina A.Zh., Zhuman G.Zh., Dzhumalieva L.T. had One Hirsch Index.

According to results of scientific activities in 2023,  Hirsch index №2 -  Alpyspaeva G.A., Gabdulina A.Zh.


Educational and methodological work

The provision of department's discipline with teaching manual, textbooks and methodological literature in two languages is 100%. The department uses following control types when assessing students' knowledge: current, intermediate and final control, oral questioning, test method, state exam in the Kazakhstan history.

2018-2023 academic years, teachers of department published manuals:

1. Dzhumagalieva K.V. Kazakhstan in the early to mid-twentieth century, textbook. – Astana, 2018.

2. Gabdulina A. Zh. Modern history of Kazakhstan, a textbook for all specialties. – Astana, 2020.

3. Aubakirova Kh. A., Abisheva Zh. R., Ensepov B.B. Modern history of Kazakhstan, a textbook for all specialties in the Kazakh language. - 2019.

4. Aubakirova Kh.A. Modern history of Kazakhstan, textbook. - 2021.

5. Koskeyeva A. M. 1946-1953 LJ. Kazakhstan ultshyldykka karsy kures tarihy. - Textbook, Nur-Sultan - 2021.

6. Dzhumagalieva K.V. Kazakhstan in the second half of the twentieth century, textbook. – Nur-Sultan, 2022.


Advanced training for the Department teachers

Two teachers of department are graduates the international program “Bolashak” and have diplomas of completing scientific internships in countries: Russia, Moscow - Demeuova N.K.; UK, Reading University - Gabdulina A.Zh. Aliakbarova A.P. has a scientific internship diploma with the “Orleu” program in Germany.

Five teachers of department were trained as part of targeted doctoral training.

1 Koskeyeva A. M. - L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 - History, defended in 2020.

2. Aliakparova A.P. - L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 - History, defended in 2022;

3 Bayzhuma G.B. – L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 - History, (defending);

4. Abdildina B.S. – L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, specialty - 6D050200 - Political Science;

5 Asilov K.R. – postgraduate student, Omsk Humanitarian Academy (OMHA), specialty – History of Pedagogy (4 years of study).

Teachers of the department annually improve their knowledge and skills by taking active part in various advanced training courses and internships.

In 2019, Ensepov B. B. and Mustafa D. S. took courses at the National Center for Advanced Training “Orleu” JSC in Almaty.

04/21/2020 teachers of the department Aubakirova Kh.A., Dzhumagalieva K.V.

Abisheva Zh.R., Koskeeva A.M., Demeuova N.K., Gabdulina A.Zh., took part in online course of electronic library system "LAN" in St. Petersburg on topic: "Technology for creating electronic training courses in a distance learning system based on LMS Moodle."

In August 2020, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alpyspaeva G.A. participated in work of expert commission the Ministry of Education and Science the Kazakhstan Republic to consider applications for the academic title of professor and associate professor.

September 2020 Professor G.A. Alpyspaeva passed national accreditation as a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

Gabdulina A.Zh., took part in the III Republican Pedagogical Competition “Modern Lesson: New Methods and Innovations”, was awarded a 1st degree diploma.

2020 Dzhumagalieva K.V. won the republican competition “Best Candidate of Sciences in Kazakhstan - 2020”. She was awarded a 1st degree diploma and a badge.

April 7-23, 2021 Department teachers: Aubakirova Kh.A., Gabdulina A.Zh. (Certificate, No. 00335), Dzhumagalieva K.V. (Certificate, No. 00339), Demeuova N.K., Aliakparova A.P., Abdildina B.S. took part in an international online internship at the Belarusian State University “University 4.0. Digital transformation", Minsk.

April 16-May 15, 2021 Aubakirova Kh.A., Aliakbarova A.P., Gabdulina A.Zh., Demeuova N.K., Dzhumagalieva K.V., completed a refresher course on topic “Digital teachers competence. Effective online lesson."

August-September 2021 Department teachers: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alpyspaeva G.A., candidate of Historical Sciences, acting. professor Aubakirova Kh.A., candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ensepov B.B., candidate of historical sciences Abisheva Zh.R., PhD, senior lecturer Koskeyeva A.M., completed a course on training experts in evaluating textbooks and educational-methodological complexes at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan Republic.

16.10-15.12. 2021 on basis of M. Tanka BSPU (Minsk), candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Gabdulina A.Zh., took courses on “Blended Learning Technology”.

10.11.2021 – 01.12 2021 Master of history, senior lecturer Abdildina B.S., candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Dzhumagalieva K.V., Gabdulina A.Zh., took courses at the M. Tanka BSPU. (Minsk) on the topic “Education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions.”

2018-2023, teachers Alpyspaeva G.A., Aubakirova Kh.A., Aliakbarova A.P., Abisheva Zh.R., Gabdulina A.Zh., Demeuova N.K., Dzhumagalieva K.V. , Dzhumalieva L.T., Zhuman G.Zh., Koskeyeva A.M. took part in various republican and international advanced training courses. Each of teachers has certificates of completion of courses.

2019, Aubakirova Kh. A., Demeuova N.K., studied English language courses. (Certificates registered).

August 2019, Gabdulina A.Zh. completed a long course in English at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, Famagusta (Certificate attached).

2020, Koskeyeva A. M. completed a course in English. (Certificate attached).

14-27.02.2022 - Shymkent, M. Auezov South State University successfully conducted advanced training courses among scientific historians (Abildina B.S., Abisheva Zh.R., Ensepov B.B., Aubakirova Kh.A., Asylov K.R., Demeuova N. K., Zhuman G.Zh.).

2022-2023, Abdildina B.S., Abisheva Zh.R., Gabdulina A.Zh., Aliakbarova A.P., Ensepov B.B., Koskeeva A.M., took part in a refresher course on the topic: “History. Interaction of libraries and archives in preserving historical memory”, organized by M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.

In addition, in 2022- 2023 academic years Alpyspayeva G.A., Gabdulina A.Zh., Ibraev S.I., Ensepov B.B., Dzhumalieva L.T., Dzhumagalieva K.V., Nurbay K. Zh., Demeuova N.K. completed advanced training course on the topic “Digitalization of historical science”, organized by the research and educational center “Liberty Group”, Astana.

History of the department

The date when the foundation of the department was first established coincides with the date when the Republic of Kazakhstan gained its independence (in 1991).

The first head of the department charing from 1991 to 1996, who had to bear the brunt of the formation period, was associate professor, PhD Agubaev Nurtai Zhetpisbaevich. The most respected veteran workers who made a huge contribution to the formation of the foundation of the department were J. J. Iskakov, A.I. Gubanova, P.P. Golovina, N.Samsonova and A.M. Mukazhanova.

Its crucial to note those lecturers who were first to teach the discipline "History of Kazakhstan", primarily G.M. Kakenova, S.A. Maken, K.O. Kashaeva, R. Khalikov and I. Volovinskaya.

Young lecturers actively working in the department were R.T. Kabieva, S.V. Zavgorodnyaya, D.B. Shaimerdenova, A.K. Bayanova, B. Oroskhan, E.V. Shelokova, Z.E. Eleshova, A.M. Suleimenov, S.B. Zhainakova, Zh.S. Mazhitova, B.K. Omarova and many others.

Senior technicians of the department, such as N. Maletskaya, M. Birkemelova, A.Isabekova, J. Sadykova, G.Asainova and J. Almenova have contributed to the provision of quality educational and methodological work at various periods of time. Alpyspayeva Galiya Aitpayevna, candidate of historical sciences, managed the department from 1996 to 2001. During this period, major organizational work on introduction into the curricula of other courses and disciplines, such as "The formation of a multi-ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan", "The spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people" and "Economic History of Kazakhstan"was held and additionally methodological basis for lecturing of the disciplines was prepared.

2002-2004 during the years of leadership of the Department, candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor A. K. Abdina, the scientific life of the department was revived, which made it possible to develop its scientific potential. 2004-2013 the department was headed by Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Aubakirova Khadisha Alkeikovna. During these years, painstaking work was carried out to create the scientific, pedagogical and material and technical base of the Department. This created the conditions for conducting the educational process and intellectual searches at the level of the requirements of the modern stage.

From April 2013 to September 2022, the department was successfully headed by the candidate of historical sciences Bekmaganbetov Omirbay Zholdasbekovich.As a leader,he had a high level of professional skills,pedagogical competence, effectively organized the work of the team.

From September 2022 to the present, the head of the department was Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) A. P. Aliakbarova

International cooperation

The university has created conditions for professional growth. Special attention is paid to professional development of the teaching staff. In 2023, Associate Professor, candidate of technical sciences A. zh.Gabdulina from 26.05.24 to 27.05.25 is undergoing a scientific internship in the direction of "Pedagogy" under the Bolashak program at the University of Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.

At the same time, it is customary to hold guest lectures in accordance with the academic mobility plan at the Department. From 2022 to 2024, the guest lecture was given by Professor of Mimar-Sinan Art University, Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, doctor of technical sciences Abduakap Kara, professor of Ankara Kazhy Bayram Uali University, doctor of technical sciences Gulzhanat Kurmangalieva Yerzhilasun, chief researcher of the Institute of Russian history of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of technical sciences, professor - Amanzholova Dina Akhmetzhanovna; member of the

Union of local lore of the Russian Federation, candidate of technical sciences - T. I. tugai studied. The purpose of the guest lecture: students of our university are interested in the history of the motherland


Student life

Directions of educational work of the Department of History of Kazakhstan:

  • Formation of civil and patriotic consciousness;
  • Propaganda and popularization of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Propaganda and popularization of the state language and development of multilingual environment;
  • Cultural-intellectual and spiritual-moral education;
  • Formation of multicultural consciousness and interethnic tolerance.

The teaching staff of the department annually conducts lectures and events for students within the framework of the Constitution and messages of the head of state.

On November 3, 2022, in honor of the anniversaries of national figures such as A. Baitursynov, M. Zhumabayev, Sh. Kudaiberdiyev, S. Toraigyrov, a national scientific and cognitive student seminar on «Alash movement: history, lessons, experience» was held. The event was attended by students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, International Taraz Innovation Institute named after Sh. Murtaza, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, KazGYU University named after M.S. Narikbayev, Medical University «Astana» and Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin.

On November 21, 2023, Associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seyfullin, Candidate of Historical Sciences Bauyrzhan Berdikozhauly Yensepov held an open lecture on the theme «Man of Labor» and the principle of honest work. The lecture explained the main aspects of honest work. Special attention was paid to such topical issues as «The role of labor in the evolution of mankind», «Abai Kunanbaev's thoughts on the principle of honest work», «Strategic conclusions of Alash figures on labor», «The phenomenon of labor and New Kazakhstan: present and future», which were considered in detail and comprehensively analyzed.

On February 14, 2022, an open online lecture by Abduakap Kara, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Shokai researcher, was held on the topic «Place and significance of Mustafa Shokai in the history of Kazakhstan and the Turkic world». During the lecture Abduakap Kara, shared new data on the life of Mustafa Shokay, revealed in detail his personality and his importance for the Turkic world. At the end of the lecture, questions were asked and opinions were exchanged.

May 20, 2022 senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan B.S. Abdildina organized a cognitive game «Do you know the history of KazATU?» in honor of the 65th anniversary of Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin. And on November 10, 2021 held a national scientific and cognitive conference on the theme «The Institute of Presidency in Kazakhstan: 30 years of unity and creation». The conference was attended by students of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Taraz Regional University named after M.H. Dulati, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Zhezkazgan Polytechnic College, Astana Medical University and Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seyfullin.

November 15, 2023 under the leadership of A.P. Aliakbarova held an event on the theme «National currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan - tenge: history and lessons», dedicated to the introduction of the national currency of Kazakhstan - tenge. During the event was discussed the past, present and future of the national currency, as well as its role in the socio-economic development of the country. Special attention was paid to how, based on the lessons of history, the experience of practical implementation contributes to the creation of a bright future of New Kazakhstan. The event was attended by teachers of the department.

On April 12, 2024 the city intellectual competition “Kazaksha Quiz”, devoted to the 130th anniversary of Saken Seyfullin, among the students of the 1st year of higher educational institutions of Astana city (except for the educational program “History”) was held. Four teams representing KazATIU named after S. Seifullin, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, International University of Astana and Medical University of Astana took part in the intellectual competition. During the competition, students were asked cognitive questions about the life and activities of Saken, as well as questions based on archival photographs.


May 2, 2024 the youth historical and cognitive club «Miras» organized a round table on the topic «Experience of transition to the Latin alphabet: problems and prospects». 

Within the framework of popularization of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev «Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, social optimism», the teaching staff of the Department of History of Kazakhstan held open lectures for students of the 1st year in the period from 11.09.24 to 20.09.24.

At the department operate historical club named «Atameken» and historical and cognitive club “«Miras». This is an association of teachers and students of Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin. In the circle «Atameken» and club «Miras» can join students of 1-4 courses of all specialties of the university. By holding events and meetings among students, the organization is engaged in forming their historical consciousness, developing the ability to express their thoughts and improving oratorical skills.


Astana,  Zhenis avenue, 62

Department of History of Kazakhstan

Biological Building

Office 2715 – Lecturers office

Office 2702 –Head of department, open hours: 14.30-16.30

Tel.: +7 (7172) 38-23-30


Research activities

The following research areas have been developed at the Department of History of Kazakhstan on the priority issues of the department's disciplines: historical urban studies of Kazakhstan in the 19th-20th centuries, social processes in the northern regions of Kazakhstan during the virgin lands years, the history of industrial development in the Eastern region of Kazakhstan, Turkic historical and cultural heritage as one of the components of world civilizations, problems of the female phenomenon in the history of Kazakhstan, historical figures of Kazakhstan.

The research work of the Department of History of Kazakhstan is mainly carried out in three areas.

The first area: implementation and holding of scientific and theoretical seminars, conferences that contribute to the development of language and history in modern society, participation in the discussion of socio-political and spiritual-philosophical problems.

The second area: participation of department teachers in international scientific conferences, publication of articles in scientific journals.

The third area: conducting scientific projects at the department and passing scientific internships.

In the first area, in 2021-2024. The faculty of the department took the most active part in the work of round tables, seminars and conferences. Every year in April, the teachers of the department hold the "Decade of History" on the scale of the republic and the city of Astana.

Within the framework of the second direction, the teachers took part in the work of scientific and practical conferences, permanently publish articles in scientific journals, publish teaching aids, monographs.

The third direction is related to the research work of the department, the teachers work in various grant, state-funded projects, and are also engaged in research in initiative projects.

The number of articles published by the teachers of the department for 2021-2024 is more than 100 articles.


Research work with students

For 2021-2024, the teachers of the department carried out scientific supervision of more than 90 student research papers. The teachers of the department annually prepare students for participation in the republican scientific and theoretical conference "Seifullin Readings". In addition, under the scientific supervision of PhD Dzhumagalieva K.V., Aubakirova Kh.A, Abisheva Zh.R., Gabdulina A.Zh., G.Zh. Zhuman, Demeuova N.K., PhD Aliakbarova A.P., Koskeeva A.M., Bayzhum G.B., teachers Asylgozhina Zh.S., Smakhanova Zh.S., 1st year students took part in international conferences in countries of the near and far abroad.

Esengeldina Shugyla took 2nd place in the third republican competition of students' research works "Scientific view: research, innovation", scientific supervisor PhD, acting associate prof. - Gabdulina A.Zh. (2021, certificate No. 132243). In 2022, a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Land Resources Management, Architecture and Design, Turmagambetov Alim, took part in the Republican Competition of Student Research Papers under the scientific supervision of PhD Dzhumagalieva K.V. He was awarded a 1st degree diploma.

On April 26, 2024, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the Jochi Ulus, a student republican scientific and practical conference was organized on the topic "The Golden Horde and its historical significance in the Eurasian space".

Research projects

In 2022, the research project of grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was successfully completed: "State-confessional relations in Kazakhstan: early 20th century - late 1930s." under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alpyspaeva G. A.

In 2022, the grant financing project of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Ualikhanov was completed, the executor of which was Cand. of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumagalieva K. V. The topic of the project is "Political portraits of the leaders of the Junior Zhuz in the 18th-1st half of the 19th centuries in domestic and foreign history".
In total, for 2021-2024, about 10 projects were submitted by the teachers of the department to the grant and program-targeted financing competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2024, under the supervision of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor G. A. Alpysbaeva, the project on the topic "Historical experience of state-confessional relations in Kazakhstan (1940-1990)" for 2024-2026 was won and approved). Also, the teaching staff of the department are working on the following initiative topics:

1) "Personalities of the Kazakh people: history and destinies" (01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024) Supervisor - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nurbay K.Zh. No. 0123RKI0120

2) Development of industry in the economic life of the Kazakh people in the XIX - early XX centuries. (01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024) Supervisor - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumalieva K.V. No. 0123RKI0140.

In the 2021-2024 academic years, more than 10 articles were published in scientific journals included in the Scopus database above If 0.

The teachers of the department have a Hirsch Index. Based on the results of scientific activities in 2024, the owners of the Hirsch-2 index are G.A. Alpyspaeva, A.Zh. Gabdulina, K.V. Dzhumagalieva, L.T. Dzhumalieva, G.Zh.Zhuman, holders of the Hirsch index - 1 K.Zh.Nurbay, B.S.Abdildina, A.P. Aliakbarova, N.K. Demeuova.

Monographs published in 2022-2024:

1. Nurbay K.Zh., Alpyspaeva G.A., Dzhumagalieva K.V., Zhuman G., Gabdullina A.Zh. Nomads and their role in the history of Eurasia. (Collective monograph. Almaty: New book publishing house. 172 p.). 2022 f.

2. Dzhumagalieva K.V. Political portraits of the leaders of the Younger Zhuz in the 18th - 1st half of the 19th centuries in domestic and foreign historiography. Collective monograph. Almaty, 2022 f.

3. Ensepov B.B. Temirbek Jurgenov Araştırmaları-Hatırlar-Makaleler Sabı Ansat. Collective monograph. Ankara, 2022 -140 s

4. Alpyspayeva G.A. Power and religious organizations in Kazakhstan. (1920-1930s). Astana. 2023.

5. Zhuman G. History of the resettlement movement to the territory of Aulie-Ata district of Syrdarya region in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. Astana "FOCUS", 2023.- 210 p


Scientific seminars held in 2022-2024:

1. Republican scientific seminar on the topic "Alash movement: history and experience. Leader - Yensepov B.B. (2022).

2. Jochi Khan and Kazakh statehood: the relevance of research and teaching. Leader - Smakhanova Zh.S. Was invited: PhD, Director of the Republican State Enterprise at the Scientific Research Institute for the Study of the Ulus of Jochi, KN MNVO RK Zh.M. Sabitov (2024)

3. "Current issues of teaching the history of Kazakhstan in higher educational institutions" in the regional ethnographic museum of the Turkic peoples Nomadius in Shchuchinsk, Akmola region (2024)

Advanced training of teachers of the department

Two teachers of the department are graduates of the international program "Bolashak" and have diplomas of completing scientific internships during the year in neighboring countries Russia, Moscow - Demeuova N.K. Great Britain - Gabdulina A.Zh. Teacher Aliakbarova A.P. has a diploma of scientific internship under the Orleu program in Germany.

Also, professor of the department, Doctor of Historical Sciences G.A. Alpysbaeva became the winner of the republican competition "Best Researcher - 2023". 

All the teaching staff of the department took part in the 90-hour winter school on the topic "Traditions and customs of the Turkic peoples: modern transformations and features". (19.02-02.03.2024), Shymkent.

Aliakbarova A.P., Dzhumagalieva K.V., Gabdulina A.Zh., Koskeyeva A.M., Ensepov B.B., Demeuova N.K., Smakhanova Zh.S. - completed the international internship "Pedagogy of giftedness: models and practices from world experts" based on the educational online platform SKLAD (October 8 - 10, 2024)

Five teachers of the department completed training as part of targeted training in doctoral studies.

1 Koskeyeva A.M. - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Gumilyov, specialty 6D020300 - History, defended in 2019.

2. Aliakparova A.P. - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 - History, defended in 2022;

3. Bayzhuma G.B. - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 - History, defended in 2022;

4. Abdildina B.S. - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty - 6D050200 - Political Science;

5. Asilov K.R. - postgraduate student of the correspondence and distance postgraduate program of the Omsk Humanitarian Academy (OMGA), specialty - History of pedagogy (4 years of study).
2 teachers of the department R.E. Asylgozhina (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty - 8D03106-Political Science) and Zh.S. Smakhanova (L.N. Gumilyov State University, specialty - 6 D020300-history) have completed their doctoral studies and are preparing to defend their dissertations. 

In 2021-2024, the academic title of associate professor was awarded to candidates of historical sciences B.B. Ensepov, K.V. Dzhumagalieva, A.Zh. Gabdulina and G.Zh. Zhuman.