The department started to conduct a military training in October 1958. In 1969, a tactical cycle was inaugurated at the department, in 1971 - the fire, in 1975 - the automobile. In 1976, a new military occupational specialty "Application of motor units, combined arms units and the destination connections" was opened. In 1985 he was commissioned in the complex, which includes a typical 4-storey academic building, storage, military and automotive park equipment, shooting range.
Since February 2009, 2 new specialties are opened at the military department, "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, multi-purpose", "Topographic works".
The work of the department is aimed at training of students of reserve officers for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having deep theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities and skills, high professional qualifications, in accordance with the requirements of the training program for reserve officers from among university students in military occupational specialties.
Military training at the military department is carried out in two rounds by four military specialties:
Arms cycle: VSL-021000 «Fighting application of combined arms units, units and formations," the MAS-590 200 "Topographic works."
Motor cycle: MAS-560 201 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, multi-purpose," the MAS-261 001 "The use of car parts and combined arms units destination connections." The department is graduating.
To date, the military department staffed by competent teaching staff. The staff of the faculty of the department of 18 officers. All officers have extensive military experience, military training and the corresponding staffing destination.
Among them there are officers who were awarded state awards of Merit for the Fatherland, such as
"Aibyn 2 degrees," Commander of the Order - retired colonel Dulambaev T.A,
been in hot spots - participants of the Afghan war:
Commander of the Order "Red Star" - Major stock Rahimgulov K.K,
Retired Colonel K.D. Ergaliev - The medal "For Service in Battle"
Retired Colonel K.K. Kapush - The medal "Soldier-internationalist from grateful Afghani people"
Retired Major Rakhimgulov K.K. also participated in the liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in April-May 1986.
Total teaching staff of the department conducted six disciplines for students MAS - 021000 "Fighting application of combined arms units, units and formations", 7 disciplines for specialty MAS-590200 "topographic work", 11 disciplines for the specialty MAS-560201 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles multi-purpose "and 11 disciplines for the specialty MAS-261001" The use of car parts and combined arms units destination connections. "
Our department is the only department to other military departments of Kazakhstan, carrying out military training of students majoring MAS-590200 "Topographic works."
The department has 24 audience, including 10 classrooms equipped with multimedia equipment, 2 computer rooms, storage room of weapons, interactive whiteboard, 50 personal computers.
For practical training audiences are provided with the necessary equipment in the following disciplines:
tactical training - Moki (small combined arms simulation set);
technical training - teaching and the current stand of the BMP-1;
on the device and repair BAT - training and acting stands KAMAZ engines, transmissions ZIL-131;
Driving - park military vehicles and armored vehicles, driving simulators 3 units of cargo and passenger transport.
for fire training - 50-meter shooting range, equipped with a small simulator "Fighter";
on military topography, survey support the troops, topographical works - 2 electronic total station, class computers equipped with specialized programs ArcGIS Desktop, Mapinfo, AutoCAD with the aim of digitizing maps, 3D visualization, plotting large-scale topographic plans;
by drill - drill ground, with a special layout and equipped with teaching stands and mirrors.
In the computer lab number 210 has an electronic library for all disciplines of the department, in addition to a PC equipped with the basic version of Windows software Adobe Fotoshop CS4, CorelDRAW, ABBYY FineReader, also in the class of electronic testing is conducted in the core disciplines:
In total, during the existence of the military department issued about 15 thousand reserve officers, many of whom are currently in service in various positions in the Armed Forces - the Department of Education and Science of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Service of the President Guard, National Security Committee, Akimat of Saryarka district, the Department of defense Affairs in Astana, the Military police of the Akmola regional garrison, the military unit 68665.
In particular, he held senior positions in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of which Colonel Kozhahmetov E.T. - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces, Colonel Nurmakhanov B.N. - Deputy Head of Education and Science Department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Kokishev R.O. - Head of Logistics Management glove R.K. Armed Forces, etc.
Also, graduates of our university is the former chief of the department of Colonel Alzhaparov S.K, the former deputy chief lieutenant colonel Merinyan D.I.
The department is headed by retired colonel Dulambaev T.A.
Department history
Academic Staff
Student life
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.