Main / News / June 1 – International Children's Day
June 1 – International Children's Day

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Dear teachers, parents and children!


I sincerely congratulate you all on June 1 - International Children's Day!


The holiday that comes with the first day of summer is one of the most joyful and long-awaited holidays for our children.

The greatest happiness of parents is when a child grows up to be a decent citizen. And for the state and society it is important to raise an educated, patriotic generation that will promote the ideals of the country. Therefore, this holiday is important both for parents, who are touched by the joy of their children, and for the state, which connects all its aspirations and national ideals with children.

Today we all face a great task - to provide the younger generation with modern education and prepare qualified specialists. And you guys should study, be active and strive to make our country rich and prosperous.

I wish our children to study properly, step firmly into a bright future and become honest citizens of a prosperous country!

Let a serene childhood, which began in a happy family, lead to the formation of a devoted patriot of the Motherland. May your future be bright and the sky above you open! Smile more and cultivate goodness in your hearts!



KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector,

Academician of Kazakhstan Academy of Science Kanat Tireuov