Main / News / May 31 – Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Famine
May 31 – Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Famine

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Dear teachers and students!

Since 1997, May 31 has become the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression and Famine.

Political repressions of the twentieth century and mass famine are the tears of thousands of innocent people, forever imprinted on the sad pages of our history. The executioners of the last century and the “Goloshchekin” functionaries did not spare a child, a hunched old man, or a fragile woman. Now it is our duty not to forget the events of these bloody years, to remember the victims forever and to prevent something like this from happening again.

During the years of repression, over 5 million people from all over the Union were exiled to camps created on the territory of Kazakhstan, and the same number of Kazakhs, according to some sources, died from hunger in different years of the first half of the last century. In 1937-1938 alone, about 120,000 people were arrested under political article 58 in the Kazakh SSR. Millions of our relatives fled to foreign countries. During the political purges, all prominent statesmen, poets, writers and intellectuals were repressed, among whom, naturally, were many Alash Orda residents. One of them, whose name our university bears, is Saken Seifullin.

Dear students and teachers! During the rampant Red Terror, not only the Kazakhs suffered, but also many other peoples of the Soviet Union. Peasants from the fertile black soil of the Volga region and Ukraine died in the millions from hunger due to the excesses of the central government, the peoples of the Caucasus were driven out of their native mountains, Koreans from the Far Eastern regions, and many many more peoples fell under the “mowseer” of persecution.

We, as successors, remembering the enormous sacrifices of our ancestors, must strengthen our unity, live in peace and raise the next generation to be worthy. On this mournful day, I would like to wish you to remember at what cost and with what enormous blood our land and our freedom were given to us.


K.M. Tireuov, KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector, academician of Kazakhstan National Academy of Science.