Main / News / June 4 is the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
June 4 is the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Dear students, teachers, and colleagues!


I sincerely congratulate you on June 4 – the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan! This is a day of celebration of our country's unique identity and sovereignty. Our state symbols warm the heart of every Kazakhstani, strengthening the feeling of love for the Motherland.

The Emblem, flag and national anthem are the most valuable symbols of the country’s history, the spirit of our people, respect for national traditions, heroism and wisdom, hopes and dreams for the future, important attributes of a self-sufficient state.

Three symbols special for every Kazakhstani. A golden eagle soaring under the steppe sun on a sky-blue canvas, a golden “shanyrak” bordered by the wings of “tulpars” and the piercing words “Menin Kazakhstan” resonate with warmth in the heart of every Kazakhstani. All these are precious pages of the new history of Kazakhstan, marking the aspirations of our ancestors for a bright, free future. In a short period after gaining independence, a strong economy, strong unity of the Kazakh nation and a confident look into the future were formed.


Now representatives of more than 130 nationalities live together under the blue flag of their home country. It flies over the headquarters of prestigious international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. And at prestigious world championships, athletes, clutching the National Emblem embroidered in gold on their chests, proudly sing our loud anthem.


We, as citizens, value, are proud of, cherish and will cherish the symbols of our Motherland. And let their status remain unshakable, we will not compromise or discredit them and will pass them on to future generations as a banner of independence and prosperity.

On this holiday, I wish you all, dear fellow citizens, good health, and prosperity to your families!

Let the blue flag of our beloved happy country fly in our sky!



KATRU Chairman of the Board - Rector

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tireuov