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Healing features of mare's milk

Просмотров: 1935

It is known from history that horses were first domesticated on Kazakh land. This fact was clearly proven during excavations carried out by scientists from the UK University of Exeter at the ancient settlement of “Botai”, dating back to the Chalcolithic era in the northern region of Kazakhstan.


Let's look at the healing properties of mare's milk. Health is the most valuable gift of nature, which we take little care of in everyday life. And if we get sick, we usually resort to the medicines we know.

Kazakh people said that “he who has milk will never remain hungry.” Since the time of our ancestors, milk - the source of life - has formed a significant part of the diet: a wide variety of nutritious dishes were cooked using milk.

There is no doubt that four types of milk, including mare's milk, have many healing properties. Moreover, the milk of a mare who has foaled for the first time is contains more healthy components than that of mature mares. At the same time, mare's milk is also useful in dietary terms, as it contains less protein and fat than, for example, cow's milk. At the same time, fresh mare’s milk “saumal” and “kumis” contribute to the formation of useful microflora in the intestines, the destruction of harmful bacteria, and improve digestion.

In the past, the Kazakhs had no treatment for helminthiases or tuberculosis, so they were also treated with mare's milk, saumal and kumis, and often quite successfully! The substances contained in saumal are used against various cancers and infectious diseases and help in preventing infections. Oddly enough, such milk cannot be boiled, and if you store it raw, the properties will only improve. It contains an antibiotic that is not found in other milk, so it does not lose its healing properties. Experts confirm these words.


Doctor's opinion:

“Mare’s milk is especially rich in vitamins A and C. In addition, vitamins D, E, F and group B have been found. All B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In a word, mare’s milk contains all the vitamins necessary for human health. Its beneficial properties last up to 12 hours. It is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of stomach ulcers, liver and immune system diseases, tuberculosis, intestinal and skin diseases.

Mare's milk is close in composition to mother's milk. Therefore, mare's milk is easier to digest and is absorbed by humans faster than cow's milk. Its use in the nutrition of young children and people with digestive disorders has a positive effect. The healing property of mare's milk is the prevention of many diseases. And now the sale of mare's milk has grown into a widespread business.


 The horse has been revered by the Kazakh people since ancient times and occupies a very special place in our lives. The horse has become an integral part of the Kazakh national consciousness, spiritual existence, lifestyle, customs, culture and art. The steppe people know how to understand the behavior, character and even the soul of a horse. A frisky horse rushing across endless steppe, and everything that it gives us is our unique identity.