Main / News / Teachers of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology have trained with KATRU ecologists
Teachers of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology have trained with KATRU ecologists

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The Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University Center for Professorial Teaching Work together with the Department of Ecology has organized the training courses for the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology teachers in May 2024.

Foreign colleagues got acquainted with the educational and scientific projects of the Department of Ecology, research centers and laboratories of the University, visited the GIS Сenter, the Museum of Soils, the Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. They studied methods of environmental monitoring, climate change, issues of environmental regulation, biodiversity conservation, natural resources, waste management, introduction of "green" skills for achievement the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They were also impressed by the modern video studio of the university, where teachers can record video lectures of taught disciplines and form their syllabus.  

Colleagues from Uzbekistan have noted the results obtained by the Ecology department in the implementation of the international educational UnWaste EU ERASMUS+ project “Advancing circular economy in partner countries by development and implementation of Master Programme “Waste management”, the experience of Kazakhstani and European universities in issues of sustainable waste management.

Together with the faculty of the Department of Ecology, the students of the courses took part in the conference "Promotion of environmental education in Kazakhstan", where the presentation of the textbook "Ecoschool" for schoolchildren took place. Teachers of the Department of Industrial Ecology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology highly appreciated the potential of teachers of Kazakhstan in environmental education of the country's youth and the formation of their ecological culture and worldview.

The students of the training courses completed the entire planned amount of work and received certificates.

We wish our colleagues success, new achievements and further fruitful cooperation between our universities.