Main / News / The results of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024 1st stage
The results of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024 1st stage

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Every year in the walls of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University the Republican Research and Development Contest is held.

This year, from November 2023 to March 2024 at the faculties there was organized a work on the qualifying interfaculty stage of the competition.

The faculty supervisors of students’ research have explained the teachers and students the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the research projects, registration of information about the author and feedback on the competitive projects, the need for review of the project by external specialists.

Competitive selection commissions were created at the faculties, reviewers were selected for each specialty. A total of 232 works were submitted to the University for the Republican Research and Development Contest. All works were checked for uniqueness, absence of plagiarism and formal verification for compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Scientific novelty, practical significance of the results and completeness of conclusions were analyzed. Competitive projects of the participants - winners of the qualifying interfaculty stage of the competition, who took prizes at the faculty level, after passing the plagiarism check were recommended for participation in the official 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest.

Currently, the official 1st stage of the Contest has been completed, the winners and applicants for participation in the 2nd interuniversity stage of the Research and Development Contest have been determined. A total of 107 student's projects became prize-winners at the University. Out of them 33 students took the first places, 41 - the second places, 33 - the third places. 57 works were recommended for encouragement with letters of thanks.


          Congratulations to the contestants-winners and scientific supervisors!